Meeting Your Strict Parents

Prompt: The request is meeting strict parents of his fem! s/o.

Gender: fem!Reader

Kei Banner

  • Your strict parents are nothing compared to dealing with the cast members in Starless. He is not concerned in the slightest. 
  • Kei knows he can win over your parents no matter how strict they are. Your parents should have no issues with him, considering he is caring, protective, sharp, has no ill-intention, earns well, has manners, and most of all, loves you with all his heart. 
  • Visits your parents dressed in a suit with gifts in hand – a bouquet and an exclusive bottle of an aged wine (assuming they drink). During the meeting, he is very composed and calm, much to your parent’s surprise. He is earnest and honest about his feelings for you.
  • By the end of the meeting, your parents like him very much. See, he told you – it would be a piece of cake for him.
So Banner
  • Oh boy. Well, he better make sure not to smell like cigarettes when he meets them; moreover, Sotetsu needs to keep his words under control. 
  • He isn’t nervous but honestly doesn’t want to show them his “true” side – the teasing, flirty, and suspicious side, that is. If he does, Sotetsu is sure your parents will show him the door without a second thought. 
  • Dresses nicely and purchases a bouquet while constantly reminding himself to control his words. 
  • Acting comes easy to him, so your parents don’t suspect anything off about him, but Sotetsu admits to you after the meeting that he was a little nervous. Why? Because he was worried, he would slip up, and your parents would ask you never to see him again. 
  • Can’t wait to show his “true” side to your parents after the two of you are in a serious relationship. Their expressions are going to be priceless. 
Gins Banner
  • Ohhhhhh…no, no, no, no. He knows he does but does he have to? 
  • Ginsei starts shaking when you tell him you want him to meet your parents. His mind gets overloaded with what-if thoughts, even though you assure him everything will be fine. But then you add that they are strict, and Ginsei becomes even more nervous. 
  • Dresses to impress but has a hard time controlling his mind from wandering all over the place. He also forgets to buy a gift for them and feels bad showing up empty-handed. 
  • Though he does his best to stay calm, Ginsei has a lot of “oops” moments, but that makes the meeting all the more endearing; instead of seeing those mistakes as clumsy, your parents see it as “he is showing who he really is and not wearing a mask”. 
  • Overall, the meeting goes better than Ginsei thought. Much to his shock, your parents even ask him to visit them again. 
Gui Banner
  • Indifferent to your request to meet your parents but doesn’t understand why they want to meet him. Team K takes a little time to explain to him why it’s important. 
  • Gui shows up wearing simple clothes but brings a small gift, which surprises you, but he says his teammates told him to buy something for your parents. 
  • He is very quiet during the meeting, and you have to explain to them that he doesn’t talk much. Also, Gui doesn’t show a lot of emotion which is a source of concern to your parents. 
  • Before he leaves, he hands the gift to your parents, and to their surprise, it’s a letter. In the letter, Gui says he will take care of you and promises to protect you for as long as he lives. Asks them earnestly to let him stay by your side. 
  • – His letter touches your parents, and Gui wins their hearts. 
Yak Banner
  • Nervous but confident. Yakou has been looking forward to meeting your parents for a while and has been preparing for the day. 
  • He knows exactly how to dress and what gift to get them. He has also rehearsed many times in front of the mirror – what he will say to your parents, how he will act, and what type of manners he will use. 
  • But when you tell him they are strict, Yakou’s nervousness grows. Even then, he is determined to win their heart – for the sake of his future with you. 
  • During the meeting, he is polite and well-mannered. He watches your parent’s every move to read their minds. Not much happens during the first meeting, but after dinner, your parents ask Yakou to visit them again. 
  • This, to Yakou, is a positive sign. That’s one step close to winning their heart. 
Yos Banner
  • As soon as you tell him, Yoshino immediately wants to say no. He is nervous, but more than that, he is worried. 
  • Parents always want their child’s significant other to be successful or have a stable job – but what was he supposed to say to them when they asked about his career? Not to mention, he didn’t want to talk about his family – telling your strict parents that he ran away from his family because he didn’t want to continue their family business wouldn’t make a great impression on them. 
  • Luckily for Yoshino, when your parents try to ask those questions, you help him out. His nervousness is evident during the meeting, but he still does his best to stay focused. 
  • The first meeting isn’t bad, but your parents didn’t like that you answered some questions on Yoshino’s behalf. It makes them feel as if he is hiding something, but they still decide to give him a second chance. 
  • Next time, Yoshino plans to be more confident and hopes his career has become more stable so he doesn’t need to dodge their questions. 

