Not Good Enough
Prompt: You don’t think you are good enough for him.
Gender: gn!Reader
Warning: Reader with low self-esteem.
- Lucifer found you alone in your bedroom. One look, and he could tell something was very wrong. “Why so pensive, my dear? You seem troubled. You know you can confide in me. What’s on your mind?”
- You hesitated to tell him the truth, not knowing how he would react to your words. “It’s just… sometimes I feel like I’m not good enough for you. You’re so accomplished and strong, and I’m just…”
- “You are just what?” He asked, crossing his arms. But when you didn’t reply, he continued in a stern voice; however, his expression was soft. “Let me tell you, it’s your humanity, your kindness, and your unwavering spirit that I find truly captivating. You challenge, inspire, and bring light into my life in ways you can’t imagine. You are more than enough, and it’s high time you see yourself through my eyes.”
- Lucifer sat down beside you and took your hands. He met your gaze and spoke in a warm voice. “I vow to you, on my honor, that I will spend an eternity proving just how extraordinary you are to me. You are not just ‘good enough’; you are everything I could ever desire.”
- The Avatar of Pride pressed his lips to the back of your hand before whispering, “Never doubt my feelings for you, my dear. You are my chosen one, now and forever.”

- Mammon walked into your room unannounced and saw you sitting on the bed, staring down at your lap. “Oi, what’s with the long face? You didn’t lose any Grimm, did ya?”
- It’s nothing, Mammon… Just some personal stuff.”
- “I’m your boyfriend, y’know, so your personal stuff is my personal stuff. Come on, spill it. ‘Sides, I’m the Great Mammon. I can handle it!”
- You weren’t sure if he would be upset with you for thinking you were not good enough, but you decided to come clean. “I just… sometimes feel like I’m not special enough for you. I’m just… too ordinary.”
- “What?! That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard! Listen here, ya got it all backward. I’m Mammon the Great. I wouldn’t hang around someone who ain’t worth my time, got it?”
- His words drew a smile to your lips. “So, you think I’m… worth your time?”
- “Yeah, but that ain’t a big deal or anything. Look, I feel like a total loser sometimes. But you…you make those times less crappy. You’re important to me, y’know? And if anyone makes ya feel less, I’ll make ’em pay for it.”
- Mammon plopped on the empty spot beside you and wrapped his right arm around your shoulders. “You’re amazin’, so don’t ya forget it.”
- As you leaned against his shoulder, Mammon nuzzled the top of your head.

- Levi saw you sitting in the corner of your room and froze in his tracks. He knew well what was going on in your mind but decided to make handle the matter with a touch of lightheartedness. “(Y/n), did someone spoil the latest episode of your favorite anime for you?”
- Without looking at him, you quietly asked. “Levi, do you ever feel like… like you’re not good enough for someone? That’s how I feel about being with you.”
- Levi didn’t expect to hear that, and for a moment, he didn’t know how to react. “I mean, I’m just a shut-in otaku. If anyone’s not worthy, it’s me, not you. You’re like the special event SSR card, and I’m just a common R card.”
- His references made you chuckle slightly, but you also disagreed with him. “You’re not a common R card.”
- “(Y/n), how do I,” Levi started to say but struggled to get his words out. He couldn’t figure out how to put his feelings into genuine words. “(Y/n), in my eyes, you’re the ultimate co-op partner. I wouldn’t want to face any boss battles with you…s-something like that…”
- His cheeks turned red, and Levi struggled to make eye contact with you as he continued in a shy voice. “So, um, I promise to be your player two, always supporting you. And… maybe we can help each other level up in confidence and stuff, ‘kay? So, don’t look so sad…”

- Satan saw you in the library room of the House of Lamentation, and while your eyes were on the pages of the book in your hand, it was evident you were not reading. “You seemed trouble, (y/n). Would you accept my offer if I say I will lend you an ear?”
- “Satan, how are you so smart…handsome…and amazing?” You asked without moving your eyes from the book.
- Initially, the Avatar of Wrath thought you were complimenting him and blushed. But it didn’t take him long to realize there was something more to your statement, so he remained silent, hoping you would share your true feelings with him.
- “It makes me wonder if I’m good enough to be with you.”
- And there it was—something Satan hoped you wouldn’t say as a follow-up statement: “Your worth isn’t defined by how much you know or how you handle your emotions. It’s your curiosity, love, and the way you view the world that I find invaluable. You are someone irreplaceable in my life.”
- When you moved your gaze to him, Satan’s expression softened. He walked close to the sofa chair you sat in and leaned down to place a kiss atop your head. “I’m here to remind you of your significance. Not as a scholar to a student but as one soul to another. If I lose you, I will lose myself.”

- Asmo saw you sitting on your bed with slumped shoulders and figured you needed a pep talk. “Why does my precious diamond look so down? Did something say something mean?”
- Shifting your eyes to him, you studied his flawless face, silky hair, perfect body, and radiating beauty. You lowered your head again, feeling worse than before. “I…can’t even match up to you.”
- “Match up to me? What are you talking about?”
- “You are just so dazzling, charming, beautiful…and perfect. I am nothing…”
- Asmo was stunned at the way you perceived yourself and felt like shaking your by your shoulders. Taking a deep breath, he sighed. “Oh, sweetie, why do you think such things? They are absolutely not true!”
- The Avatar of Lust walked up to you, held your hands, and helped you up. He cupped your cheeks and smiled sweetly. “You must see yourself as I see you: utterly irresistible and enchanting. There’s no need to match up to anyone because you shine so brightly on your own.”
- He gently pressed his lips to your forehead and whispered. “Let’s have a little pampering session, shall we? I’ll show you just how breathtaking you truly are.”

- When Beel saw you pushing around your food with your fork, he knew something was wrong. Putting his fork down, he looked at you, concerned. “(Y/n), you’re not eating much. Is something wrong?”
- “Beel, you are so strong, caring, loveable, and…deserve better. You deserve someone better than me.”
- Your words nearly made his heart stop as just the thought of losing you sent a shock through his heart. “(Y/n), don’t say that. I like sharing meals with you…hearing you laugh…and hugging you. When I’m with you, I don’t feel hungry for food. I feel hungry for your love. You fill up a part of me that I didn’t even know was empty.”
- His words made you blush, and before you could argue or make another statement to hurt his heart, Beel stood up and walked to your side of the table. Scooping you up in his arms, he held you close to him and nuzzled the side of your face.
- “You make me happy just by being you. I don’t want you to change because you’re perfect to me. I’ll always be here for you – to protect and support you, just like I know you’re here for me.”

- Belphie saw you lying on your stomach on the bed with your face turned to the side. He studied you for a moment before walking close to your bed. “You look more tired than me for once. What’s bothering you?”
- “Belphie, do you ever think I am not interesting or special?” You mumbled after a moment of silence.
- “Hmm, that’s a strange thing to worry about. Why do you ask?” He asked, raising his eyebrow. When you didn’t reply, he sighed and sat down on your mattress. “You know, I don’t spend my time with just anyone. If I’m with you, it’s because there’s something about you that’s different, something peaceful.”
- Opening your eyes, you looked at him with tears in your eyes. His gaze softened, and Belphie rested his hand on your head. “You shine brighter than any star I know. You are interesting and special. If you need me to say this nonstop, I will say it…and mean it every time.”
- Belphie lay down next to you and wrapped his arm around you, giving you a soft smile. “With you, I always feel like I’m exactly where I need to be. You’re enough, more than enough for me. Remember that.”