One Spoiled Angel
Prompt: What would all the characters think about a female MC who enjoys spoiling and protectively coddling Luke and as a result he practically follows her everywhere like the little chihuahua he is.
Gender: fem!Reader
A/N: Kinda platonic. Full platonic with Luke.
- Might I remind you that Luke is not the only one who desires your attention?
- Lucifer didn’t mind you pampering Luke. That is until you stop giving him attention and focus only on the angel.
- At first, he was irritated, but he soon found a way to get around this. Luke used to admire him as an angel, right? Yes, he’s a demon now, but he can still use Luke’s admiration to his advantage.
- Lucifer invited you and Luke to his study often, so while he was doing paperwork, you and Luke could spend time there. The Avatar of Pride never intended this but having you and the angel there helped his stress level. Whenever Lucifer felt stressed or exhausted, he would look up and see your interactions with Luke.
- Seeing you hug Luke, care for him, and showering him with affection, made Lucifer happy. It’s almost like he had another family aside from his brothers.
- It’s not like I’m jealous or anything! Stupid angel…
- Every time Mammon saw Luke tailing you around, he wanted to grab the angel by the back of his collar and throw him to Cerberus. But then, that would make you mad, which would make Lucifer mad, and who wants to make Lucifer mad? The last time that happened, the House of Lamentation nearly burned to a crisp.
- The Avatar of Greed wasn’t going to lie, he thought the way you took care of Luke was adorable. Every time he saw your interaction with the angel, he couldn’t help but smile, but that didn’t mean he approved of you pampering the angel 24/7.
- He was surely going to find a way to snatch your attention from the young angel, even if it meant having to put on a dog costume and tail you around everywhere. No one denies Mammon the Great attention!
- What a lucky angel…it’s so unfair!
- Levi got jealous the moment he saw you showering Luke with affection. He knew you thought of him as a younger brother, but why did Luke have to be with you nearly 24/7? Didn’t you know that he wanted to spend time with you as well?
- The Avatar of Envy tried to talk to you, but every time he approached you, he felt a pair of blue-yellow eyes glaring at him and backed away. It’s almost like the angel doesn’t want him or any other demon to come close to you.
- One time, Levi ended up calling Luke a chihuahua in front of you, and you lectured him into a corner. The entire time Luke watched with a wide smile. Levi could’ve sworn he saw horns on the angel’s head at that moment.
- Since then whenever you try to talk to Levi, he runs away from you, especially if Luke is around. Who knew that an angel could be more of a demon than an actual demon? Chihuahuas are just as scary as people say.
- He is only a child…he is only a child…
- Whenever Satan saw you with Luke, he had to remind himself that Luke is only a child to prevent his temper from skyrocketing. It was obvious to him that you cared about Luke, and the angel cared about you, but it was also obvious to him that the angel didn’t want any of the brothers coming near you.
- What made matters worse is that you were protective of Luke, and no one could say anything to the young angel as long as you were around. You even banned them from calling him a chihuahua…remember, he is only a child.
- Satan had learned to turn a blind eye whenever he saw you with Luke. It’s either ignore or lose his temper and destroy everything around him, giving Luke an excuse to say “see, I told you not to trust demons”. The angel has made his life hell…
- Cute, but it’s not fair that Luke gets all your attention!
- Others wanted your hugs as well. By no means did Asmo want you to stop giving Luke attention, but he wanted you to shower him with equal attention.
- What upset Asmo the most was whenever he tries to spend time with you, Luke was always there. When he wanted to go shopping with you, Luke followed the two of you everywhere. When he wanted a sleepover, Luke was there. When he wanted to invite you to join him at the spa, the angel followed. When he wanted to kiss your cheek, Luke jumped in front of him. When he tried to hug you, the young boy blocked him. It’s almost like Luke didn’t want him to getting anywhere near you.
- Though the Avatar of Lust did nothing in front of you when your back was turned to them, Asmo and Luke had a glaring contest with Luke giving him a “don’t you dare get close to her” look and Asmo giving the angel a “back off, chihuahua” look. As soon as you turned around, though, both of them flashed you the sweetest smile they could muster.
- Asmo was not going to give up on you, and Luke wasn’t going to let him get close to you. Unbeknownst to you, the war between the angel and demon was on.
- Please hug me too…
- Beel didn’t mind you showering Luke with attention, or at least that’s what he felt like initially.
