No One Cares

Prompt: We all know how dangerous the Devildom is and how often MC gets threatened by Demons and monsters alike. So I wonder how the brothers and dateables would react to an MC that’s just over everything. She just doesn’t care if something will kill her. Her face is always empty and unfazed by the Demons, Monsters, and whatever threats she gets. When asked why she’s like this, she just calmly says “No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than be a burden for the exchange program.”

Gender: fem!Reader

Warning: Mild angst.

Luci Banner HC

  • Lucifer was angry at you for going near the grimoire, unaware you were simply playing hide-and-seek with his brothers. 
  • He stood in front of you in his demon form and fangs bare. “What did I tell you before about entering this place?”
  • “Then punish me and kill me.” 
  • Your response stunned Lucifer and doused his rage immediately. Whenever he unleashed his demon form, he only saw two reactions: fear or will to fight back; never once had he heard a response like yours. 
  • The Avatar of Pride returned to his usual form and questioned your response. 
  • “No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than to be a burden for the exchange program.” 
  • “Is that what you think?” Lucifer asked, holding back his anger. “Do you realize what you mean to my brothers? Do you know how they would feel if something happened to you?”
  • The demon sighed. “My apologies for losing my temper. You are part of my family and will remain part of it. As the head of this family, I will see to it that nothing happens to you. I don’t know what you have been through but don’t speak such words again.”

Mammon HC Banner

  • Mammon saw a lesser demon threatening you, and in an instant, he jumped in front of you.
  • The Avatar of Greed asked if you were okay and checked your body for injuries. 
  • “Why did you save me? You should’ve just let the demon kill me.” 
  • Mammon froze and could only stare at you in shock. He couldn’t fathom why you would say such a thing. 
  • “What? No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than to be a burden for the exchange program. ” 
  • “N-not…miss ya? Burden?” Mammon gripped your shoulders and shook you, “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
  • The demon was in turmoil. Were you mad at him for something? Did one of his brothers say something to you? Had he not told you enough that he cares about you? Do you not care about his opinion?
  • “I…I would miss ya…” Mammon’s voice cracked as he averted his eyes from your blank face. “You know I care about ya, right? So d-don’t even think about dyin’ on me, ‘kay?” 

Levi HC Banner

  • “Normie, how dare you say that you know more about TSL than me?” Levi snapped at your joke and revealed his demon form. “Do you have a death wish?”
  • “Sure, go ahead and finish me. No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than be a burden for the exchange program.” 
  • Your words were enough to deflate Levi’s rage. All he could do was stare at you in shock as guilt took over. 
  • Levi backed away from you and averted his eyes. “I…that’s such a normie thing to say.” 
  • The Avatar of Envy remained silent for a while, letting various emotions take over his mind.
  • “Don’t…say that, normie. Don’t. I care about you…you are not a burden. I am s-sorry for g-getting mad.”
  • Levi didn’t ask you, but he started to wonder if you had gone through similar experiences as him. He felt a knot forming in his chest. 
  • “I am more of a burden than you,” he mumbled under his breath.

Satan HC Banner

  • Satan was calm when he told the lesser demon to back away from you. He kept his cool when he watched the demon scurrying away. He remained levelheaded as he asked you if you were okay. But, he lost his cool hearing your reply. 
  • “Why did you waste your precious time saving me?”
  • Satan held back his anger as he questioned your reply. 
  • “No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than to be a burden for the exchange program.”
  • Satan didn’t change into his demon form but was ready to break the objects around him. “Who are you to decide you’re a burden to me? Who are you to decide whether or not I would miss you?” 
  • He stepped closer to you and sighed, “Don’t ever call yourself a burden or speak on my behalf. If you have no one in your world, then stay in Devildom permanently. Also, if I didn’t care about you, then I wouldn’t have stopped the demon from hurting you.”
  • Satan started keep an eye on you and even tried to spend more time with you as a way of showing he cares. 

Asmo HC Banner

  • Asmo came to your rescue as soon as he saw a demon invading your personal space. “Sweetie, why didn’t you call me? You knew I was nearby, didn’t you?”
  • “Why bother? Let the demon kill me. It’s not like anyone cares. No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than to be a burden for the exchange program.” 
  • Asmo was horrified to hear those words, and he almost felt wrinkles forming on his skin. “Why would you say that? Sweetie, did something happen? You know you can always talk to me, right?”
  • Seeing that you weren’t ready to say anything, Asmo held your hands firmly in his. “I care a lot about you, as do my brothers. I don’t know what prompted you to think no one cares about you or call yourself a burden. If you ever feel that way, then talk to me right away. I will always make time for you.” 
  • Asmo hugged you before saying you’re his for the rest of the day. He hoped that you would open up to him and not be so harsh on yourself. 
  • Until then, the Avatar of Lust wanted to keep your mind distracted. 

