MC Gets Injured, Cue Panic
Prompt: Can I request the Obey Me boys react to an MC who gets a serious injury during RAD and MC’s pretty calm about it while everyone worries about her? She has a broken arm and is like, “This is fine :3.”
Gender: fem!Reader
A/N: Luke platonic. HCs in order of most likely to panic to least likely.
- Fine? You call that fine? Your bone is literally poking out of your skin.
- Mammon’s mind short circuits so badly that he almost runs around in circles, panicking.
- “Mammon, calm down. I need you to take me to a doctor.”
- Doctor, right! He picks you up and runs to the infirmary, not caring about the demons he knocked over on the way there.
- “Doc, fix (y/n)! And do it properly; otherwise, I’ll break your bones.”
- This cannot be happening, and what do you mean you are okay? For Devildom’s sake, your bone just broke.
- Nearly screams and faints at the sight of your bone jutting abnormally out of your skin.
- He takes a few deep breaths and reminds himself that you need medical attention immediately.
- While he helps you to the infirmary, Asmo gives you a lecture for being so reckless.
- “Y-Your bone is…s-sticking out. Your bone is sticking out!”
- Levi turns pale and frantically scans the area to see if anyone else is around.
- He knows he should help you, but what was he supposed to do again? If someone is hurt, you…you…
- “Levi, you wanna take me to the doctor? I mean, we can just sit here if you like.”
- Doctor! Of course, takes you to the doctor. How did he forget that? Levi sulks as he shyly carries you to the doctor, mentally cursing his mind for freezing up this badly.
- You are fine? No, you are not! Your arm is broken! How can you say you are okay?
- Luke ends up giving you a lecture about not hiding your pain and completely forgetting about your injury.
- “I promise to listen to your lecture later. Can we go to the doctor first?”
- OMG, YOUR BROKEN BONE! Luke asks you to wait there and runs away, returning a little while later with a doctor. More like dragging a doctor with him.
- “Fix, (y/n)’s injury! Also, give them pain medicine so they don’t feel the pain!”
- No, no, no, this cannot be happening! How did you get hurt on his watch? Now, you are saying you are okay? How is that possible?
- Diavolo’s mind is filled with questions, panic, and guilt. He wants to stop and ask why you are not feeling any pain, but the prince knows he needs to get you help.
- He contacts Barbatos and Lucifer to bring medical help ASAP.
- “Diav, I am really okay, so stop looking at me like that.”
- The prince averts his eyes – even now, you are lying to him. He really wishes you would stop smiling and tell him how you honestly feel.
- Beel doesn’t really panic when he sees others injured, but seeing YOU injured is different. Seeing your broken bone, Beel scoops you in his arms and runs to the infirmary, not stopping for anything or anyone.
- “Beel, don’t run so fast. I am fine.”
- Fine? You are what? Beel can’t make sense of your words. How are you fine? Your bone is in two pieces, and he can see the sharp edges poking against your skin.
- He watches the doctor tending to your bone with a sad expression. If only he had been by your side, you wouldn’t have gotten injured. To make it up to you, he is going to take really good care of you.
- Belphie feels like someone slapped the sleep out of him when he sees your injured arm.
- He tries to keep calm even after you smile and tell him you are okay.
- Your bone is split into two, and you are smiling? He doesn’t know what to think of this. Are you saying this so he won’t be worried? Do you actually not feel the pain, or is your mind just that strong? Do you like pain? He starts feeling dizzy.
- Belphie stays by your side as the doctor tends to your injury, and he doesn’t take his eyes off you. Just when he thought he knew you well, you proved him wrong.
- You are fine? This is not the time to joke around!
- Simeon cannot accept that you are fine and will not accept it, no matter how many times you repeat yourself.
- He panics internally after seeing your broken bone but remains calm outwards. Panicking is not going to get him anywhere; what matters the most is getting you proper medical attention.
- Simeon still doesn’t get how you are able to smile despite having a serious injury. Either your willpower is made of steel, or your mind hasn’t registered the pain yet.
- While the doctor is patching you up, he messages everyone to let them know what happened but adds that you seem to be okay.
- You are…fine?
- Satan decides to ignore your smile and words for the time being. Getting you to a doctor is far more important right now.
- Once you are in a trained professional’s hand, Satan starts to think back to your words.
- He has read books on humans and knows for a fact that humans are fragile. They complain about papercuts – the tiniest cut of them all – yet here you are, smiling after breaking your bone.
- Part of him is intrigued, but the other part is worried and confused.
- “That injury looks rather painful. Should we get you to a doctor, or do you prefer that I treat your injury?”
- Hm? What did you just say? You are fine after breaking a bone. Well, that’s not something people hear every day, especially from humans.
- Solomon is intrigued by your response but reminds you that you still need to see a professional.
- He lets a doctor tend to your injury, but a few days later, the sorcerer heals your bone with magic.
- As a reward for healing your injury, he plans to ask you a list of questions related to how exactly you are fine after breaking a bone.
- Lucifer’s eyes widen just for a brief second when he sees your injury and hears you say you are fine, but he regains his composure quickly.
- He carries you to the infirmary and watches as the doctor treats you.
- “(Y/n), what happened? Did you injure yourself, or is someone else responsible for this?”
- If Lucifer finds out someone else hurt you, they are as good as dead, but if you accidentally hurt yourself, you are in for an hour-long lecture. Also, after you heal, he plans to give you an earful about not hiding your pain from him.
- “(Y/n), do you realize you are injured? My apologies for stating the obvious, but generally, those who are injured tend not to smile…”
- You can smile despite being seriously injured? Impressive yet unsettling. Do your pain receptors not work?
- Barbatos doesn’t ask any questions nor gives any lectures; instead, he helps you to the infirmary and personally attends to your injury.
- “Do take better care of yourself. I am certain the young master and the brothers will be quite worried about you. If you require any aid, do let me know.”