Koku Banner

  • Why does he have to meet your parents, especially if they are strict? There is no way your parents will approve of him – he smokes, rides a motorcycle, looks like a complete bad boy, and has a gaping scar on his neck that screams “he likes violence”. 
  • While rehearsing to meet your parents, he reminds himself to watch his tone and not use profanity. He doesn’t do anything to cover his scar – it’s a part of his life, and your parents have no choice but to accept it. Decides not to arrive on his motorcycle and walks to your home instead. 
  • Your parents are intimidated by him, to say the least. When they ask him a question, Kokuyou has to force himself not to look irritated or uninterested. At least they believed him when he said he got the scar as a child. 
  • The meeting isn’t as great since your parents don’t approve of Kokuyou’s bad-boy aura. Kokuyou will have to try a lot harder to win them over…much to his dismay. What’s the big deal about him being a bad boy? If anyone tries to hurt their daughter, he could beat them to a pulp…shouldn’t they be happy about that?
  • Good luck to you. You will need a lot of patience to convince your parents to meet Kokuyou again, and Kokuyou to meet your parents again. 
Aki Banner
  • Excited to meet them and doesn’t think once of how he is going to act. What’s wrong with just being himself?
  • Akira visits your parents with gifts and compliments them, charming them instantly. 
  • He helps your parents set the table, clean up after dinner, and even do the dishes, and that is a big YES for your parents. Not to mention, they like his laid-back and confident personality. 
  • They only have two issues with him – one, he comes off as a flirt, and two, he comes across as careless. They plan to sit down with you and ask you about him in detail after he leaves. 
  • The meeting is pleasant, but they still want to meet him a few more times before they give you the full approval to be with him (even if you are not seeking their approval). 
  • Meanwhile, Akira looks forward to meeting them and is already fond of them. 
Sin Banner
  • He was wondering when you would introduce him to your parents. Sin is confident and not nervous in the slightest. 
  • He arrives at your home dressed well with a bouquet and two neatly wrapped books in hand. Your parents are taken aback by his height and intimidating aura, but when he bows and politely introduces himself, they are pleasantly surprised. 
  • Through the meeting, Sin’s maturity and polite manners grows on your parents. Hearing that he enjoys reading books and playing chess also gets him bonus points. 
  • He also helps your parents clean up and makes tea for them. Overall, your parents love him and approve of him, but it will take them a while to get used to his size and intimidating presence. 
  • Sin enjoyed meeting them and is relieved that everything went exactly how he imagined it. 
Taka Banner
  • Gladly accepts meeting your parent’s invitation and plans everything out carefully, from how he is going to talk to them to what he will tell them to how he will act. The last thing he wants is for your parents to learn the truth about him and ask you to break up with him. 
  • He visits your home dressed as he usually is and brings a thoughtful gift for them. 
  • Throughout the meeting, Takami is completely composed to the point where your parents feel slightly uncomfortable. As soon as he picks up on this, Takami changes his strategy and has moments where he “slips” his nervousness. 
  • Thankfully, your parents don’t suspect a thing about him, but he can tell they still don’t approve of him. You weren’t joking when you said they are strict. 
  • He will be more careful the next time around. Maybe being calculative wasn’t the best decision. 
Tai Banner
  • Oh no, no, no, no. There is no way your parents are going to approve of an introverted gamer who is also a hacker. Wait, you didn’t tell them about his hacking abilities, right? 
  • Taiga is nervous AF. He nearly knocks on the wrong door, drops the gift on your parent’s feet, and trips while stepping inside the home. He is embarrassed, to say the least. 
  • Your parents try to scare him, and he gets even more nervous until you stop them. They aren’t too keen on learning that the likes playing video games and associate him with gamers who do nothing but play games all day. 
  • All in all, Taiga is nearly in tears at the end of the meeting. He never wants to meet your parents but knows that’s not possible. Next time, he is going to practice and get the help of his teammates, so he can be more confident. 

