Leaving Starless

Prompt: Can I have some headcanons of s/o saying she’s leaving starless (moving away)?

Warning: Angst, depression

Gender: fem!Reader

Kei Banner
  • Kei knew that the day would come where you two would have to say goodbye. He just wasn’t expecting the day to arrive this soon. 
  • Though you didn’t want to leave, you were moving to a different country and had no choice. 
  • Kei was heartbroken when you told him, but what concerned him was the threat of Blackcard. The last thing he wanted was for them to target you without him around to protect you.
  • You assured him that you would take care and call him daily. With one last kiss, you left.
  • Kei couldn’t do anything to stop you at that time, but he made a few calls. He had secretly sent security to follow you around and make sure you’re safe. Kei has connections…CONNECTIONS.
  • A few weeks later, Kei surprised you by visiting your new home with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. 
  • From then on, Kei would fly over at least twice every month to visit you and would stay a few days. Meanwhile, Starless would be burning with no Kei around to keep everyone in check. 
Gui Banner
  • “You are going to a different country?” Gui asked, tilting his head to one side. “But I can see you again, right?” 
  • “I…I don’t know,” you replied as you lowered your eyes to the ground, “when I will be back, or if I will be back…” 
  • Gui thought for a bit and nodded, “Okay…” 
  • “I am sorry, Gui. Take care of yourself, okay? Remember to eat and rest properly,” you gave him a quick hug before walking away.
  • Gui stood frozen in his place as he watched you walked away. He didn’t understand the situation but his chest felt heavy. 
  • “Why…is my chest hurting?” He asked himself. “Hm? What’s this?” 
  • Gui wiped his cheek and stared at his now wet fingertips. Tears raced down his cheeks, leaving him even more confused. 
  • He knew it was too late, but he still whispered, “Please…don’t leave me…” 
Yak Banner
  • Yakou stared at you in silence with a blank face. 
  • “Y-Yakou?” You stuttered while waving your hand in front of his face. “Are you okay?” 
  • He averted his eyes and mumbled, “Do…you have to go?” 
  • “Y-Yeah, that school is very difficult to get into, and I can’t let this chance go. I am s-sorry,” you replied, curling your hands into fists in an attempt to get them to stop shaking. 
  • “I see. Then good luck with your life,” he forced the corner of his lips up, gave you a bow, and walked away as fast as he could. 
  • Yakou found a quiet spot and covered his face with one hand. “Again, it happened again…someone I cared about abandoned me. Why did I even bother?” 
  • He felt the barrier around his heart rebuilding itself. If only he had become an idol and had money, then he would’ve been able to come to visit you. 
  • Yakou felt as though you had pushed him back into the dark corner you once helped him out of. 
Aki Banner
  • Akira was upset when you told him about the job opportunity in a different country. The thought of not being able to see you pained him. 
  • Despite that, the singer mustered the biggest smile he could and wished you the best. 
  • “You will keep in contact with me, right?” He asked, ruffling your hair, “Cutie, if you don’t contact me, I will flirt with every girl that crosses my path.” 
  • When you pouted, Akira wrapped his arms tightly around you and forced a chuckle. “I will be waiting for your call. Don’t…forget me, ‘kay?” 
  • He couldn’t hold back his true feelings, so he quickly made an excuse and walked away. Akira dragged his heavy feet into a quiet alley, leaned his back against the wall, and buried his face in his palms. 
  • He stood there for long time, letting his tears flow freely down his flushed cheeks. 
Taka Banner
  • Takami stared at you with wide eyes but somehow managed to compose himself. “That’s great. You should always take every opportunity that comes your way.” 
  • “Takami?” 
  • “I wasn’t expecting you to go out of the country, but I’m happy for you,” he smiled. “If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to contact me.” 
  • “O-Okay,” you said in confusion. “Aren’t…you going to stop me?” 
  • An unreadable expression flickered in his eyes for a second as he slowly shook his head. “No, seems like this job opportunity means a lot to you; otherwise, you would have refused the offer. Then, I shall get going. Take care of yourself.” 
  • With those words, he turned his back to you and disappeared into the crowd.
  • Takami wanted to stop you, but he took this chance to free you from getting involved with him any further. He knew one day or another you would get targeted by his enemies, but now that you were going out of the country, he had nothing more to worry about. 
  • “I have accepted the fact that I was alone, and now, I know I will always be alone,” he mumbled under his breath and let out a self-deprecating chuckle. “I guess it’s better this way.” 
Rin Banner
  • You were leaving. 
  • Rindou was having a hard time digesting those words. The one person he devoted himself to was leaving. 
  • He had dreamt of spending his life with you. You understood him, supported him, and loved him with all your heart. He trusted you to always be by his side. 
  • Now you were telling him that you had to move? So, was that it? Were you breaking up with him? 
  • You tried to reassure Rindou that you would call him every single day, but he was doubtful. 
  • How could he maintain a connection with you if you were that far away? When would you two talk? When would you make time for him, and when would he make time for you?
  • All Rindou had was doubt. 
  • Life had pushed him to the ground yet again. He was all alone. 
  • After you moved, you tried to stay in contact with Rindou, but the connection you once had with him was gone. 
  • Rindou stopped calling altogether. He had returned to the dark place in his mind. The same place you had pulled him out from. 
Mai Banner
  • “You what?” Maica asked in disbelief. 
  • “I…am moving to a different country for a new job,” you repeated in a dull voice. 
  • “I…see. Are you nervous?” 
  • You were stunned by his calm reaction but managed to nod. “Y-Yeah.” 
  • “Don’t be. You will do great, and the company that hired you will be glad to have you working for them,” the singer spoke confidently with a smile. 
  • “You aren’t upset?” 
  • Maica nodded, “I am, but I can always come to visit you….if you don’t plan to break up with me that is.” 
  • “N-No,” you shook your head profusely, “I am not breaking up with you.” 
  • “Then, I have nothing to worry about. I have 3 days off from Starless each week, so I will catch a flight and come visit you,” Maica chuckled and pecked your forehead. “Now, stop making that face and smile for me.” 
Ran Banner
  • “You’re leaving?” Ran yelled, his eyes widening. “But why? Do you have to?” 
  • You gave him a firm nod, “This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, so I can’t let it go.” 
  • The blue-haired boy grabbed both your hands and pulled you closer to him. “You will contact me from there, right?” 
  • “I will try,” you hesitantly replied. 
  • “Please, don’t go,” Ran pouted and threw his arms around you. “Don’t leave me.” 
  • “I’m sorry, Ran.” 
  • He shook his head and flashed a toothy grin, “Do your best, okay? Um…d-don’t forget me.” 
  • Though he showed his support for you, Ran couldn’t escape the pain crawling into his heart. He pretended to be fine, but everyone in Starless noticed the changes in him; his eyes were no longer bright, his smiles felt forced, and most of all, he kept himself busy. Ran just wanted to keep his mind occupied so he wouldn’t think about you. 
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