
Prompt: Guys reaction to their mc running their fingers through their hair?

Gender: gn!Reader

Koku Banner
  • Kokuyou was smoking in the back alley when you walked out and sat on the step behind him to avoid the cigarette smoke.
  • You stared at the back of his head, prompting him to ask, “What are you starin’ at? Is the back of my head that attractive?”
  • Quietly, you reached out and ran your fingers through his hair. His muscles tensed a bit, but he stayed quiet. 
  • After he finished smoking, Kokuyou pulled you in front of him, sat you on his lap, and buried his face in your neck. 
  • You got a strong whiff of the cigarette smoke and crinkled your nose. “Why do you smoke?”
Kei Banner
  • Kei was busy the entire day, getting a routine ready for his team’s next event, picking out outfits for the upcoming versus event, instructing Unei to design flyers, and sorting out the constant arguments among the members. 
  • When you went to meet him, you could immediately tell he was exhausted. 
  • Without saying anything, you encircled your arms around him. Kei smiled and rested his forehead on your shoulder.
  • You ran your fingers gently through his hair.
  • His muscles started to relax as he embraced you closer. 
  • “What would I do without you?” Kei whispered.
Gui Banner
  • Gui finished rehearsing for a new song and plopped next to you without saying a word.  
  • “You did a great job, Gui,” you said with a smile and patted his head. 
  • Surprisingly his hair was soft and you absentmindedly began running your fingers through his locks. 
  • At first, he didn’t know what you were doing and stared at your cluelessly, but he started to like the feeling of your fingers in his hair. 
  • Gui slumped his shoulders and bent his back, relaxing. “That feels good…” 
Tai Banner
  • Taiga was exhausted after the continuous rehearsal Kokuyou forced upon him as a punishment for ignoring his words. 
  • He sat next to you in the rest area and sighed, resting his forehead on your shoulder. “Too…tired…”
  • You chuckled and ran your fingers through his smooth hair. At first, he tensed up but soon melted under your touch. 
  • Taiga wrapped one arm around your waist and whispered, “I found something more that relaxes me more than games.” 
Mizu Banner
  • Mizuki was angry with Mokuren’s words regarding the old Starless and sat down next to you with a huff. 
  • He grumbled about Moku being stupid and something about how much the old place means to him. To get him to calm down, you linked your fingers into his hair and gently massaged his scalp. 
  • Mizuki’s eyes widened but in no time, he felt all the anger leave his mind. All he could think about was the feeling of your fingers on his scalp. 
  • “You’re da best.” He mumbled bashfully, hiding his now-crimson cheeks.
Kong Banner
  • Kongou had been running around the kitchen all afternoon and evening, trying to get all the plates ready for the hungry customers. 
  • He sat down to rest his tired muscles and closed his eyes, but the feeling of your fingers in his hair startled him. 
  • “Relax,” you whispered, “you are such a hard worker.” 
  • Kongou smiled, pulled you between his legs, and rested his forehead against your chest. “Don’t stop…” 
  • He felt all his fatigue leave him as you gently carded your fingers through his slightly wet hair. 
Heat Banner
  • Heath was practicing without his team, and you watched him in awe. He started coughing and winced. 
  • You helped him towards a chair and handed him a bottle of water. As he caught his breath, you began to run your fingers through his hair. 
  • “Heath, you really need to rest once in a while. I’m worried about you.” 
  • Heath gave a small smile and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in your abdomen. 
  • He softly purred as you massaged his scalp. 
Hari Banner
  • Hari sat in the rest area and rubbed his sore legs not understanding how Moku can make them practice that much without a break.
  • He saw your feet in front of him and sat up straight, greeting you with his usual smile. 
  • “Did Moku make you rehearse like crazy again?” You asked, and when he nodded, you shook your head and sat next to him. 
  • Taking a hold of his shoulders, you gently brought his head in your lap and asked him to close his eyes. Though he was stunned, Hari complied. 
  • As you ran your fingers through his hair, Hari felt all his tension disappearing and sleeping taking over his exhausted body.
Unei Banner
  • You stood behind Unei’s chair and watched him work, but your focus was on his hair. 
  • Not being able to resist, you reached out and ran your fingers through his hair. 
  • Unei squeaked and jumped out of his seat, nearly pushing his chair into you. 
  • “Relax, Unei,” You chuckled and sat him down in the chair again. “You take too much stress and need to be pampered once in a while.” 
  • At first, Unei remained frozen, but as you worked your fingers through his hair, he started to melt. 
  • “This is a little gift from me as a thank you for your dedication to Starless.” You smiled. 
  • Your words made Unei emotional as a soft smile graced his lips and tears clouded his vision. 
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