Pets Interacting with Owners


  • Greeting the owner when they come home (bird saying hello, cat walking towards them, dog barking and running up to character)
  • Nuzzling the character
  • A pet laying their head on their owner’s lap
  • Following character around and demanding lots of attention and cuddles
  • Pet’s eyes lighting up when their owner walks through the door
  • Curling up to the owner, feeling at peace and secure in their presence


  • Wagging vigorously as their owner comes closer or calls
  • Jumping up with excitement to greet their owner
  • Licking or rubbing against the character
  • Playing fetch and tug-o-war
  • Wagging tail and happy barks as the pet is excited to see their owner
  • Bringing their owner’s sock or another item they like as a gift


  • Purring cat laying in their owners lap while they read
  • A happy cat jumping up onto their owner’s lap and cuddling up to them
  • Purring loudly and kneading their paws on the owner’s lap as they pet them
  • Rubbing their face against their owner while cuddling
  • Jumping up on the furniture to get their owner’s attention
  • Sleeping in their owner’s lap and snoring peacefully


  • Singing sweetly and talking to their owner
  • Perched on their owner’s shoulder, content and happy
  • Bobbing their head and dancing to music
  • Hopping around their owner’s feet and climbing up to perch on their owner’s shoulder
  • Mimicking the words their owner says, especially phrases like ‘I love you’
  • Sleeping on their owner’s shoulder
  • Hiding under their owner’s hair for warmth
  • Making kissing sounds to call their owner over or get their attention


  • Swimming up to their owner’s hand and nibbling at their finger in the water
  • Coming to the surface of the water to interact with their owner
  • Swimming back and forth while looking at their owner to get their attention.
  • Approach the glass for ‘kisses’
  • Follow the owner’s finger as they move it back and forth against the aquarium glass


  • Sleeping in its owner’s hand as they pet it gently
  • Burrowing into the owner’s clothes to hide and feel safe
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