Mammon is the Best
Prompt: Obey me gn!mc bottles up all their trauma but has a mental breakdown because of everything that happened to them since they came to Devildom. Only Mammon is the one who treated who them nicely, and mc stands up for him.
Gender: gn!Reader
Warning: Mild angst, spoilers
A/N: Platonic.
It all started with Belphie commenting about Diavolo always using his prince status to get what he wants, and you couldn’t agree more. Initially, you added your thoughts about Diavolo’s ways, but the situation soon turned dark. All the emotions you had suppressed since day one finally poured out all at once.
“I was kidnapped from my home and brought to Devildom. If that wasn’t enough, I was nearly charmed and became paranoid. Then I nearly got killed multiple times! Let’s not forget that I ACTUALLY got killed!” You gritted your teeth while blinking away your tears, “The only reason all of you kept me alive was because of my connection to Lilith. You should have let me die the day Belphie killed me! Actually, no, you guys would have let me die had it not been for my connections to your dear sister.”
Tears streamed down your flushed cheeks as you felt your knees weaken. Your knees soon collided against the floor as you held your head in your hands while the brothers silently listened to your words. “This is all wrong and stupid! I was nearly killed over a quiz, for not making pacts, and so many other things.”
You slowly shifted your eyes to Mammon and softly gazed at him. “You. You, Mammon, are the only one who never tried to hurt me and always cared about you. You didn’t change your behavior after finding out I’m Lilith’s descent. That’s probably why you are my favorite.”
Your gaze hardened as you moved your eyes towards the other brothers. “The so-called “scumbag” of the family is somehow genuine, yet he is always the one who gets insulted. Hypocrites. That’s what all of you are, fcking hypocrites!“
- He knows Mammon is the best brother, and that’s why he has a soft spot for him. The Avatar of Pride is still happy that you stood up for Mammon, as most people tend to degrade him, but Lucifer had no idea you felt this way.
- If you hadn’t touched the grimoire, he would never have gotten mad at you — you have to understand that the book is his family’s lifeline. He was only trying to protect his brothers.
- As for being Lilith’s descendent…he fought a war for his sister’s sake, fell from heaven, lost his sister, and had to see the state she was in after she fell from above, and he had to live with the guilt of dragging his brothers into this mess. He even made a deal with the devil for his sister’s sake, so how could he have not changed his view after finding out who you were? You, being her descendent, made Lucifer think everything he had been through, all the pain he had suffered, was all worthwhile.
- Lucifer knows how to feel, considering that he is always the one who has to bear the burden of everything his family does. He knows all too well how it feels to bottle everything up.
- He is going to be more careful from now on, and if he sees anyone trying to push your limits or add to your trauma, Lucifer will speak up.
- Do you really think of him as a genuine, kind, and the number one demon? Mammon is touched and has no words to express his gratitude. He honestly felt so happy that he could have hugged you and cried tears of joy; instead, he kneeled beside you and stroked your back.
- All he did was follow his heart and look out for someone he cared about, but someone saw the real him for once. He can’t tell you how much it hurts to always be degraded by his younger brothers, especially after everything he does for them.
- Mammon wishes he could have protected you more — if only he had stopped Belphie in time and known you hid your feelings. If only you had not come to Devildom and faced all this trauma. The thought hurts him, but maybe you would have been better off in your world.
- Since he now knows how you feel, Mammon will try to protect you more and stay by your side as often as he can. His brothers will not get away easily for hurting you or giving you stress.
- When you say “nearly killed,” are you referring to the custard incident? Beel is sorry if he scared you, but he was angry at Mammon, not you…and he was not going to attack you in any way. But thanks to that incident, he was able to get to know you better.
- Has he done anything else to hurt you? He’s even okay with you taking his food, so why are you calling him a hypocrite? Also, he respects Mammon, cares about him, and doesn’t think of him as scum, so why are you grouping him with his brothers? Also, Beel agrees with you about Mammon being the best — he’s always looking out for his family, and there is nothing better than to take care of the people you love.
