Menou Acts Up

Prompt: Quick ask request about Rindou Kokuyou, Maica if Menou start to act up.

Rindou – Depends on what Menou did. If he’s not adding too much drama, Rindou will ignore it. But if he’s causing trouble for others, he will have a talk with Menou. If all else fails, he will ask Maica for support.

Maica – He refuses to put up with any drama, especially with what happened with Team P in the past. Menou has to learn to get along and work with a team. Maica will resort to harsh language to teach Menou a lesson.

Kokuyou – Punch him. He had done this in the past and won’t hesitate to do it again. Starless is not a drama club; he won’t let anyone turn it into one.

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