Look Alike

Prompt: Dow do you think the brothers would react if MC looked exactly like Lilith?

Gender: fem!Reader

A/N: Platonic.


  • Asmo was surprised but gained his composure quickly. He was happy to have a female in the house, so in short, you were like a breath of fresh air for him. Besides, he could always use someone to talk to about makeup, fashion, and giggle over good-looking beings.
  • He spoils you rotten and showers you with gifts even if you ask him not to; Asmo treats you like nothing less than a princess.
  • Sometimes, he can’t help himself from thinking about Lilith. Though you are not her, Asmo considers you as a little sister. 


  • He was shocked the first time he saw you and averted his eyes. Right then, he knew it was going to be difficult for him since you were going to serve as a constant reminder of his sister, but he was more worried about his siblings, especially Beel and Belphie.
  • Being a powerful demon, both mentally and physically, Lucifer was able to look past your appearance by telling himself over and over that you were not Lilith. He knew what happened to Lilith, and the only reason he was by Diavolo’s side was because of the deal he made to save his sister.
  • Even if he tells himself you are not his sister, Luci still acts like an older brother to you and is very protective. If anyone dares to mess with you, they will have to face an angry Luci; he lost her, but he is not going to lose you and plans to watch over you until your last breath. 


  • He got a bit emotional when he saw you but turned his head and pretended to be alright though his red nose and bloodshot eyes didn’t go unnoticed.
  • Mammon is friendly and cares about you a lot. One of his most favorite things to do is steal your stuff and make you run after him around the House of Lamentation. Luckily for you, he always tries to return the stolen items to you.
  • You may not be Lilith, but to Mammon, you are his sister and will always be even if you choose to return to your world after the exchange program is over.


  • Levi was speechless when he saw you and tried to avoid you as much as possible.
  • Every time he saw you, his mind forced open the door to the past, and he got reminded of his days as the Celestial Realm’s War General. How he wished he could divert his mind from returning to that dark place. 
  • It took him a long time to get used to your face, but he slowly opened up to you. Spending time with you was almost like spending time with his sister once again.
  • He is very protective of you. No one messes with his newfound sibling unless they want to face Lotan!


  • When he first met you, Belphie stared at you blankly. He stormed away without saying anything to you. 
  • The Avatar of Sloth hated that you resembled his sister and was upset that you were picked for the exchange program. 
  • He ignored you at first, but once you started interacting with him, Belphie’s anger gradually vanished. He eventually became your friend after realizing that you were not Lilith – you were nothing like her. 
  •  If someone dares to call you Lilith, though, Belphie will lose his temper. YOU ARE NOT LILITH, and everyone needs to get that straight.


  • He was the least affected by your appearance since he never met Lilith. Satan didn’t really care that you look like his “sister”, but he was secretly worried about his sibling. 
  • If he ever saw any of his brothers struggling to maintain their composure around you, he stepped in and took you away. That was his way of looking out for his siblings. 
  • The Avatar of Wrath will be the first brother to tell his siblings that you are you, not Lilith, so they should not treat you like they treated her.


  • The first time Beel saw you, he stared in shock. When you can ask him what was wrong, he responded with a bear hug.
  • Every time he glanced at you, he couldn’t stop his mind from thinking, ‘if only he could have saved both Belphie and Lilith’
  • The Avatar of Gluttony understood you were not his sister, but he saw this as a way to redeem his decision to save Belphie. 
  • Beel loves it when you smile; it almost like Lilith is smiling at him. He will do anything and everything just to be able to see you smile. 
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