Plant Allergy

Prompt: Headcanon for TWST of how the boys would react to finding out that their female friend Yuu is allergic to plants. What would they do if someone exposed them to this (for example, if they gave them flowers or even included a plant that especially affects them in their food)?

Gender: fem!Reader

A/N: Platonic.

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  • He doesn’t question or doubt you in the slightest. As soon as you tell him, Malleus takes it very seriously. The last thing he wants is for you to have an allergy attack.
  • Sometimes, if he thinks you might need extra protection, the prince uses his magic to create a ‘bubble’ for you. That way, you can move around freely without worrying about allergens.
  • Malleus orders the students in Diasomnia to get rid of everything plant-related so you are safe in the dorm. The prince goes as far as to warn all his dorm members not to bring plants around you.


  • He sympathizes with you, but at the same time, he likes to tease you. Lilia likes to stand a safe distance from you and wave a flower in the air just to see your reaction.
  • Like Malleus, he makes sure to let everyone know not to mess with your allergy. If they do, he will haunt them while they are awake and in their sleep.
  • His favorite gifts to give you are fake flowers. Lilia likes to see the panic in your face, followed by the relief when you realize they are fake. Most of all, Lilia likes it when you chase him around for his prank.


  • What is a plant allergy? Sebek literally cannot comprehend that you are allergic to plants. It seems impossible, so he takes it as you joking with him.
  • He accidentally gives you food with plants, and when Sebek sees your allergic reaction, he panics. Since that day, he advocates for your safety. If anyone tries to come a mile of you with plants, he yells at them.
  • Sometimes, he takes things a little too far, and due to this, many students in NRC are afraid of being around you. They think Sebek will come out of nowhere and yell at them.


  • He feels bad for you. Nothing beats taking a nap in the woods with animals surrounding you, but sadly, you can’t do that.
  • Silver takes your allergy very seriously and sits down with you to know what bothers you and what doesn’t. He keeps that list with him at all times, along with a list of ‘what to do’ in case you have an allergic reaction.
  • He is one of the most responsible and considerate friends. When Silver is around you, you can be sure you won’t suffer any allergy attacks.

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  • Who needs plants when meat exists? Guess he can’t call you an herbivore now.
  • Initially, Leona doesn’t take the allergy too seriously as he thinks you are either joking or too sensitive. But when he sees you have an allergic region, he freaks out.
  • He always makes sure you don’t get any gifts, food, or items with plants in them. The prince also uses his power and influence to ensure that no one else makes the mistake of exposing you to plants.
  • Leona even goes as far as not sleeping in the greenhouse, just in case the allergens transfer from his clothes to your body.


  • Awww, so you won’t be able to try his dandelion tea? Ruggie is sad. Not really, but he tries not to laugh when you tell him you have a plant allergy.
  • He is not laughing at the fact you have an allergy but at the fact that you are allergic to plants. Ruggie didn’t even know that was possible. How do you survive on NRC’s campus with all the plants and trees around?
  • Just like Leona, he makes sure no one tries to play pranks on you, especially from Savanaclaw, using plants.


  • Does that mean you are allergic to his cacti? By what did they ever do to you? They are innocent!
  • He doesn’t take your allergy seriously either since Jack had never heard of a plant allergy. But when he sees how badly plants affect you, he makes sure to double-check everything he sends to you.
  • If anyone dares to carelessly expose you to plants, Jack uses his strength or intimidating stature to scare the person into never repeating that mistake again.

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  • Plant allergy? Does that also include herbs, fruits, and vegetables? So you literally can’t eat anything? Wait, does this also include cotton and plant fibers? So, you can’t wear anything made of plants? His head is spinning.
  • He immediately implements a no-plants indoor policy in his dorm. That way, you can come and go without worrying about your allergens. Unfortunately, he can’t do anything about the trees, bushes, and plants outside the dorm.
  • Riddle is very strict with reinforcing the no-plant or pranks-on-you policy, and Trey helps him with it.


  • Now he knows why you refused to join his club when he offered. Trey can’t even begin to fathom how troublesome your allergies are. Plants are everywhere, in every corner, at every place. How exactly do you manage to avoid them?
  • At times, Trey worries about you and asks you to come over to Heartslabyul for certain meals. If he cooks for you, he can control every ingredient, but that won’t be the case for the cafeteria food.
  • He is even more strict in reinforcing that no plants are brought indoors in the dorm when you are around; moreover, no students do anything to bother your allergies.


  • Confused. How did you manage to survive this far in your life? Literally, everything has something plant-related in it, from food to clothes to even houses. Either you are resilient or very lucky.
  • Cater goes straight to social media to spread awareness about this. In turn, he learns information about plant allergy and uses it to help you.
  • He even starts a campaign to replace all real flowers/plants placed indoors all around NRC to be replaced with fake ones.


  • “Does this mean I can’t plant a kiss on your cheek?” Not funny? Ace thought you would laugh at his joke—at least, he thought it was funny.
  • But seriously? A plant allergy? That’s real? He doesn’t take it seriously until he sees you get an allergic reaction. Then, he realizes you were being serious. Since then, he hasn’t questioned anyone if they say they are allergic to something, even if the allergy is unusual.
  • He always makes sure to check the gifts he gives you for anything plant-based. Ace secretly feels guilty for triggering your allergy and kinda won’t forgive himself for it. But shhh, you don’t need to know that.


