Past Resentment

Prompt: Belphegor with fem mc, argument, anger, sensitivity.

Gender: fem!Reader

Warning: Angst, spoilers for OG obey me, & mentions of death.

Word Count: 591

Belphie Banner

“Humans are so irritating.”

“Belphie, I’m a human…”


“I visited the Human Realm today and couldn’t stay there long. Humans get on my nerves.”

“Belphie. Once again, I’m a human…”

Time and time again, you had to remind him, but even then, he didn’t stop. Finally, you ran out of patience.

“Will you please stop?” You yelled. Belphie stepped back as his eyes grew in size. “If you hate humans so much, what are you doing with me? FYI, demons are no saints.”

“They are far more angelic than humans,” he said between his teeth.

“Angelic, huh? Is that why you strangled me,” you grimaced, “and killed me? If it weren’t for Barbatos, I would not be alive now! Or did you conveniently forget that?”


Since that day, Belphie hasn’t spoken to you; he stayed alone in the attic and slept more than usual. You were right – if Barbatos hadn’t used his powers, you wouldn’t be alive, and your blood would be on his hands. His guilt had overtaken his mind, and the Avatar of Sloth wasn’t sure what to say or how to react.

You were in the same boat; every day, you would stand at the bottom of the spiral staircase leading up to the attic, contemplating whether or not you should talk to him. But what would you say to him? All the while, Beel kept a close eye on the two of you. This couldn’t go on, and since neither you nor Belphie was doing anything, he had to devise a way to patch your relationship.


Beel took a deep breath as he stood in the center of the planetarium, his phone in hand. “Here goes nothing…”

Beel: Belphie. (Y/n) is in trouble. Come to the planetarium!

Beel: (Y/n). Belphie is in trouble. Come to the planetarium!

The Avatar of Gluttony grinned when you and Belphie rushed towards him. Belphie struggled to breathe but asked, “(Y/n), are you alright? What happened?”

“I should ask you that,” you panted.

“See. You two care about each other,” Beel chuckled. “I sent a text message to you saying Belphie is in trouble. I sent the same message to Belphie, saying you are in trouble. Both of you dropped everything and rushed here.”

Neither of you reacted to his words, but he continued, “It’s normal for couples to get into fights. When people are mad, they say things they don’t mean. But after some time, you have to move on…especially if you care about your partner. So forgive each other…please?”

Belphie exhaled loudly and faced you, “(Y/n), I’m sorry for making stereotypical comments about humans. As for what happened in the past…I can’t do anything to make it up to you. I couldn’t deal with what happened to Lilith and blamed the human she loved for her…and it wasn’t right to take that out on you. I can’t ask for forgiveness for what I did in the past, but can you forgive me for my hurtful comments?”

“Belphie, I’m sorry for bringing up the past. I am still traumatized by it, but I know you won’t hurt me like that again. I don’t know if I will ever be able to forgive you for that, but I will try…”

You stepped closer to your boyfriend and wrapped your arms around his waist; Belphie gladly returned your hug. Beel tightly hugged both of you, content that his plan worked.

As your laughter echoed through the hallway, the remaining brothers wondered what they missed out on.

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