Character Personalities

Prompt: Personalities of the BSTS cast members.

Warning: Spoilers from game.

K HC Banner


Starless’s pillar and in-house celebrity. Kei is from the US and is a well-known celebrity there but put his career on a hiatus to come to Japan for MC’s sake. He helped create the new Starless and refers to it as a place designed for MC and her protection. He knows Heath and MC from childhood but had to leave Japan and go to America at the age of 9; while Heath remembers what happened, MC has forgotten both of them. For some reason, Kei doesn’t want MC’s memories to come back and told her a few times to not remember. 

Kei comes off as an arrogant and cold man, and while he does have an arrogant side, he’s caring but doesn’t usually show it unless MC or Heath are involved. This man is good at everything, can manage anything, and is always prepared for everything. On to flip side, Kei always takes everything on by himself, and if people he cares about blame him for something he didn’t do, he quietly takes the blame. Kei is the pillar of Starless because Haseyama tried multiple times to fire cast members, but Kei managed to find a way around the owner’s tricks. Also, when Kei temporarily left Starless to go to America, things went downhill really quickly between the cast members and Haseyama.

Kei is a wealthy man and seems to have connections to people left and right. Even Haseyama is scared of Kei, and at one point, he says, “Even the yazuka is cute compared to Kei.” This might be stepping into the theory territory, but Kei is a celebrity, yet people can’t get information about him which makes me think the celebrity career might be his side job. 

In one of the recent chapters, Gui said that his master’s face resembles Kei. Fun facts about him: he’s good at training dogs, is equally talented in singing/dancing/acting and likes watching historical Japanese drama. That’s where he learned Japanese from, so his Japanese is very samurai-like.


Starless’s Ikémen who needs to believe in himself more. He is one of the few pure characters in Starless and shows exactly who he is. Ginsei suffers from a lack of confidence and low self-esteem that stems from his good looks. He feels like people only look at his handsome face and can’t see him for who he is/ can’t recognize his talents. One of the most hardworking members in Starless and also very clueless…he can’t take a hint or read the room. Ginsei likes to make his own accessories, even for his Starless costumes. He is a huge fan of Kei, but more than the pure fan, it’s a mix between fan and needs someone to follow.


Starless’s Tasmanian devil. This man loves drama and is willing to cause fires just so he can sit back and see the drama unfold. Sotetsu is a member of Team Sus and likes to poke his nose in other people’s business which kind of is part of his (other) job as an information broker. He joined Starless after fighting with Kokuyou, but we don’t know much about this yet. Sotetsu is a huge flirt and comes off as a total playboy, but after reading his Valentine’s day card, there is a much deeper part of him that he doesn’t let anyone see or doesn’t trust anyone enough to show that side.


Starless’s strawberry shortcake. Yoshino used to be very timid and lacked confidence, but now, he has confidence and is willing to do anything and everything to get a chance to sing, no matter the consequences. He and Sotetsu are the same age, and they were classmates at one point. Yoshino’s family doesn’t support his singing career as they’re financially struggling and don’t think being a singer is good enough to support the family. His hobby is playing board games, including chess.


Starless’s salaryman number 2. Yakou has an office job and somehow manages to work as a full-time cast member of Starless. He initially joined Starless solely to get back at Sinju for destroying his chance of becoming an idol (look at Sinju’s section for more details about this). The idol agency lied to Yakou and the other group members, saying Sinju left the agency on his own and broke up the trainee group. So Yakou held Sinju responsible for losing his chance at becoming an idol but eventually learned the truth. After losing a versus battle against Rindou, Yakou temporarily leaves Team P and Starless, but he comes back as a member of Team K. Along with Kei and Yoshino, Yakou is a singer on Team K.


Starless’s robot puppy. Gui can’t really process emotions normally and doesn’t quite understand most things. He is innocent and sweet but can also beat anyone up and is skilled at parkour. Gui is searching for his master and can’t function without taking orders from someone. So, in Starless, Kei is the one guiding him while Ginsei is his teacher. There are a lot of theories out there about Gui and why he is more robotic than human, but most of the theories are very dark. Gui also has sharp senses; when Kei returned from America, he was able to tell Kei was back just by hearing Kei’s footsteps. Oh, and he has the ability to pick up people’s scents; this man can literally tell if someone is good or bad solely by their natural scent.

