His Night Routine
Prompt: Who has a nightly routine before bed? What is it?
What’s a nightly routine?:
- Does whatever he feels like on that night: Mizuki, Gui, Mokuren, Akira, Hinata
- I only work, work, work (and upkeep a blog): Unei
- Games, games, and MORE GAMES: Taiga
Has a routine skin care routine with 3797467872 steps:
- And then goes to sleep: Qu, Maica
- Designs on outfits for Team B, checks in on latest fashion trends or shops for clothes online: Rico
Works out before showering and:
- Makes calls to his connections, practices singing/acting or reads script, and makes a to-do list: Kei
- Checks in with his sister, rehearses script or looks for potential new scripts for Team P: Rindou
- Writes down recipe ideas and makes a to-do list: Kongou
- Does school work (studying in advance never hurt anyone): Hari
- Plays with iguanas, investigates any new cases: Sotetsu
- Reads script for upcoming play: Ginsei, Kokuyou
- Writes in his journal: Yakou
- Works on his evidence board (yes, he has a massive evidence board on 2 out of the 4 office room walls): Takami
- Reads a book and plays at least one game of chess: Sin
- Dawns his ninja clothes and jumps rooftop to rooftop: Kasumi
- Works on costume designs: Aogiri
Uses a 3-in-1 because it saves time and:
- Spends time with his family: Sinju
- Takes care of his family business: Ran
- Goes to bed: Nekome, Iwami
- Waters and talks to his plants, telling them everything that happened at Starless that day: Heath
- Practices singing: Yoshino
Goes straight to bed and:
- Sleeps like a log – nothing can wake him up: Menou
- Singing in his sleep: Zakuro