Prompt: Cause normal HCs can get boring. 😂
- Riddle practices his “Off with your head” spell every night to make sure he appears as intimidating as possible. If the dorm is silent enough, you can hear Riddle’s faint voice.
- He had a collection of stuffed animals hidden under his bed. Whenever Riddle is stressed, he hugs the fluffiest of the toys for comfort.
- Once, when he was angry, Riddle tried to change the colors of the roses in the yard. But due to his lack of focus, the spell backfired and turned his hair pink.
- Trey got tired of painting his signature clover on his cheek every morning, so he snuck out of campus once and went to a tattoo shop. His tattoo is permanent, but no one knows this yet.
- Since he knows that Riddle easily loses his temper, Trey adds chamomile to almost all of Riddle’s dishes, hoping it can help him stay calm.
- Trey keeps a journal of all of Heartslabyul’s students’ strengths, allergies, weaknesses, and progression records. He actually knows more about them than he leads on.
- He crafted a spell to create a magic selfie stick that takes perfect pictures, but it’s a trademark secret that no one else knows about.
- Cater has a collection of videos and pictures of all the students in Heartslaybul who have broken the Queen’s rules. One false move, and he has the power to show them to Riddle. Then, off with your head, and Cater gets the last laugh.
- He likes to collect phone cases and has an entire closet full of them. If he wanted to, he could have a matching case for every outfit.
- Doesn’t have the greatest art skills but likes to create comic books about the students on campus. He has never shown anyone this collection. In the comic books, each student has an alter ego.
- Deuce likes to collect tiny objects. It’s his way of learning how to be more delicate with fragile items.
- Likes to go into stores and try out wacky, colorful outfits just to see if he looks good in them.
- One time, Ace was so frustrated that he couldn’t talk to animals that he convinced himself he could do it. He spent hours strategizing with a campus squirrel. Ruggie caught it on video and plans to use it as blackmail.
- Sometimes, he dresses up as a masked vigilante and sneaks around at night, pretending to solve mysteries and crimes. Idia saw him once and nearly had a heart attack, thinking Ace was a ghost.
- He tried to pull a prank by mixing blue dye in the dorm’s detergent supply, but Cater caught him and exposed him on social media. Much to Ace’s luck, Riddle still hasn’t noticed the post.
- He knows how to knit and sometimes likes to make gifts for others but never lets them know he made them. Lilia is the only one who knows this secret and likes to tease the prince by calling him a ‘grandma.’
- He likes to secretly play otome games just so he can see what romance is truly like. The next time you see the dragon looking tired, know that he stayed up all night playing events or reading the main story of his favorite game.
- Has a collection of hats, from sombreros to hats with bunny ears, but can’t wear any of them because of his horns. But that doesn’t stop him from collecting them.
- He has a collection of socks – you know, the ones with a nice cozy slot for each toe. Yeah, he likes toe socks…but keeps this to himself.
- During the nighttime, he sneaks out to set up pranks all over NRC. In his defense, he wants to make sure all the students are wide awake every morning for their classes. 🙂
- When he learned about the existence of V8 juice, he asked you to buy a truckload of them for him. One of the storage rooms in Diasomnia is filled with nothing but V8 tomato juice cans.
- He holds the unofficial record for the longest nap ever taken at NRC. Leona has attempted to break this record several times, but Ruggie never lets him and nags him to go to classes and finish his assignments.
- Sometimes, he is known to sleepwalk. He also enters the rooms of the students at night during his sleepwalking sessions. One time, he entered Sebek’s room, and when the knight opened his eyes and saw Silver, he let out the loudest squeal possible. To this day, Sebek refuses to accept that he was the one who squealed and says Silver was the one who did it.
- Has a collection of clocks, but no matter how many alarms he sets, they are ineffective in waking him up.
- Likes to practice interpretative dance in secret because he thinks it will enhance his movements during battle and increase the fluidity of his movements.
- He likes to listen to songs by girl bands and has to control himself from buying merch from his favorite girl bands. If only he had a younger sister, he could say the merch was for her.
- Has a secret tattoo that he got during his rebellious teen years. Not even Lilia knows about this. The tattoo is of a chibi bunny with floppy ears and big eyes.
- The prince is talented at singing lullabies because of Cheka. His nephew refused to sleep unless Leona sang him a lullaby. But the lion will NEVER let anyone know about this.
- Sometimes, he sneaks into Jack’s room to talk to his cacti collection. Leona doesn’t know why, but talking to the cacti calms him down. Jack nearly caught him once, but Leona played it off cool and managed to fool the wolf.
- The reason why Leona doesn’t like constricting clothes is not due to the fit. Even though the people in Savanna Sunset are scared of him, the younger women find him very attractive. Every time he wears tight clothes, they won’t stop staring. This makes him uncomfortable because he feels like a piece of meat they are waiting to pounce on.
