Pet's POV
Prompt: May you grace us with of POVs from the perspective of our darling furry/feathered/reptilian friends and their daily life with their owners? Laughing to myself whether or not to ask for adding to the (owner pet) list and say (Haseyama and Unei).

- Sotetsu doesn’t have a proper sleep schedule, and he comes home at random times. My enclosure is big enough, but I like sitting on the sofa. At least he’s nice enough to let me out every time he gets back home. I really wonder where he is all day long. It sometimes gets lonely.Â
- I like it when he’s at home. There are times when he wakes up at noon, and during those days, he mostly stays at home and lets me out of my cage. I can crawl all over the couch and him, and Sotetsu just laughs – even when my nails scratch him. He also knows exactly where to pet me to make me happy!Â
- Sometimes, people come over, but they don’t look friendly. Sotetsu is not in any kind of danger, right? He never looks upset and is always smirking when talking to those strangers. Maybe I am worrying too much.Â
- My favorite time is when I get to see him dance. His movements are almost hypnotizing- my owner is so talented.Â
- Dancing, dealing with strangers, and spending a lot of time on this strange-looking device (laptop) take up most of his time. There are days when he doesn’t sleep and stares at that strange device. What is he trying to do?Â
- If I could talk to him, I would tell him to make a schedule, especially a sleep schedule. He never forgets to feed me, but he forgets to eat, so I would tell him to eat properly. Most of all, he needs to stop talking to those strange people…I don’t like the aura around them…they are not good humans. I really hope Sotetsu stays safe. I can’t and don’t want to live without him.

- It’s morning again, and I have to wake up my owner. Mew. Mew. If only I could jump on the bed, I could wake him up easily. I will eat more so I can grow! MEW. Should I scratch the drawers next to his bed? That might wake up. Oh wait, I see him moving. Yay, he’s awake! Now, give my morning kisses, and let me nuzzle your face.Â
- Why does he always go into that room alone? I want to go with him, but he shuts the door, and he won’t let me in if I scratch. During that time, I like to stretch my legs and walk around the room.Â
- After he comes out, he sets me on the island and makes his breakfast- human food looks hard to make. Even if I am hungry, I like to wait until after he finishes cooking, so we can eat together. Food is so yummy!Â
- Then he likes to sit on the couch and read while I take a nap, but sometimes, I jump on his lap and stand up on his chest. I want head strokes and kisses, and Sin closes the book and gives me attention. Yay attention!Â
- But after a few hours, he pats my head, tells me he will be back, and leaves. Can you believe that? I am so cute, so why does he want to leave me? I wish I could go with him, but before he disappears, Sin leaves me a bunch of toys. They are fun to play with, and he always knows what I like.Â
- While he is gone, I explore the house, practice jumping, play with toys, and nap. I miss Sin. Does he miss me too?
- When it’s time for him to return, I wait in the living room, facing the door. Seeing him after a long time is the best. I also get more head rubs and hugs. Then, it’s snack time, and finally, bedtime. I wanted to sleep on the bed with him, but he gave me my own bed. My bed is comfy, so I won’t complain.Â
- Before turning out the lights, he always wishes me a good night. That makes me happy. Mew. I wish him good night back, but too bad he doesn’t understand me. If he did, I would tell him that I love him a lot!

- Takami and I wake up at the same time, but when he doesn’t, I like to sing a song and wake him up. Sometimes, I scream, but he doesn’t get mad at me. He’s so patient, even when I chomp on his finger, but I don’t want to hurt him – it’s out of habit~.Â
- He lets me out of my cage when he makes food, except when he turns on the stove. I like to sit on his shoulder and watch his actions closely. Did I mention I like to sneak in kisses? When he’s not paying attention to me, I like to rub my beak on his cheek. It makes him smile, and I like seeing him happy!
- The best part is during breakfast, he gives me treats, like fruits and eggs. My favorites! But he doesn’t let me take food off his plate, not even when I stare at him with big eyes and say his name. Does he not want to share, or am I not allowed to eat those foods?Â
- After breakfast, he likes to shower, and he lets me join him sometimes. I like taking showers and singing while I’m in there. Warm water is the best!
- Then he puts me back in my cage, I don’t want to go, but I have to. Why does he leave for such a long time? I like playing with the toys in my cage, staring out the window, and eating, but I want to spend more time with Takami.Â
- After hours and hours and hours, he returns, and I like to greet him by saying hi. He gets a smile whenever I say anything, so I need to learn more words for him. But when he comes home, he looks tired. Will my kisses make him feel better? Maybe I should sing a song.Â
- He lets me out of the cage for a while so I can fly around and stretch my wings. During that time, Takami likes to sit on the couch and look through papers. Sometimes he gives me the papers to tear, and I LOVE to tear paper. Why does he spend so much time reading papers? What’s written on those papers? He looks so focused.Â
- When it’s my bedtime, he puts me back in the cage but not before giving me a kiss on the beak. Takami goes to his bedroom, but I see his light on, so he doesn’t go to sleep. What does he do all night long? He needs to sleep more.Â