  • Being an honest and straightforward man, he takes everything at face value. So when you tell him you have a plant allergy, he is startled but doesn’t question it.
  • Deuce is very protective of you and makes sure everything plant-based is kept miles away from you. He even carries extra masks and medicines in case you suffer any type of attack. Moreover, he has the school nurse on speed dial in case you get hurt in any way.
  • If anyone tries to purposely aggravate your allergy, Deuce will initiate his gangsta mode and say hi to their faces with his fist.

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  • He takes your allergy very seriously, as Vil values beauty and health above all.
  • If your allergies cause a physical reaction, Vil will research and create a lotion that will help your skin recover. If you have an internal reaction, Vil will work with some students to create a potion that could help to reduce the effects of the allergens on your body.
  • He even goes out of his way to find you skin/beauty products that don’t have plants in them, so you don’t have to worry about putting something on your skin that could potentially hurt you.


  • Mon Dieu, the horrors of not being able to smell the divine fragrance of flowers. How can you survive such a life? Rook’s heart weeps for you.
  • He has the most dramatic reaction when you tell him with a poetic monologue that lasts for a few minutes. Luckily for you, Vil is around and tells him to stop.
  • Rook uses his tracking and hunting skills to learn which environments are safe for you through the campus. If you go near any dangerous environments, you can be sure one of Rook’s arrows will fly in front of you, carrying a warning note.


  • Then, are you allergic to apples? No apples or apple juice?
  • He even asks his grandmother if there is a cure for it. But even his grandmother is surprised by the allergy information.
  • Epel has to take a moment to recall if he had done something to trigger your allergies in the past. Maybe he shouldn’t have sent you the apple juice? That didn’t give you a reaction, right? RIGHT?
  • He is more careful now and checks everything before giving it to you. Sometimes, Epel even texts you to make sure something is okay to give to you. He may be a little TOO careful.

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  • He has a lot of knowledge about many things, but plant allergy is something Idia was not familiar with. However, thanks to Ortho’s program, he got all the information he needed.
  • If you ever get an allergy attack in Idia’s presence, he will panic. Thankfully, Ortho has a built-in protocol that will help you get back to normal. He even carries allergy meds/pens to be fully prepared.
  • In his free time, Idia develops a device that allows him to monitor your allergy levels and the potential threats that lurk around you in any environment.
  • If you ever want to be around plants, Idia will gladly create a virtual world for you so that you can enjoy nature without side effects.

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  • Allergic to plants? Maybe he could make a business out of his by creating items that are made plant-free in every way. You just gave him a great idea.
  • Azul makes sure Octavinelle is a safe house for you so that you can come by anytime without worrying about your allergens. He has also warned the workers in Mostro Lounge not to mess with your food and to be careful when serving you.
  • It’s not that Azul doesn’t trust Floyd, but if the eel is having one of his mood swings, Azul worries that he might not be paying attention to what he is cooking and accidentally feeds you something plant-based.


  • At least you are not allergic to mushrooms. Right? Keeps his mushroom collection far away from you, just in case.
  • Jade is unfazed by your allergy and doesn’t question it. One of the only students who handles your revelation with calmness.
  • Though he doesn’t show it outright, Jades worries about you and invites you to Octavinelle quite often. At least with the underwater theme, you won’t be exposed to plants. Wait, are you also allergic to seaweed…and sea plants?
  • He is curious but not enough to experiment with you.


  • He can’t decide whether to be concerned, laugh, or be fascinated. Never once did he think something like a plant allergy existed. Just when Floyd thought humans couldn’t get any more delicate, you proved him wrong.
  • Though he doesn’t grasp the concept of allergies at first, Floyd learns through trial and error. This means you have to deal with him accidentally doing things to aggravate your allergies. But then, he will never repeat that mistake again.
  • However, when you come to Mostro Lounge to eat, Floyd always takes extra precautions and prepares food for you in a separate pan/pot so that you can enjoy your meal without worrying about your allergies.
  • And if anyone tries to play around with your allergies, Floyd will constrict them. No questions asked.

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  • Allergic to plants? Then, what do you eat? How do you go on walks? You can’t smell the fragrant scent of flowers? Kalim is very sad that you cannot enjoy the simple things in life without worrying about your allergies.
  • He suggests moving to his homeland. The desert barely has any trees, and his servants will make sure you are taken care of. Did he just indirectly propose to you? Maybe. Not even he knows.
  • Kalim isn’t as careful with your allergy because he has moments when he forgets. For this reason, he always carries allergy meds/pens with him just in case you get a reaction from his carelessness.


  • He has never heard of anyone having plant allergy but doesn’t doubt you. Jamil knows not to mess with health and has no plans to mess with yours.
  • In fact, he talks to the ghost chef and asks the kitchen staff to label the foods with potential allergens. That will not only protect you but also the other students who have allergies.
  • During his free time, Jamil tries to use his knowledge to brew something that could help entirely diminish your allergy. But then he realizes that brewing potions also requires plants.
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