W HC Banner


The face of Starless, aka Mr. Starless. Kokuyou was one of the first members of the old Starless and was recruited by Nekome. Despite his intimidating appearance and rough-around-the-edges personality, Kokuyou is a very caring man who looks out for people. Kokuyou is one of the few members of Starless that has a motorcycle (the other is Hari and possibly Nekome). 

After the Mikis and Iwami disappeared, Kokuyou tried to take care of Starless, but things didn’t go well, and the restaurant wasn’t making profits. He loves Starless to no end and wants to protect the restaurant at all costs because Starless is his home, and like some of the other cast members, he has nowhere else to go. 

Kokuyou and Akira were best friends at one point, but something happened between them, and they drifted apart. Maybe one of the reasons was Kokuyou’s need to have everything his way, especially when it comes to Team W. This is also why he can’t get along with Kei. From Kokuyou’s perspective, Kei barged into Starless – HIS territory – and started to make changes to which he didn’t agree.  

From one of the flashbacks MC had, it seems like she and Kokuyou knew each other or met as children. Oddly enough, the name of Kokuyou’s dog tag is Chiaki Takamori, and MC has some sort of connection to Chiaki. Heath has said a few times that MC is Chiaki but then turned around and said she’s not Chiaki; meanwhile, Kei told Heath to say that name around MC. But Kokuyou keeps the dog tag with him almost all the time. As for his scar, he said he doesn’t remember what happened, but he nearly died.


Starless’s cheerful flirt. He is a flirty and playful man. Akira is not book smart, but he’s very perspective/observant – so, more like street smart. He is very passionate about singing, likes to play arcade/rhythm games, and likes American comics. He has known Kokuyou for a long time, but something happened between them, so they are no longer buddy-buddy.


Leader of Team Suspicious. Takami is a sharp and shrewd man with a nice enough heart to help others, but it seems like he helps others only when it benefits him. He became part of Starless for a purpose – most likely to gather more information about Kei, MC, and the organization Blackcard. His past is very ordinary to the point that it feels fabricated – even Taiga said it’s so plain that it’s scary. Takami gives off an undercover agent feel.


The walking-talking puzzle of Starless (who no one can decode expect Takami). He likes to talk in riddles but is also capable of talking “normally”, but who needs normal talk when he can confuse (almost) everyone and give them a headache. Sin knows about all the things going on in Starless, including who MC is, what they have done, what connection they have to Kei and Heath, and much more. He’s pretty suspicious himself but is seen helping MC, so we don’t know whether he’s on MC’s side or not. Sin is the second oldest cast member. His hobbies include reading, playing chess, and making tea. 


Starless’s gamer. He came to Starless in search of his missing brother, Nekome, but found Kokuyou instead and decided to join Team W. Taiga is a talented hacker, but according to him, he’s a white hat hacker, meaning he doesn’t use his skills to cause harm to anyone. He’s also good with technology and is responsible for fixing devices used by the cast members. Unfortunately for him, a handful of cast members are always breaking the tablets, namely Mizuki and Qu. He has known Kokuyou for a while through Nekome and thinks of him as a brother.

P HC Banner


Starless’s angelic fallen idol. He is one of the nicest men in Starless, caring, and sweet, but he rules Team P strictly. Rather, he can’t fully seem to understand the POV of other people. Maybe that’s why Mizuki hated him and still does. Rindou has two older sisters, and one of them is in the hospital. The reason he works at Starless is to pay off her bills – well, Haseyama pays the bills, and Rindou pays Haseyama off by working at Starless. He used to be an idol, but something (dark probably) happened in his past where he fell from that status.


Starless’s Snorlax. Menou’s world consists of sleeping, acting, and visiting hot springs. This man can go to sleep anywhere – pick the most uncomfortable place you can think of, and Menou can fall asleep there. Not even he can explain why he sleeps so much. He is so good at acting that Menou doesn’t act like the character, he becomes the character to the point where even the audience gets scared of his take on the character. Kokuyou can handle Menou really well and even slapped him once in the past.


Mr. Lost-and-suddenly-found, and Starless’s newest member. Also part of Team Sus. Nekome is Taiga’s older brother and one of the first members of the old Starless. He and Kokuyou were really close friends, but their friendship went down the drain when Nekome decided to switch from Team W to Team P (in the old Starless). He was supposedly missing but showed up one day at the new Starless, and exactly at that time, there was a fire in the restaurant, which caused the whale skeleton to fall and crush Nekome and one other man. Kokuyou and Taiga both find the “new” Nekome kinda odd and find it really suspicious that he suddenly returned. He used to be part of a motorcycle gang and possibly still has a motorcycle.