- Ran disappears for weeks, but today he is comin’ home. Oh boy, I can’t wait for him to come home! When he does, I will jump on him and give him a lot of kisses.Â
- When he’s at home, I sleep in his bedroom and share a bed with him. He likes to kick in his sleep, so I stay away from his legs, but I sometimes kick in my sleep too.Â
- In the morning, we wake up together, and Ran likes to wrestle with me. It’s our way of wakin’ and not bein’ sleepy anymore. Then he lets me outside, and I get to run around the yard until breakfast – the best part of the day! Food is the best, and I can eat all day long. Ran likes to sit next to me and eat his human breakfast.Â
- Then, Ran puts a harness on me, gets his skateboard, and we’re off to the park. We spend a lot of time there, and a lot of humans like to give me head and belly rubs. Oh boy, belly rubs feel good!Â
- We play around until evening time, then head home, and by the time we get back, we are tired. We walk into the livin’ room and drop on the floor. After regainin’ energy, Ran heads to the bathroom, and I wait for him in front of the door.Â
- Dinner time is next, and Ran gives me table scraps. Human food is YUMMY! Sometimes I want to jump on the table and eat everythin’, but I would get into trouble…so would Ran. I don’t wanna get him into trouble, so for now, I’ll stay off the table.Â
- Ran even spends time with me after dinner – he plays games or watches movies, and I snuggle up to him and watch the movin’ pictures. I sometimes doze off and wake up to find Ran asleep. He has a habit of sleepin’ in a bad position, so I nudge him until he wakes up.Â
- Finally, it’s bedtime. Ran pats my head and says good night, and I touch my nose to his hand. That’s my way of sayin’ good night and dream of yummy food. Food dreams are the best, after all!

- I’m always the first one at Starless, but sometimes I see Kokuyou san waiting by the door. Why does he come this early? I have heard that Kokuyou san considers Starless his home, and if I remember correctly, someone said he has no other place to go. That’s really sad when you think about it, but Starless is like a family for me. The cast members fight, but when necessary, they work together and protect each other.
- The only person who is not like family is the owner. He always wants to create problems, break up teams, and fire cast members. What makes this worse is he enjoys giving them pain. I’m glad that the owner is at least scared of Kei san; though, sometimes, even I find Kei san scary. But seeing Kei san stand up to the owner has given me the courage to speak up, so whenever I see the owner being unfair to the members, I try to step in and stop him. It’s not fair for him to behave this way with the cast members. They are not money-making machines – they are people with feelings and mistreating them is not right.Â
- Speaking of scary, some of the cast members frighten me, but some are really nice and help me with work, like Takami san and Kasumi san. I’m very thankful for their help, but I wonder why they help me.
- One of my favorite parts of the day is when Sin san makes tea and shares some with me. His appearance is intimidating, but he’s a kind man. Not to mention, the tea tastes delicious!Â
- But teatime means lunch is close, and during lunch, the owner gives me even more work to do…unfortunately. Not all work is bad, though; creating flyers for the team events is fun, but sadly, the only leader who looks at the flyers is Rindou san. The other leaders disregard my hard work, and the worst part is, they need to approve the flyer, so it’s not like I can submit the designs on my own. Thank you, Rindou san, for taking the time to look at my creations and for your compliments!Â
- There are days when I get a little free time, and I use that time to check my blog, but I have to be careful not to let others find out. Taiga san found out, but he promised not to tell anyone. Sometimes, I like to see the teams on stage, they all look so amazing on stage, and the customers seem to enjoy their performances.
- One of the worst parts comes after the performance is over – all the fans crowding in the entrance area trying to get the attention of the oshis. It’s loud, crowded, and stressful to see, but the cast members handle it very well.Â
- Versus events and some event performances are the absolute worse. Whenever the owner calls the leader for a meeting, I always hope it’s not a versus or voting event. Tallying the votes is a HUGE pain and takes hours. Again, some of the cast members are nice enough to help me, but there are times when I have to count 1000s of votes by myself. I don’t get paid enough for that…
- To add to that, I also have to announce the results. When I announce the winners, I don’t know whether to be happy or sad; I’m very happy for the winners, but the expressions of the defeated team are hard to see. On top of that, the owner never forgets to give more pain to the losing team. I wish he would stop that.Â
- Thankfully, I don’t have to close the store, so I can leave once my job is done. At the end of the shift, I don’t have enough strength to do anything, so I go straight home, get a little food, shower, and go straight to bed but not before checking my blog one last time. Â