Midnight Kiss

Prompt: He gives you a kiss on New Year at midnight.

Gender: fem!Reader

A/N: Luke platonic.


Devildom was hosting a New Year’s Eve party and even doing the countdown. He came to visit you to ask you about the party, but you were not in your room. While waiting for you, he found an open book on your table. Out of curiosity, he looked at the pages and saw your bucket list. As he read the bullet points, one, in particular, caught his eyes.

  • Get kissed by lover right at midnight on New Year’s Day.


  • Lucifer chuckled, not expecting such a wish on your bucket list.
  • At the party, he made sure to pick the best place to watch the fireworks. 
  • As the time for the kiss approached, he took your hand and led you to a quieter place. 
  • There he pressed his lips on the back of your hand and wished you a happy new year. 
  • Exactly at midnight – not one second early, not one second late – Lucifer took hold of your chin and kissed you passionately. 


  • Mammon rubbed his head and shrugged. If it’s your wish, then he’ll make it come true.
  • Before the party started, Mammon got summoned by his witch “friends”. He tried his best to get away from them, not wanting to miss the chance to make your wish a reality. 
  • As midnight neared, you couldn’t find Mammon anywhere. Even when the countdown started, he was nowhere in sight. 
  • 6…5…4…you were losing hope.
  • 3…you hear someone running towards you.
  • 2…you turned around to see a frantic Mammon heading right for you.
  • 1…you were on the ground with Mammon on top of you, his lips glued to your lips. 


  • Levi blushed and covered his mouth. He was aware of the human normie’s tradition to kiss at midnight on New Year’s. 
  • At the party, he stuck to your side, not leaving even for a second. 
  • Levi didn’t want anyone else to kiss you. HE wanted to make your wish come true and didn’t want anyone else to take the chance from him.
  • When the countdown started, he got even more nervous but managed to gather enough courage. 
  • Levi turned you towards him and planted a quick peck on your lips before burying his face in his hands. 


  • Satan connected the dots immediately and chuckled. He had read about the kissing tradition on New Year’s. 
  • He gave you space at the party until a thought crossed his mind. What if one of his brothers also knows about the tradition? What if Lucifer knows?
  • Satan nearly unleashed his demon form at the last thought but managed to calm himself down before he rushed to your side. 
  • As the countdown started, Satan stepped in front of you and placed one hand on the back of your head, pulling you into an intense kiss. 
  • Satan didn’t care if anyone was watching, nor did he care if he got a lecture later. Right now, he was only thinking of you and him. 


  • Asmo couldn’t have been happier reading that you wanted a kiss from him. After all, kissing is his forte. 
  • He applied the best lipstick he had to his lips before heading to the party. 
  • Though he was a bit restless to kiss you, Asmo waited for the perfect time. 3…2…1…
  • The Avatar of Lust placed one hand on the side of your face and pulled you closer for a playful kiss. 


  • Beel didn’t know why you wanted a kiss at that time, but he flashed an ear-to-ear grin.
  • As soon as he entered the party, Beel went straight to the food table and started eating everything. But when midnight came around, he dropped everything and made his way to you. 
  • Right at midnight, Beel placed your favorite chocolate in his mouth and leaned down to kiss you. 
  • His kiss was sweet, and it only got sweeter as the taste of the chocolate danced on your lips. 
  • Before breaking the kiss, Beel pushed the remaining piece of the chocolate into your mouth. 
  • Not noticing your shocked expression, Beel smiled and said, “The best way to start a new year is by eating something sweet.” 


  • For a second Belphie, thought that he was sleepy and misread the words. “She wants a kiss from me?”
  • Not worrying about the details, Belphie decided to grant your wish. 
  • At the party, he stood by you, using your shoulder as a pillow. He nearly fell asleep, but the countdown reminded him of your wish.
  • Belphie lifted his head and turned your head towards him. On 1, he pressed a lazy, sloppy kiss on your lips. 


  • Diavolo regretted announcing the New Year’s Eve party. If only he had read your bucket list earlier, then he would have planned a date instead.
  • At the party, Diavolo kept you close to him at all cost, especially as the countdown neared. 
  • As the clock struck 12:00 am, Diavolo wished you before cupping your face in his large hands and pressing a firm kiss on your lips. 
  • Meanwhile, the demon brothers were staring at the two of you completely shocked – wide eyed, spitting out his drink, choking on his drink, jaw drop, nearly breaking everything around him, dropping his food, and feeling wide awake.


  • Barbatos smiled to himself and quickly exited your room. 
  • Not wasting any time, he began to prepare for the party, hoping to have everything in order before midnight. 
  • While everyone watched the fireworks, Barbatos set a picnic for you near the castle lake. 
  • When midnight approached, he quietly led you away from the party to a picnic spot with al your favorite foods neatly arranged on the blanket.
  • As he sat you down, the countdown began. Barb gently held your chin, and at midnight, he pressed his lips delicately against your lips.  


  • Simeon couldn’t help but smile at your sweet wish. 
  • He attended the party as planned, but around 11:45 pm, he led you away from the others. 
  • Simeon revealed his wings, scooped you in his arms, and flew up towards a tall tree. 
  • He sat on a high branch with you in his lap, and the two of you watched the fireworks from there; you stared at the fireworks while Simeon watched you with soft eyes.
  • As the angel heard the countdown, he turned your face towards him and gave you a tender kiss. 


  • Luke tilted his head and questioned, “Why exactly at midnight?”
  • He wanted to ask Simeon but didn’t want to get in trouble for accidentally reading your diary. 
  • At the party, Luke stayed close to you, and as the countdown neared the end, the angel tugged on your sleeve. 
  • When he got your attention, Luke gave you a peck on your cheek, surprising you and everyone around. 
  • “I am not your lover, but will a kiss from your friend suffice?” He asked innocently. 


  • As the party started, Solomon was nowhere in sight. There was no sign of him anywhere until the midnight countdown began.
  • Solomon appeared behind you, and right at 0, he turned you towards him and crashed his lips against yours.
  • The sorcerer didn’t care if the demons were watching, but when he heard one of the demons clearing his throat, Solomon kissed you deeper. 
  • He wanted to kill two birds with one stone: kiss you and irk some of the demons. 
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