- Beel agrees that you have faced a lot of trauma in Devildom and sympathizes with you. He is sad to hear you were in pain all this time and didn’t share your feelings with anyone. He might not be bright, but he would have listened to you and helped you.
- As for being the descendent of Lilith…he was forced to choose between his sister and brother and had to watch his sister die. How could he not be happy to know that his sister came back as a human and you were related to her?
- From now on, the Avatar of Gluttony will make sure to be your shield. If you are upset, he will lend you a shoulder; if you’re hungry, he will be sure to give you his food, even if he must stay hungry.
- He knows. He knows what he did was not okay, but his mind was too fried by everything that had happened — Diavolo getting his way, Lucifer supporting the prince, a human coming to Devildom, him getting reminded again about what happened to Lilith, getting locked up in the attic, and being all alone. Who could stay sane in that situation?
- Did you honestly have to say Mammon is the best? He always messes everything up, so how is he the best?
- To this day, Belphie regrets what he did. If he hadn’t been in such a stressful situation, he would never have attacked you. You may have forgiven him, but he has not forgiven himself and won’t be able to either.
- Also, they’re demons, not angels. If demons had a pure heart, they would not be creatures of the dark. This is the exact reason why Belphie didn’t want the prince to invite a human over — demons and humans are way too different, and coexisting will be painfully difficult, but who listens to him?
- At first, Belphie thinks about maintaining his distance from you. Maybe it would be better for him to stay far away, but then again, if the two of you have to stay in the same house, it will be difficult to avoid you. In the end, Belphie decides to apologize to you, and if you forgive him, he will talk to you; if not, he will stay away from you. Whatever makes you happy.
- You are talking about the TSL competition, aren’t you? He nearly attacked you for knowing more than him about something he is passionate about, but what else could he do? Levi feels useless when it comes to everything, but ask him anything about TSL, and he will tell you anything.
- So when you won against him in the only thing he is good at, he couldn’t stop himself from flying into a rage. Levi is glad Lucifer stopped him that day; otherwise, he would have lost a dear friend. But if you’re mad at him, does this mean you are no longer his friend? Moreover, are you still upset with him?
- Levi feels really bad for adding to your pain and wishes he could go back in time and stop himself from trying to attack you.
- Did you seriously have to say Mammon is the best? He’s not bad, but he always gets everyone into trouble, doesn’t think once before he acts, and borrows money, which he never returns. Then again, he isn’t any better than Mammon.
- Levi wants to help you overcome all the trauma you have faced but doesn’t know how. After hearing what you said, his mind is even more blank than usual.
- Ouch. You didn’t have to be so harsh with your words, and to add to it, you called Mammon number one.
- He tried to charm you, but his powers do not affect you whatsoever, so why were you paranoid? He can understand if he was able to charm you, but he can’t.
- Asmo is hurt by you grouping him with his brothers, who tried to attack you. He has never tried to hurt you, yet here you are, pointing fingers at him. Though he didn’t deny that you had been through a lot, he could have helped you far more than he did.
- His views about you did change once he found out you were related to the human version of his sister. Why? Asmo started to consider you like family — would you have preferred he kept treating you like a stranger?
- Asmo has a hard time digesting your words and keeps his distance from you for a while. It will take him a while to get over your not-necessarily true accusation.
- Satan knows he has caused you a lot of trauma by going into complete rage mode, be it at you or around you. He also knows he has no right to make excuses, but he is the Avatar of Wrath — it’s his sin, and he sometimes cannot control it.
- He wants to say you are wrong about Mammon being the best, but if he looks at your point of view, yeah, Mammon would be the best — he is always there for you and takes care of you.
- As for the Lilith connection, Satan never met Lilith and has no connections to her, so he doesn’t care one bit about it. He sees you for who you are, nothing more, nothing less.
- He will be more careful not to lose control of his temper for your sake, if not for anything else. Hopefully, you can forgive him for the things he has done in the past.