Rin Banner

  • Though he is nervous about the strict part, Rindou is more than happy to meet your parents. Family approval is important to him. 
  • He puts up no front, doesn’t act, nor does he rehearse – Rindou wants your parents to the real him, even if they don’t like it. 
  • Shows up at your doorstep with a card and bouquet, dressed in his usual attire. He pleasant greets them in his soft voice and thanks them for inviting him. After that, it’s smooth sailing for him. Rindou has a personality most parents approve of – kind, polite, soft-spoken, caring, hardworking, and all the sugar without the spice. 
  • It doesn’t take him long to win their hearts, especially after they find out that he is working hard to pay his sister’s hospital bills. Though, Rindou does hide one thing from your parents – his past. It’s a huge mess, and having to clear his reputation would take a lot, so he hopes they never find out. 
  • – At the end of the day, your parents compliment you on your choice.
Mai Banner
  • He knew this day would come eventually, and hearing you say “strict” doesn’t faze him. Most parents are like that when it comes to their kids or status – it’s the same with his family. 
  • Brings a lavish gift and is dressed formally, but the moment your parents see him, they are confused. Maica knows that look all too well and has to do his best to hold back his anger and yell, “NO, I AM NOT A WOMAN. I AM A MAN.”
  • Throughout the entire night, Maica not only fights to hold back his anger, but he also controls his “I’m irritated” expression. He doesn’t want to set a bad first impression.
  • He also dislikes the questions about his family and doesn’t want to say he is from a wealthy family as he doesn’t know how your parents will react. 
  • – At the end of the night, Maica is beyond agitated but hides it well, and your parents don’t really know what to think about him. 
Neko Banner
  • Oh, how he wishes he could show his true self to your parents, but if they found out, they would take you away from him. Nekome puts on his good boy act and hopes for the best. 
  • Like Kokuyou, he doesn’t show up on his motorcycle as he doesn’t want your parents to see him as a “bad boy”. He also keeps his eyes open to not weird them out. 
  • There are so many instances where he wants to tease your parents or give straightforward replies but has to hold back. As for the questions about his past, he has to dodge them as much as possible – not only does he not want them to know the truth, but he also doesn’t want you to find out. Some things are better left unsaid.
  • Goes out of his way to help your parents after dinner to add to the good boy act. 
  • Towards the end of the night, Nekome finds your parents entertaining, while your parents find him a little odd. 
Sinju Banner
  • He has been waiting for this moment for a while, but Sinju gets anxious when you tell him your parents are strict. No matter what, he plans to do his best to win their hearts.
  • Dresses somewhat casually and brings dessert made by his grandma for your parents. His radiant smile surprises your parents and helps them relax. 
  • It doesn’t take them long to realize how genuine and sweet your boyfriend is, and though they don’t tell you, they like him. The homemade dessert also helps to win their heart and tells them his family is just as sweet as him. 
  • Not only does he help out after dinner, but he also doesn’t let your parents clean up; instead, Sinju asks them to let him handle everything as a thank-you for dinner. His unintentional charms work miracles on your parents.
  • The meeting is a huge success, and both Sinju and your parents grow fond of each other. Did they mention that they already see him as a son-in-law?
Menou Banner
  • Does this mean he has to stay away for a few hours? That’s going to be very difficult for him, but Menou will try his best. 
  • Menou shows up with flowers and a gift box of bath bombs. He struggles to stay away at times which leaves a bad impression on your parents, but you step in and tell them he enjoys sleeping and can sleep anywhere. 
  • He barely gives them information about his past, and this makes your parents question if he is hiding something. Halfway through dinner, Menou nearly falls asleep, but you pinch his leg to wake him up. 
  • At the end of the meeting, Menou is dead tired, you are frustrated, and your parents can’t see why you like him. It’s a huge mess.
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