Moments Ruined

Prompt: Someone ruins your romantic moment.

Gender: gn!Reader

Luci Banner

Lucifer and you were enjoying a rare, quiet evening in the library. The grand library was bathed in a serene glow from the dimmed chandeliers. While he read, you sat in his lap, snuggled up to him. The Avatar of Pride couldn’t have been happier to feel your warmth against him as he held a book in one hand and stroked your hair with the other.

“It isn’t often that we enjoy such peaceful moments,” he whispered in a low, warm voice.

As you were about to reply, a loud crash echoed through the hallway. Lucifer’s eyes narrowed, and his smile instantly vanished. The next moment, the library’s door burst open, and Mammon stumbled in, closely followed by a furious Satan.

“You idiot! You lost it again, didn’t you?” Satan’s voice boomed through the large room.

Mammon held a broken vase in his right hand as he quickly hid behind one of the bookshelves. “I didn’t lose it! It here…well…kinda.” The second brother nervously laughed at the broken vase in his hand.

Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, his patience visibly wearing thin. “Must you two always choose the worst possible moments to engage in your nonsense?”

Satan ignored Lucifer and threw the broken pieces of the vase at his older brother’s face. “You know how important it was to me! How could you be so careless?”

Mammon dodged the pieces and tried to escape but stumbled over a stack of books. “It ain’t my fault! The vase was cursed or somethin’.”

Lucifer sighed heavily as you stifled a laugh at the fight over a vase. He was not in the mood to deal with this and wanted peace, so he scooped you in his arms and walked out of the library to his bedroom.

“What about your brothers?” You asked, surprised by his actions. “Won’t they bring the whole house down?”

“It seems as though I forgot to inform everyone that Barbatos is on his way to pay us a visit,” Lucifer smirked, knowing that the butler could handle his brothers just as well as he could.

Diav Banner

Diavolo and you were in one of the grand rooms in his palace. The gold chandeliers cast a warm glow while the scent of the rose bouquet on the table beside you caressed your nose. With a charming smile, Diavolo reached for your hand and enveloped it in his large one.

“I cannot express my happiness at being able to spend time with you,” the prince whispered, his voice as sweet as honey.

“Me too, Diav. This is perfect, and nothing can ruin this moment,” you replied with a light red tint on your cheeks.

He leaned closer, his eyes twinkling with mischief and affection. “I have held patience for this moment for far too long.”

As your face inched closer to his, you felt his hot breath on your upper lip. The next second, the door to the room swung open with a loud bang. In walked Barbatos, his lips tugged into a deep frown. He held a large stack of papers in his hands as he glared at the prince.

“Young master!” The butler spoke in a scolding tone. “You have yet to complete your duties for the day. These documents require your immediate attention.”

Your boyfriend’s shoulder dropped as an exasperated sigh escaped his lips. “Barbatos, can it not wait? For just a bit longer?”

“Absolutely not,” he replied firmly and shifted his gaze to you. “(Y/n). You are distracting the young master from his duties. He cannot ignore them, even for a romantic interlude.”

You stammered an apology while Diavolo continued to plead for a slight break. However, the butler refused to budge or show any sympathy. “A small break? Young master, you have indulged in ‘small breaks’ all day. The affairs of Devildom cannot be put on hold due to your whims. Now, return to your duties at once, or I shall have to drag you by your ear.”

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