By Kiara | April 21, 2024 Carefree to Anxious Cast Members Prompt: Who is most carefree to most anxious casts in starless? 1-8: was probably responsible for setting the world on fire9-17: watches the panic with utmost calm18-24: annoyed that they won’t get to fulfill their dreams, but oh well 25-31: complete panic mode activatedRanMenouNekomeZakuroHinataMizukiSotetsuIwamiTakamiKeiSinAogiriKokuyouGuiMokurenAkiraKasumiHaseyamaMaicaHeathRicoYoshinoTaigaYakouHariQuRindouKongouGinseiSinjuUnei
Possible Fanclub Names Blackstar Theater Starless, Management, Team B, Team C, Team K, Team P, Team W / By Kiara
And the Best Booty Goes To Blackstar Theater Starless, Comfort, Heath, Kokuyou, Kongou, Maica, Qu, Rindou, Sotetsu, Yoshino / By Kiara
Best Booty Revisited Blackstar Theater Starless, Comedy, Heath, Kei, Maica, Qu, Rindou, Yakou / By Kiara