- Ruggie keeps a journal that tracks all of Crowley’s movements. This is his way of ensuring that Crowley allows him to take food from the campus to feed all the hungry people in his hometown.
- One time, when a gourmet chef came to NRC, he added dandelions to the chef’s food. The chef didn’t realize the secret ingredient was a weed and praised the food highly. To this day, Ruggie is very proud of it.
- He secretly thinks of himself as the ‘mother’ of Savanaclaw because he secretly looks after everyone.
- He has a name and personality for all of his cacti. Most of the time, the names are very cute. And he even calls them by their name when talking to them.
- Jack secretly practices yoga to maintain his flexibility. He is an expert and can even do the scariest and oddest of poses with ease.
- He likes to keep up with the latest fashion trends—not for himself but for his siblings—so that he knows what type of gifts to give them. He wants to be the cool big brother to them.
- Sometimes, when his dorm members can’t sleep, Vil sings them a lullaby, and it’s very effective. It almost seems like Vil’s voice puts them in a deep sleep that they don’t wake up from for hours.
- He has a wig specially designed for him that replicates his hair and hairstyle. He wears a wig when he has a bad hair day, which is why his hair is always perfect.
- Every night, he practices dramatic entrances and exits in his bedroom in front of the mirror to make sure he always maintains his queenly attitude to the point.
- He has a magical pouch that never runs out of food. That is how Rook can keep an eye on the ‘prey’ of his choice for hours without having to worry about getting hungry.
- Secretly enjoys reading trashy romance novels and has a hidden stash under his bed. He wants to write these types of novels under a secret pen name.
- He has a journal of all the animals and birds in and around NRC, with detailed sketches and notes of the species.
- He has a secret rapping talent and occasionally participates in underground concerts.
- On many occasions, he has tried to come up with a spell that can help him become taller and masculine. Don’t be surprised if one day you see Epel as a 6’0 man with a physique that can rival Jack’s.
- He has a secret dream of becoming an idol but keeps it to himself due to his fear of being on stage. Sometimes, he has nightmares in which he is singing on stage and messes up or falls down while dancing.
- He has created an entire virtual world where he is a superhero who saves everyone from digital threats. Ortho is his sidekick. He also has a romance route but is too nervous to take that route in-game.
- Idia talks to all his devices and has names for all of them. They are his friends, so don’t judge him; just listen to what he says to them without interruption. Not to mention, he doesn’t feel nervous around them.
- He has a collection of rare glow-in-the-dark socks, even though he never wears them. Idia likes to see them glow in the dark, and it makes him smile.
- He has a secret fear of cucumbers. They remind him of his sea snakes, so he can’t eat them and has to resist the urge to shriek whenever he sees them. Floyd figured this out and likes to place cucumbers in random places just to freak Azul out.
- Azul’s skin is baby-soft because he has an elaborate skincare routine, which he adapted after hearing Vil’s advice. Not even Vil knows this.
- He has a column in the NRC newspaper where he gives students relationships and heartfelt and emotional advice but under a pen name. No one has managed to figure out that Azul pens that column.
- He runs a secret gourmet food blog where he criticizes/praises the food of the restaurants in the town nearest to NRC. He is a very picky and harsh critic.
- Likes to leave random cryptic messages all over NRC just to see the students’ reactions. The messages mean nothing, but he likes to see the smart students struggling to decipher the codes.
- Jade never forgets anything, even if he pretends he forgot…he remembers. He has such a good memory that you could ask him the 71st word on page 239 of the history textbook, and he can tell you accurately.
- He is REALLY good at parkour and has had competitions with Ace and Deuce, but he always wins.
- When Floyd is bored, he likes to hide in the NRC swimming pool and scare the students who go to swim there, especially after the sunsets. Some students have never returned to the swimming pool because they think it’s haunted.
- Has a collection of giant stuffed toys. When Floyd goes to sleep, he hugs a large blue teddy bear with a white bow. He has a hard time sleeping with his teddy.
- He wants NRC to have a desert day where the entire campus is filled with sand, and all the students are required to dress in beach-themed clothes.
- He likes collecting ventriloquist dolls but is horrible at it because he keeps laughing at his own jokes.
- Kalim has a habit of talking and laughing in his sleep. Sometimes, the dorm is dead silent at night, and the sound of Kalim laughing loudly out of nowhere wakes everyone up.
- He is secretly a DJ who wears a mask to cover his identity and calls himself DJ Jam. His mask is a piece of toast with a mustache and sunglasses. Yes, Kalim suggested the mask, and Jamil had no choice but to go along with it—much to his dismay.
- When he laughs a lot, he starts snorting. This is one reason he doesn’t like to laugh a lot. Only Kalim and Najma know this secret.
- Sometimes Kalim’s hyper nature gets to him, so Jamil adds relaxing herbs to Kalim’s dishes. Yes, Trey was the one who gave him the idea.