Mammon Steals Money and Ruins Romantic Moments

Prompt: The brothers’ reaction to MC beating Mammon because he always ruins the romantic moments between them?

Prompt 2: The brothers’ reaction to a fem mc who has been beating a boxing bag with Mammon’s picture on it? Mammon stole her money and didn’t give it back.

Gender: fem!Reader


Excited to share some good news with you, your boyfriend entered your room without knocking. You didn’t notice him as you were too busy slamming your fists against your boxing bag, specifically, the part of your boxing bag that had Mammon’s picture glued to it. 

Luci Banner
  • Great. What did Mammon do now? He must have extraordinarily messed up if you were going as far as punching his photo.
  • Lucifer cautiously walked up behind you, snaked an arm around your waist, and turned you to face him. “I am aware Mammon tends to make mistakes, but my love, take a deep breath. Do not let him get to you.”
  • As soon as you told him that Mammon stole your money, he invited you to use his credit card and to leave Mammon’s punishment to him. 
  • In an attempt to divert your mind, Lucifer tilted your chin up and kissed your forehead down to the tip of your nose. Understanding his hint, you got on your toes, and right as your lips brushed against his, Mammon barged into your room. 
  • You latched onto Lucifer’s shirt and glared at the second brother, instantly shutting him up. Taking a deep breath, you stepped away from your boyfriend and charged towards Mammon at full speed.
  • As you beat his brother up, Lucifer watched a bit surprised – he was not expecting you to actually use violence against Mammon. Could he have stopped you? Yes, but for interrupting the kiss, Mammon deserved it.
Levi Banner
  • Levi stared at you blankly until he saw Mammon’s face on the punching bag. Of course, it’s Mammon…who else would you be angry at?
  • He slowly walked closer to you and nervously called your name, “Y-You should be careful…don’t hurt y-yourself. If you get hurt, I’ll be upset. Would a hug make you feel better?” 
  • Smiling at his words, you turned around and opened your arms wide. Levi happily hugged you, but after a few moments, he buried his face in your neck. 
  • A giggle escaped your lips when you felt his breath tickling your the sensitive area of your neck. The Avatar of Envy took this chance and brushed his slightly shaking lips on your neck, earning a sigh from you. Right as he started to deepen the kisses, Mammon flung open the door to your bedroom. 
  • Your anger skyrocketed once again, and you wiggled out of Levi’s grip. Seeing your expressions, Mammon felt uneasy, but before he could get a chance to leave, you grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and began beating him. 
  • Levi was speechless but thought Mammon needed this beating. This wasn’t the first time he interrupted a romantic moment between the two of you, but hopefully, it will be the last.
  • Asmo gasped at seeing how violently you were hitting your fists against the bag. What did Mammon do to anger you to this point? 
  • “Sweetie, please stop,” his gentle voice managed to douse a bit of your rage. “If you are upset with Mammon, you should take the anger out of him – not on yourself. Come here and let me hug you.” 
  • Tossing aside your boxing gloves, you buried your face in Asmo’s chest, taking in his floral scent. He started to rub soothing circles on your back, but soon his hand trailed to your lower back and under your t-shirt. 
  • The moment you looked up at him, Asmo softly kissed you – once, twice, thrice -with every kiss, his hand slid closer and closer to the hooks of your undergarment. You would have shared blissful moments with your boyfriend had it not been for Mammon breaking your door down and running in. 
  • Not wanting anyone else to see what you were doing, you quickly pulled away from Asmo. You picked up your boxing gloves, slid your hands inside, and faced the second brother. Before Mammon could say a word, you held your right fist in front of you and ran towards him.  
  • Asmo sighed and folded his arms across his chest. Why did Mammon have to enter now of all times? If only he knew how difficult it was for the Avatar of Lust to control his desires. He wanted to cheer you on but was too upset. 
Satan Banner
  • Satan closed the door behind him and studied your body language for a moment. But one look at Mammon’s photo told him everything he needed to know. 
