Lucky Mammon
Prompt: Could you please write OM HCs for MC x brothers + Royals? It’s based on an “incorrect OM quote” I read (@indiavolowetrust tumblr):
Playing “Truth or Dare” (let’s say it is a pajama party in the Castle):
Asmo: MC, I dare you to kiss the most beautiful person in this room.
MC: Lucifer?
Lucifer: Yes?
MC: Move, I need to get to Mammon.
Pairing: Mammon x gn!Reader, featuring Demon Bros, Royals.
Warning: Sprinkle of angst.

- When he hears you say Lucifer’s name, he lowers his eyes and sighs quietly. His brothers keep telling him he has no chance with you, and maybe they are right. Why would anyone choose the greedy prankster when there are so many other demons in the room – demons that are far better than him.
- Though he has these thoughts, Mammon can’t deny that part of him wants to grab your hand and run out of the room. He really doesn’t want to see you kiss another demon or another person in general.
- Wait, what? Did he hear you correctly? You asked Lucifer to move so you could kiss him?
- Mammon immediately looks at his older brother for signs of anger. Phew. Lucifer doesn’t look like he wants to tear you apart. Thankfully. But he does look a little hurt…
- Right then, your words fully settle into his mind. You want to kiss him? Did you choose him over his brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos?
- His cheeks start to burn, and the closer you get to him, the redder they get. He closes his eyes and patiently waits for you to kiss him.
- After the kiss, Mammon gets the cute smile on his lips, and his smile makes your heart melt. You thank both Diavolo and Asmo under your breath – Diavolo, for inviting us to the castle, and Asmo, for giving that dare.

- What did you just say? Not only did you command him to move, but you also want to kiss Mammon? His pride is wounded. Luckily for you, the Avatar of Pride is too fond of you and doesn’t have the heart to punish you.
- Lucifer shakes his head and crosses his arms, holding back his urge to say how he feels. He knows his words will not be kind and will hurt you.
- Once he sees his younger brother’s smile, his anger deflates. Looks like Mammon finally found someone who is dedicated to him. ‘Good for him.’
- Just this once, he will not punish Mammon, but if any of the brothers try to talk down to the Mammon, then Lucifer will consider punishing them.

- Levi knows you will not pick him as the most beautiful, but he is not expecting you to choose Mammon. Yes, he is a model, he may have a handsome face and a good heart, but well, Mammon is Mammon. Why would you choose him, especially with Lucifer, Asmo, and Diavolo in the room?
- Seeing you kiss Mammon hurts Levi, but then again, he is a sad shut-in that no one likes, so he should be used to it. Stupid Mammon. ‘The next time he asks for money, I won’t give him any.’
- Ah, why did Lucifer force him to come to the party? It’s so not fair! All he wanted to do was stay in the comfort of his room.
- When Levi sees his older brother’s dejected expressions, he thinks Lucifer got what he deserved. ‘That’s what he gets for forcing me out of my room…’
- Though, he can’t help but feel a little sorry for the Avatar of Pride, but just a LITTLE sorry.

- Satan has to stop himself from laughing out loud. The look on Lucifer’s face is priceless! If only he could take out his phone and take a few pictures. Coming to this sleepover was worth it.
- But why Mammon? It makes sense that Mammon would be one of your favorites since he always looks out for you and cares a lot about you, but Asmo’s said “most beautiful”.
- Suddenly a light bulb turns on in his mind- oh, your interpretation of most beautiful is not by appearance but by personality. That makes a lot more sense, but still, Satan wishes you would kiss him.

- You chose…Mammon as the most beautiful? Hahaha. Sure, he is the most in-demand model, sure, he has a handsome face, but the answer was supposed to be him. He was known as the Jewel of Heaven for a reason, and now, he is the most beautiful in Devildom. Why would you rob him of his title?
- Asmo regrets asking the question and wishes he could turn back time. He still would have been okay with you choosing Lucifer or Beel, but…
- Guess all the brothers were wrong when they told Mammon that you would never pick him.
- Seeing Mammon’s smile, Asmo sighs and shrugs – looks like he lost another battle against the Avatar of Greed. ‘Oh well, better luck next time.’

- Beel is surprised to hear you command Lucifer but doesn’t worry much as he knows the oldest brother will not hurt you.
- He is happy for Mammon, but for some reason, he feels hungrier than usual. The type of hunger where he will eat everything but still not be satisfied. Maybe he just wants a kiss from you.
- The Avatar of Gluttony pouts as he watches you kiss Mammon. He wonders if he asks you nicely, would you give him a kiss?
- For a second, he considers it, but when Beel sees the cute smile on his older brother’s lips, he shakes the idea out of his mind. ‘No, Mammon deserves it…he always gives me treats and protects us.’

- Belphie finds it hilarious that Asmo’s question backfired. That’s what he gets for trying to fish for attention. Not to mention, Lucifer’s expressions are gold.
- Despite getting a good laugh internally, the Avatar of Sloth feels jealous. He doesn’t want to see you kiss someone else, especially not Mammon.
- Maybe he should give you a dare that would compel you to choose him – like kiss the sleepiest demon in the room, or the youngest demon, or –
- Belphie sees Mammon’s smile and gives up on the idea. ‘Then again, all of that would require too much energy. Maybe I should just go to sleep…’

- Diavolo’s eyes widen when he hears you command Lucifer – he knows the Avatar of Pride won’t do anything to you, but getting commanded and rejected at the same time…now that’s just brutal.
- He honestly thought you would pick Lucifer or Asmo, but Mammon, that’s quite a surprise.
- Despite being troublesome, Mammon still has a good heart, and probably the cleanest heart in Devildom, so he is beautiful in his own way.
- No matter how much he wishes you would kiss him, and no matter how much he pouts, Diavolo is happy for the second brother.
- At the same time, he feels very sorry for his dear friend, Lucifer…maybe he shouldn’t have asked Luci to play truth and dare with his brothers.

- Barb is impressed by your boldness. You are the only person he knows who has the daring to talk to Lucifer in that manner.
- The butler is surprised at his own thought, to think a human would catch his eyes. He is beginning to understand why the brothers are so fond of you. You are an interesting one, but alas, you seem to be interested in Mammon.
- Barbatos sympathizes with the eldest brother, he is sure that Lucifer is hurt, especially his pride. But more than Luci, he feels for Diavolo.
- Not only are you oblivious to the prince’s feelings, but he cannot confess his liking for you. The poor prince has no choice but to hide his pain behind a cute pout – a pain that only he, the butler, is familiar with.