Prompt: How many pictures of their pets do you think the guys with pets have on their phone?
A/N: We do know for sure that Takami has pictures of his bird on his phone since we got to see one pic.
Takami: 95% pics/vidoes of his birds
Sotetsu: 70% photos of his iguana
Ran: 99% pics/videos of Sabu
Zakuro has pics of the alley cats behind Starless. I want to say that the cats have a therapeutic effect on him, so when he can’t see the cats in person, he looks at their pics.
I also want to say that Kokuyou likes wolves a lot, and he saves cool pics/art of wolves in his gallery.
Sinju has a collection of big dog images because he loves big dogs that much.
Sin has some pics of crows/ravens in his gallery.
Kongou has a collection of rabbit photos/art.