Starless’s sunshine. Sinju used to be a trainee in an idol agency but was kicked out of the agency because they didn’t think Sinju fit the “princely” theme of the group since he was from a poor family. Rindou was the one who brought Sinju to Starless. He’s one of the nicest and purest members of Starless but is also very oblivious, and sometimes people get frustrated with him, namely Yakou. He lives with his grandma and older brother and does odd jobs here and there to help out his struggling family.


Starless’s hole puncher. If you want to live, don’t mistake him for a woman; otherwise, he will punch holes in walls. Maica comes from a wealthy family, but his parents didn’t support his dream to sing, so he ran away and came to Starless. He’s very short-tempered and can get irritated easily, but despite this, he can think with a level head. Maica has a social media account, and though we don’t know much about it, I think he has a lot of followers.

C HC Banner


Starless’s dance and food-loving diva. Mokuren loves dancing to the point of it being their obsession, but they also love food and don’t take kindly to people taking their food. They have a kinda chill side, but for the most part, they are sharp with their words and like everything to go their way. Mokuren is also relentless when it to Team C’s dancing and will make their team practice to the point of collapsing if needed. Before they came to Starless, Mokuren worked as a drag queen along with Qu.


Starless’s bonbon. He is the son of a politician and comes from a very rich family, but he wants to follow his passion for the time being before having to return to studying and possibly take over his father’s position. Hari is nice and comes off as someone who doesn’t pay attention to his surroundings, but in reality, he’s sharp. At one point, he hires a private detective to find out who is trying to hurt MC, but the detective dies. He recently got into motorcycling and had a motorcycle of his own (seen in his 5* gatcha card).


Starless most beautiful member. He is a friendly man who rarely gets mad, don’t like fighting, and is observant. He’s good at reading people and figuring what they’re hiding but this man can’t use technology to save his life. He’s a makeup expert and generally does Team C’s makeup and most likely the make up of all the Starless teams. He used to work as a drag queen along side Mokuren. Knows Maica really well because his family took Qu in and raised him.


Starless’s donut-loving ninja. Very cooperative, kind (helps Unei out), sharp, and smart. Seems like a normal man at first, but he is hiding something. He is one of the characters that knows the secrets of Starless, and this man has ninja skills. Kasumi can literally appear out of thin air without anyone noticing him. He almost has a undercover secret agent feel to him. He has two jobs and works as a salary man, but again…it could be a cover.


Co-leader of Team Suspicious. Zakuro claims he has amnesia, but we don’t know if he’s telling the truth or not. He likes teasing people/take playful jabs at them (verbally), can be very dramatic, is sharp, and did I mention he’s suspicious? Lol. Kei knows him but says he would much rather not know Zakuro. He also knows more than he leads on, which is funny because he claims he doesn’t remember his past, and wants MC to get her memories back for the sake of everyone.


We don’t know much about his either since he just entered Starless, but he is the new fashion designer of the store. Because we don’t have enough sus and singer characters, Donuts decided to add another one. He is another singer of Team C. Aogiri comes off as a calm, mature, and overly humble man who doesn’t like fights or arguing. But it seems like behind that too calm personality is a darker side. His entry was at the same time as Hinata, so maybe they know each other and are collaborating to plot something along with Iwami.

B HC Banner


Starless’s cute, food-loving gangsta. He is a straightforward, innocent, and tsundere boy. When the game started, he was acted very bratty and immature, but he has grown a lot and can act like an adult when he feels like it. HE LOVES FOOD. Mizuki grew up in the streets, and Kokuyou pretty much took him off the streets, fed him, and introduced him to (the old) Starless. For this reason, Mizu sees Kokuyou as an older brother, and Kokuyou has a soft spot for him. He likes kicking people, skateboarding and eating. Sees Team B has his family more than team members, and his teammates feel the same way. Also, he is really bad with technology.


Starless’s chef and MC’s personal bodyguard (but inside Starless only). Kongou is extremely nice, considerate, and very passive – like it literally takes a lot for him to get mad. He got mad at Ran once (in his 5* summer event card), but other than that, he never gets angry. He is also the chef of Starless, and his food is incredible – even the cast members can’t get enough of his cooking. Kongou used to be a wrestler, and now, he’s Team B’s mother figure. He is one of the, if not the nicest man in Starless – a true gentle giant.


