Prompt: How would the brothers react to Mammon trying to scam Nun!MC, and she’s just like, “But I’m a nun… I don’t have a bank account… Sorry I’m not much help…” apologetically smiling!
Gender: fem!Reader
A/N: Platonic.
Laughs in Mammon’s face: Levi, Belphie, Thirteen
Takes a million photos of Mammon’s expression so that he can upload them to social media, post them on all group chats, and keep the images for blackmail later use: Asmo
Feels a bit bad for Mammon but thinks the outcome is well deserved: Beel, Diavolo, Simeon, Luke
Applauds MC. Even though she was just being honest: Lucifer, Solomon
Tries his hardest to hold back his laughter: Mephistopheles, Satan, Barbatos
Feels like making it rain arrows. How dare Mammon try to scam a holy nun: Raphael
Gets angry at Mammon for trying to scam a nun: Luke