  • ”(Y/n), I must say, you punch quite well, but why not take your anger out directly on Mammon?“ He placed his hand on your shoulder and gave you a squeeze. “Is there anything I can do to help?” 
  • “Not really.” You tossed aside your boxing gloves and rested the back of your head on his chest. Satan snaked his left arm around your waist while his right hand stroked your cheek. “Maybe there is something you can do to lift my mood.” 
  • “Is that so?” He asked in a low voice, dragging his thumb across your lips. “And what might you suggest?” 
  • As you parted your lips to answer, Satan inserted the tip of his thumb into your mouth. A sense of excitement filled your body, and just as you were about to play with his thumb, Mammon ran into the room, yelling, “GUESS WHAT!” 
  • Pulling yourself away from Satan, you clutched your fists and slowly turned towards the intruder. In the blink of an eye, you launched yourself on Mammon and began using him as a punching bag. 
  • The Avatar of Wrath watched the two of you with a frown. Again, he ruined another romantic moment – if you hadn’t attacked Mammon, Satan would have done it himself. Next time he is alone with you, he will make sure to lock the door and even barricade the entrance if needed. 
  • As soon as Beel saw you recklessly throwing punches, he ran to you and pulled you away from the punching bag. Seeing your glare, the Avatar of Gluttony immediately apologized, “Sorry, but the way you were punching…you would have injured yourself.” 
  • Apologizing to him for glaring, you explained the reason behind your reckless punching. “I know he’s the Avatar of Greed and all, but I was saving that money to get you a gift.” 
  • Beel smiled and told you that you didn’t need to buy him a gift – all he needs is you. Blushing, you got on your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck, “You are too sweet, Beel. How about a kiss?” 
  • Though you were only planning to give him one kiss, you lost count of how many times your lips met his. You didn’t even realize how you ended up with your hands under his t-shirt, but you weren’t complaining, and neither was he. 
  • Pulling away from your lips, Beel sniffed the air before lowering his gaze to your legs. “Something smells sweet…and delicious…”
  • Your heart pounded against your chest as you watched him get on his knees. A few more seconds and you would have been in heaven, but Mammon had no plans of letting you experience bliss. 
  • The moment you saw the Avatar of Greed, you felt the urge to throw punches again, and that was exactly what you did. At first, Beel watched in shock, but the next second, he pulled you away from Mammon. 
  • He knew his older brother always messed up, but Beel didn’t like seeing family members fight, especially not you, Lucifer, Belphie, or Mammon.
  • Belphie sleepily entered your room, but seeing your riled state woke him up. Had Mammon made a mistake again? If he had to guess, his older brother probably stole your money or valuables—typical Mammon. 
  • “Hey, stop…you will injure yourself. Whatever Mammon took, we can get it back.” While listening to your complaints, Belphie had the sudden urge to hug you. Hugs usually make everything better, right? Your warmth, the rhythmic beat of your heart, your comforting scent – he was starting to get drowsy again. 
  • Just as he was about to doze off in your arms, the sound of your bedroom door slamming against the wall woke him up. Irritated with the interruption, the Avatar of Sloth frowned and turned towards his older brother, ready to give him a piece of his mind. 
  • “Belphie, wait. Let me handle this…” Before Mammon could ask what you meant, you ran towards him and jumped in the air with one leg stretched out. 
  • As he watched Mammon run out of the room, looking terrified, Belphie felt content. Maybe his older brother would finally learn what knocking means, and he would stop stealing from others. 


Mammon raced out of your room and went straight to the safety of his bedroom. Taking a seat on the top stair, he rested his hand on his chest in an attempt to calm his out-of-control heart.

Why did you beat him up? He just wanted to tell you that, for once, he got lucky and won a jackpot in the casino. Mammon also wanted to confess to stealing your money, but he was ready to pay you back now. 

He felt like crying and needed a hug…desperately. 

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