Plant Allergy

Prompt: Platonic headcanon for the demon brothers and a female MC who covers up that she is allergic to plants (to their pollen rather). Because of this, she cannot eat certain foods since the Devildom plants also affect them. Also, how would they react to finding a demon flirting with MC (her friend), and the demon giving her some flowers that she is particularly allergic to.

Gender: fem!Reader

A/N: Platonic.

Luci Banner

  • It amazes Lucifer how fragile a human’s body is.
  • He is considerate and accommodates your needs by ensuring no plants or floral arrangements are present in the House of Lamentation or any other place you need to visit (like RAD). He also makes sure none of his brothers use the plants you can’t eat when they cook.
  • Lucifer will go out of his way to consult a doctor in Devildom or try to look for a ‘magical’ solution to alleviate your allergies. Something that can help you survive the environment better.
  • When he sees the demon flirting with you and sees the flower near you, his protective mode turns to extreme.
  • Lucifer is upset that you concealed your allergy to plants and flowers. For your own safety, you should have informed your friend. Your demon friend will receive a scolding from Lucifer for being reckless.
  • Also, does your friend think they can get away with flirting with you? The first brother will make sure to have a word with your friend to make it clear that he disapproves of them flirting with you.
Mammon Banner
  • When Mammon finds out about your allergies, he will sympathize with you.
  • He doesn’t realize the seriousness of your allergies and is careless, not thinking much about the consequences. But then, when he sees your allergies flaring up, Mammon will finally understand what effects it can have on you.
  • From then on, he will try to be considerate but might occasionally forget and accidentally trigger your allergies. However, it will be unintentional, and he will immediately apologize.
  • When he sees your friend flirting with you, Mammon forgets about your allergies and is too fixated on the flirting part. How dare the demon flirt with someone under Mammon the Great’s protection!
  • Without thinking, he tackles your friend to the ground, taking the flowers along. Mammon then lectures your friend’s ears off about not flirting with you and keeping flowers FAR away from you.
Levi Banner
  • Like all plants? What will happen if you come in contact with them or pollen? Is it severe or mild? How have you been able to survive so far? Plants are everywhere!
  • His head is spinning with endless questions.
  • Does he need to go into every room in HoL and remove every plant for you? Because he will do it.
  • If your allergy is severe, he will panic. Even if it’s mild, he will still panic, but not as much.
  • Oh, no, the demon doesn’t! Levi jumps in front of you and shields you from the flowers. The demon is interested in you and doesn’t realize you are allergic to plants?
  • That is a straight NO to dating the demon. There is no way Levi is going to let you date someone who isn’t considerate about your allergies, especially if it’s severe.
Satan Banner
  • Allergic to plants? Do you also mean flowers, herbs, and vegetables? If so, how have you managed to survive this long? He is a bit relieved once he learns you are most allergic to pollen.
  • He researches allergies to plants/pollen, so he is familiar with your condition. You know, just in case some of his brothers prank you by bringing plants near you.
  • Satan always carries antihistamines and an epi-pen, which he got from Solomon. If your allergies flare or you go into an anaphylactic shock, he will be prepared.
  • The fourth brother almost enters wrath mode after seeing the demon handing you flowers. But then, he realizes giving flowers to someone you like is normal, so he manages to calm down.
  • With a level head, he explains your allergies to the demon and asks them to be careful. If Satan realizes (or you tell him) you don’t like that demon, he will not be okay with the flirting. If you like the demon, Satan won’t make any comments.
Asmo Banner
  • Ohhh, no wonder you refuse to enter his room! The amount of roses he has would probably send you to the hospital. You should have told him earlier about your allergies! What if he had dragged you into his room?
  • He sympathizes heavily with you. Flowers are among the most beautiful creations ever, and you cannot get near them? That’s really sad.
  • Asmo is careful when he gives gifts to you, especially anything related to skin care and makeup. He checks all the ingredients since flowers and plants are used in many things.
  • Awwwww how cute! You are being flirted with. But wait…are those flowers? Oh, no.
  • Asmo snatches the flowers from the demon’s hand and takes them for himself. Why let such beautiful flora go to waste? He lets you explain your allergies to your friend but stays nearby…you know, just in case you need him. No, he is sticking around to eavesdrop on the flirty conversation.
Beel Banner
  • Can someone be allergic to plants? How?
  • You have to explain in detail for Beel to completely understand your condition.
  • But you can still eat plants, right? If not, how have you managed to survive this long? Almost every food has some form of plant in it.
  • Beel is careful about your allergies and always tells you to read the ingredients before consuming anything. Even if you tell him the allergy is more connected to pollen than the actual plant, Beel says, “You can never be too careful.”
  • Seeing your friend handing flowers to you puts Beel into protective mode. He runs behind your friend and picks the demon up by the back of their outfit, moving them away from you.
  • Then, he tries to explain your allergies but struggles a little and leaves the rest to you. He lectures your friend to be careful around you and warns them if anything happens to you, Beel will not forgive your friend. His threat is enough to scare the flirting demon.
Belphie Banner
  • Belphie is surprised and concerned. Why are humans so fragile? He suddenly feels the need to protect you even more.
  • He has heard of many enemies humans might face in their lifetime, but plants? That’s new. So, how do you survive when you step outside since plants are everywhere? Do you need to live in a bubble? Because Belphie will be more than happy to arrange that for you.
  • Even though he knows he is overreacting, the youngest brother is just that concerned about your health and safety.
  • He is chill when he sees your friend flirting with you – you have told him about all your friends, so Belphie doesn’t feel the need to interfere. That is until he sees your friend pull out a bouquet.
  • Luckily for you, Belphie grabs the bouquet in time and tosses it aside, ensuring the spores don’t reach your nose. He makes sure you are okay before telling your friends to be considerate of your allergies in an irritated and angry tone.
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