Fire & Lightning Bending Reader

Prompt: Headcanons for Diasomnia and Heartslabyul students reacting to gn!MC fire bending and lightning bending.

Gender: gn!Reader

Banner for HCs Malleus
  • The prince is out on one of his nightly walks and sees you in the front yard of Ramshackle. As he wonders why you are up so late, a bright flash catches his eyes. What…was that?
  • Did a seemingly magic-less human shoot a lightning bolt out of their fingertips? He hides in the shadows and watches as you create fireballs and juggle them in the air. Adorable.
  • He found you interesting before, but now, you have the dragon’s undivided attention. 
  • Thinks you should hide your powers as some people in NRC may try to take advantage of it, as if Crowley isn’t taking enough advantage of you already. 
  • Malleus considers playing with you for a bit using his magic abilities but hears Lilia coming closer to Ramshackle. Maybe another time, he doesn’t feel like returning to Diasomnia just yet. 
Lilia BanTWST
  • He is looking for Malleus and comes to ask if you have seen the dragon. The Fae didn’t expect to see you playing with fire – literally.
  • If that isn’t enough, you start shooting lightning from your fingertips.
  • Lilia thought you were cool before, but now, he thinks you’re hot and electrifying.
  • Dad jokes aside. He is very impressed with your skills and is a bit relieved to learn that you can defend yourself in case of danger.
  • Wait, if you could use magic this whole time, why didn’t you just zap all the dorm leaders who overblotted? One zap would’ve been enough to reset their minds.
  • Lilia wishes he had time to ask you, but he needs to find Malleus first. The older Fae is sure that the dragon will be interested to learn about your powers.
Silver BanTWST
  • Silver is taking a nap when he hears a commotion nearby. Out of curiosity, he gets up to see what is going on and finds you chasing Grim around. 
  • Thinking he should help out, the freshman steps forward but stops in his tracks when he sees you shoot a fireball at the small creature. 
  • Didn’t the Magic Mirror say that you can’t use magic? The mirror was wrong? How is that possible?
  • All the questions in his mind start making him feel dizzy, and the feeling only worsens when he sees you bend lightning. 
  • Lightning too? 
  • Silver shakes his head and returns to his napping place. Maybe he should tell Lilia about this when he returns to Diasomnia. 
  • During one of your classes, you are paired with Sebek and asked to search for items in the forest. While you are examining the roots of a tree, a squirrel jumps out at you. 
  • Out of panic, you shoot a bit of lightning out of your fingertips but lose your balance and fall. All you hear is “NINGEN,” followed by a loud thud; Sebek falls out of the tree and lands a few feet away from you. 
  • Though upset, he asks what stuck him, and when you explain, the half-fae doesn’t believe you. So, you put on a little show for him with lightning. 
  • “Oh, and I can also use fire-”
  • “NINGEN! Don’t think about it. You will burn the forest down.” 
  • He pretends to be unaffected by your bending skills, but Sebek is genuinely amazed. Will he ever tell you this? Probably not. 

Riddle Banner Twisted

  • Riddle comes to visit you in Ramshackle, and while the two of you are talking in the living room, the temperature suddenly drops. The prefect gets up to turn on the fireplace, but you stop him. 
  • “I got this, don’t worry!” 
  • You manifest a fireball in your hand and aim it directly at the wood in the fireplace, followed by two other flaming balls. 
  • For a moment, Riddle isn’t sure what he saw. “You…can use magic?” 
  • “Not really. Well, technically, you can call it magic, but it’s more like bending elements. I thought the Magic Mirror would pick up on this, but I guess the definition of magic is different in this world.” 
  • “I…see. Can you bend any other elements?”
  • You create a few lightning streaks between your hands but quickly make them vanish. Ramshackle is already a mess, and damaging it further means more work for you and Grim. 
  • Heartslaybul’s house warden is quite impressed with your abilities. Not only did he get to witness you use “magic,” but he already learned something new – there is more than one way to control elements. 
Ace Banner1DeuceBanner TWST
  • You are spending quality time with Adeuce when they start fighting again…for the 100th time today.
  • They don’t listen to you even when you ask them to stop, so what do you do? Point your index fingers at the duo and send a small zap of lightning their way – a zap enough to send a mild shock through their bodies.
  • Both of them let out a yelp before turning to you. “What was that?”
  • “Just a little something I can do.” You chuckle and proceed to show them your powers, leaving the pair speechless.
  • They are impressed with your skills and ask you to show them all your abilities. The redhead even asks you to teach him how to bend elements.
  • You can be sure that Ace will tell the entire school about your awesome powers while the Deuce will ask you to train with him.
Cater Banner Twisted
  • You are sitting in Heartslabyul’s courtyard reading a book when you see Cater aimlessly looking around. 
  • “Hey, Cater, searching for something?”
  • “Yeah, there is a new trend on MagiCam – taking pictures with the elements. But IDK where to begin.” 
  • “Why don’t I help? But first, we are going to a safer place.” 
  • Cater is confused but follows you to the ground with no flammable materials. Focusing, you start moving your hands in large circles, generating blue lightning streaks. 
  • “Do you prefer that or this?” 
  • You step back and do a roundhouse kick, producing flames from your heel. The usually talkative man is speechless. What was that? It’s not unique magic, and though some people can control elements…their abilities are nothing like yours. 
  • “How about both in one frame?” 
  • Cater smiles at your suggestion. Perfect. If this goes well, he can get more followers on MagiCam! 
  • After the photo session is over, the junior plans to ask you about your powers in detail. Who knows, maybe he will even create a MagiCam for you and upload videos of you bending elements. 
Trey Banner Twisted
  • You are helping Trey in the kitchen when one of the ghosts accidentally puts out the fire in the stone-baked oven. Even before Trey can take a step towards the oven, you materialize a fireball and place it inside. 
  • “Did…you create fire out of thin air?” 
  • “That’s not the only thing I can do!” You carefully aim your fingertip towards the opening between the stones and shoot a thin lightning bolt inside. The tips of the flames rise for a split second before settling back down. 
  • “Remarkable. I have never seen such a technique before. Entering a magic school despite not knowing magic, controlling a chaotic furball, helping with multiple overblotting incidences, and now, this. (Y/n), you truly are one of a kind.” 
  • Red dust slowly appears on your cheeks. “Stop, you’re making me blush.” 
  • “That’s the point,” Trey smirks, “you look cute when you blush.” 
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