Beel HC Banner

  • Beel heard a lesser demon threatening you, and in a flash, he was in his demon form, attacking the fiend. 
  • He was worried the demon had already attacked you, so he started bombarding you with questions. 
  • “Why did you save me? Should’ve just let me die.” 
  • As soon as those words left your mouth, Beel started to get flashbacks of Lilith. He stood in a mute stupor, staring at you with wide eyes. 
  • The Avatar of Gluttony held his head in his hand and ferociously shook his head, trying to push the images out. 
  • “N-no…I…I won’t let you die!” Beel pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. “I failed to save her, but I will not let anything happen to you. I can’t lose you too…” 

Belphie HC Banner

  • When Belphie heard another demon threatening you, he wanted to finish him right then and there. But, he chose to glare the creature down before pulling you away. 
  • “Why were you taking his threats like that? You should’ve walked away.” 
  • “Why bother? No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than be to a burden for the exchange program.” 
  • Belphie stopped in his tracks and blankly stared at you. He didn’t understand how you could say something like that so calmly. 
  • “I didn’t like you at the beginning and didn’t understand why my brothers liked you either. But now…you’re part of our family. All of us would miss you…whether you want to believe me or not is up to you. Know that we will protect you at all costs. We’ve lost Lilith, but we won’t lose you.” 

Diav HC Banner

  • Diavolo had heard from others about demons threatening you in RAD, but this was the first time he saw it in person. The demon king standing behind you was more than enough to scare the life out of the lesser fiend. 
  • “Are you alright? Where are the brothers? They’re supposed to keep an eye on you.” 
  • “It’s better they don’t.” 
  • Diavolo looked at you, taken aback. “Why…do you say that?” 
  • He knew he wasn’t going to like the answer, but Diavolo never expected to hear you say no one cared about you, you were nothing more than a burden and had no purpose.
  • “I will not ask you about your past, but I can assure you your friends in Devildom are nothing like the people of your world.” Diavolo gave a small smile, “We care for you and your wellbeing, myself included. Kindly refrain from referring to yourself as a burden.” 
  • The class bell disturbed your conversation, much to the Diav’s dismay. “Seem like you have to head to class. Would you visit my castle after school? I would like to continue this conversation and remind you just how much of a worthwhile woman you are.” 

Barb HC Banner

  • When Barbatos saw a lesser demon attempting to intimidate you, he thought you would try to defend yourself; instead, he heard you telling the demon to finish you.
  • Without wasting time, Barbatos changed into his alternate form and finished the lesser creature in a flash. 
  • “That was quite a selfish statement to make.” Barbatos faced you with no expression on his face. 
  • “No one will miss me. I have no purpose alive other than to be a burden for the exchange program.“ 
  • Those words did not settle well with Barbatos, but his expression did not change. “I can assure you there are people who care, including my lord. Please refrain from making such callous statements. Your friends in Devildom are willing to go to any extent to protect you. Remember that.” 
  • The butler excused himself but stopped and turned around, “If you wish to share your feelings, then I will gladly lend an ear. Please, do take care of yourself.” 

Simeon HC Banner

  • Simeon was shocked to see you unfazed by a demon threatening you. He was speechless when he heard you say, “If you have a problem with me, then kill me.”
  • The angel couldn’t understand how you could say such a thing, and that too with a straight face. After all, life is precious.
  • Simeon stepped in and threatened the demon using Diavolo’s name. 
  • “Are you alright? Um…my apologies for being nosy, but why does it seem like you don’t value your life?” 
  • Hearing you say “no one will miss me” hurt him a lot, but hearing you calling yourself a burden pained him to no end. He hadn’t known you for a long time, but Simeon cared for you.
  • “Please, don’t say such words. You are not a burden but a lovely and strong woman. Also, I pray that nothing happens to you. God knows I would miss you dearly…” 
  • Simeon took your hands in his and gave a gentle smile, “Know I am here for you and always will be. If you ever feel as though no one cares, then think of me.” 

Luke HC Banner

  • Luke heard a lesser demon threatening you and considered getting Simeon, but the young angel froze when he heard you say no one cares about you and you are a burden. 
  • He ran to you and asked, “Are the demons hurting you? Are the brothers not protecting you?”
  • Luke shook his head and balled his fists. “How can you say that? I care about you! Simeon cares about you, so does Solomon. Don’t insult yourself either!” 
  • He paused to study your face and pouted, “I think of you as my sister…and I don’t want anything to happen to you. Simeon thinks of you as a dear friend, and he doesn’t want anything to happen to you either.” 
  • Luke threw his arms around you and whispered, “I will not let anyone hurt you, especially not a demon.” 

Solomon HC Banner

  • Solomon wasn’t sure what to feel when he heard you tell a lesser demon to kill you that instant. He intervened and sent the fiend flying before the fiend could hurt you.  
  • “Would you kindly answer why you asked the demon to kill you?”
  • Your reply didn’t settle well with the magician, but he was amused that you managed to speak those words so calmly. 
  • “Everyone has a purpose in life, and it’s up to the individual to find it. Why refer to yourself as a burden? I surely wouldn’t consider you to be a burden, and I’m certain the brothers, the angels, Barbatos, and even Diavolo feel the same way.” 
  • Solomon was curious about your past but decided to save that subject for a more appropriate time. 
  • “If it’s worth anything, then I can honestly say that I care about you. But, if you want to test out your ‘no one cares’ theory, then try telling a demon to kill you in front of the brothers and watch their reactions.” 
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