Starless’s sharkboy who won’t hesitate to take a chunk out of you. Ran wanted to be an idol and showed up at Starless in hopes of having the “idol on stage” feeling. His personality is very divided, as in he has moments where he is sweet, playful, and adorable, but then he can flip a switch and turn violent and cold. Ran loves violence and has a connection to the yakuza-maybe his father is even part of the yazuka. He is a member of Team Sus but covers his suspicious side very well under his cute-playful personality. Oh, and his hobby is arson. On a lighter note, he has a Doberman named Sabu, who he thinks of as a younger brother.


Starless’s fashionista mean girl. Rico used to be a host, but his customer ran away without paying the tabs, and the club asked him to pay the damages. He couldn’t afford to, so Haseyama cleared the bill and brought Rico to Starless. Now, Rico can’t leave the establishment until he pays Haseyama back. Due to this, Mr. Fashionista has a negative outlook on everything and usually only talks badly about others, especially Kei and Team K. Sometimes, even his teammates tell him to stop because he’s crossing the line. But in the recent chapters, Rico has slightly matured. Also, he is a fashionista and designs some of Team B’s outfits, like the wan-wan outfits.


Starless’s green thumb rapper. He writes and composes all his songs as they are a way to show his anger towards people/the world. Heath is MC’s childhood friend, along with Kei and possibly Kokuyou, and wants to do everything in his power to protect MC. He dislikes Kei due to some incidents that happened in the past. Because of this dislike, Heath is very harsh with him and has even blamed Kei for things he was not responsible for. He is suffering from a potentially high-level respiratory illness and has coughed up blood on several occasions. Despite this, Heath doesn’t want to give up music because rapping is his life. Also, he loves plants and raises quite a few of them. Similarly to Gui, Heath has a special ability: he is able to see the aura (in colors) of others.


Since he is a new character we don’t know much about him yet, but it seems like he has come to Starless to cause trouble and steal Heath’s position in Team B. Iwami was the one who brought him in, but Hinata is definitely sus. Much like Ran, he also has a violent side to him. There is a darker side hiding behind the sweet, teasing, and playful personality we see. He knows how to sing and is inspired by Heath’ rapping. Due to his young age, he isn’t as steeled as some of the other characters. 

M HC Banner


Starless’s overworked intern – someone give him a raise. Unei is the soft and kindhearted intern who manages the restaurant’s profits, votes, paperwork, team organization, schedules, fixing costumes, and much, much more. He doesn’t get paid enough to handle all these things, and on top of that, Haseyama doesn’t treat him nicely. Some of the cast members also push him around, but some kind members listen to him and help him out when they can. Recently, Unei has been standing up to Haseyama, especially when the owner threatens to fire cast members or play with them behind their back. He also runs a blog, but we don’t know what the blog is about.


Starless’s creep of an owner. Haseyama owns the restaurant, doesn’t treat the cast members properly, and only cares only about money. At the beginning of the story, Haseyama tells Kei that he is going to sell MC – speaking of Kei, he is the only member in Starless Haseyama is scared of. Pretty much, all Haseyama does is order Unei around and not raise his pay, try to fire cast members, milk profits, and come up with ways to pit the members against each other. 


Owner of the previous Starless and a member of Team Sus who mysteriously disappeared one day. We don’t know much about Iwami – at this point, but we know that Kei suspects Iwami had something to do with MC’s fainting from the first borderline. Apparently, he is broke and jobless. Iwami said that he finished his job and is now back…that is a very suspicious thing to say – normal people would just say they quit their job or were fired. He’s also the oldest in the game but has maintained himself very well. 

Akito and Koharu Miki

The husband-wife duo that handled all the stories/direction/choreography at the old Starless owned by Iwami. One day, they suddenly went missing, along with Iwami, and the old Starless was closed down. We don’t know much about them, but some of the cast members have said Koharu was very scary, as in someone who you don’t want to mess with. 

Gui’s Master

For some he looks like Kei and Gui – he has Gui’s face and Kei’s eyes and hair color. It’s a bit weird, but maybe Kei and Gui are related, maybe cousins, and Gui’s master is their older brother. Master kidnaps MC and locks her up just to test Kei and see how well he is protecting her. After that, he pretty much disappears. 

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