- When he saw you hugging Luke or giving him food or cooking for him, the Avatar of Gluttony got upset. He watched you from afar with a big pout, hoping that you would hug him and give him food as well.
- Sometimes, Beel just wanted to scoop you and Luke in his arms and give the two of you a bear hug. Would that make you mad? Would that make Luke mad? Then would you hate him? But he’s not doing anything wrong…he just wanted a hug…and some food made by you.
- Maybe next time when he sees you hugging Luke, he will hold out his arms. But until then Beel will quietly watch you and Luke from afar with a pout on his lips.
- Can we send the angel back to the Celestial Realm?
- Belphie tried to ignore the first time he saw you spoiling Luke with hugs, gifts, and sweet words. The second time, he managed to sleep through it. The third time, he stomped to the attic and grumbled to himself. But after the fourth time, Belphie got irritated. How dare the chihuahua take all your attention! Thanks to the angel, you don’t even pay attention to him anymore.
- Now, every time he tried to take a nap next to you or use your shoulder as a pillow, Luke would stop him. He would squeeze between the two of you and make sure Belphie couldn’t touch you. The Avatar of Sloth knew the angel was doing this on purpose. How he wished he could toss the angel up to the Celestial Realm.
- Maybe he should talk to Lucifer and ban the angel from entering the House of Lamentation.
- That’s cute, but could you spare me some attention as well?
- Diavolo found your sibling-like relationship with Luke adorable. To see a human and angel getting along so well made him think that his decision to host the exchange program was right.
- Despite finding it adorable, Diavolo couldn’t help but be a bit jealous. Why was Luke the only one getting your attention? Is it because he’s a child? Can’t demon men also get an equal amount of attention?
- Diav knows that you will never be as comfortable with him as you are with Luke. Well, unless he manages to win your heart and make you his. But the angel wouldn’t allow that, right? He doesn’t like demons being around you, and Diavolo was the prince of all demons…the devil. He can still dream though…maybe one day.
- How sweet. I wonder how many demons are jealous of their relationship.
- Barb thought your innocent relationship with Luke was the sweetest thing ever. This kind of pure relationship was not seen often in Devildom, so seeing it firsthand made the butler smile.
- What Barbatos found the cutest was the way Luke tailed behind you. It reminded him of a mother duck and duckling.
- He often liked to tease Luke about how he saw you with one of the demon brothers shopping, and how some of the brothers didn’t want Luke near you. Speaking of the brothers, Barb wondered how many of them were jealous of the angel.
- Maybe he could learn firsthand if he invited you, Luke, and the brothers over for dinner. All Barb would need to do is add a little spice here and a little spice and he could kick back and watch the fireworks fly.
- What a beautiful sibling-like relationship.
- Simeon found your interactions with Luke endearing and was very happy to see that Luke trusted someone else besides him.
- Most would find it annoying, but the older angel had no issues with the young angel talking about you ALL the time.
- Simeon was only worried about one thing though: when they have to return to the Celestial Realm will Luke be able to stay without you? But seeing the innocent smile on Luke’s lips, Simeon made a promise to himself that if you two get separated then he will find a way to reunite the both of you…for Luke’s sake.
- At first, Luke denied liking your attention, but you soon learned the angel doesn’t always say what he feels. “It’s not like I want your attention” translated to “I love your attention. Gimme more.” “I don’t want your hug” translated to “Don’t stop hugging me! Hug me whenever you see me.”
- After a while, the young angel got so attached to you that he refused to leave your side and even followed you to the House of Lamentation daily.
- Luke started seeing you as an older sister who he loved, could trust wholeheartedly, and wanted to protect. He worried about you all the time and even asked you to move into Purgatory Hall with him.
- Aside from your warm hugs and sweet words, what Luke loved the most was you choosing to shower him with attention – you could’ve picked one of the demons, but no, you chose him. That made him feel like the world’s luckiest angel.
- Should I put a spell on Luke to make him invisible for a little while?
- Your interactions with Luke made Solomon smile, and he had no issues with it. That is until Luke started to get protective of you and didn’t let any men around you, including Solomon.
- The sorcerer couldn’t understand why Luke was pushing him away – he was a human, after all…not a demon. Sometimes Solomon wished he could put a temporary disappearance spell on Luke. That way he could get some of your attention, but he knew if you found out about it, he was going to have to deal with your wrath….which everyone knows that a woman’s wrath is the worst thing you can face.
- Maybe if he thinks hard enough, he will be able to come up with the chihuahua repellent. Could Simeon possibly help with this?