Playing Don't Scream
Prompt: They boys play ‘Don’t Scream.’
Warning: Spoilers from the game, mentions of horror elements in the game.
- Simeon isn’t keen on playing a horror game but accepts the challenge.
- The moment he sees the plane crash, he prays for the souls who were affected. When he sees the woman tied to the tree, he tries to find a way to help her but eventually realizes he can’t do anything and is upset.
- In the convenience store, he is highly disturbed by the bodies and the gore in the bathroom. And he prays for them.
- When he hears the crying child, he tries to find them and hopes they are okay. And he prays for their safety.
- Overall, Simeon doesn’t scream as he is not the type to be loud, but he is highly disturbed by everything he sees.
- You Screamed.
- You Screamed.
- Mammon tries his best to stay silent, but…
- You Screamed.
- He finds it hard to suppress his gasps and screams and fails countless times. In the end, he becomes frustrated and upset with himself for losing.
- He only survives four minutes into the game. It’s a good thing no one saw him playing the game.
- A game with pixels will not scare him; even if he was stuck in the game for real, nothing would faze him. Lucifer fails to understand why you are asking him to play the game.
- The game is a cakewalk for him. He stays quiet and can predict all the scares and tricks.
- Overall, the game is very boring for him.
- If he does fail, it is most likely because of the screams of his brothers arguing in the background.
- “I am not scared. I am not scared.”
- Levi thinks the game will be very scary and is too mentally over-prepared. He predicts all the jump scares but is slightly startled by the sudden sounds.
- To his surprise, he finishes the game without being scared. If he can, he will jump onto the developer’s social media and give them suggestions. If only they had not mentally prepared him for the jump scares, the game would have actually scared him.
- But he is very impressed by the graphics and environment.
- Satan is too focused and observant to fall for the jump scares, and he knows this going into the game.
- The game is too easy for him.
- He is not startled or scared even once, but Satan will go out of his way to give the developers tips on how they can make their game scary. Too bad he can’t add “take it for a demon who lives in hell” to his advice.
- Like Levi, he is impressed with the graphics and the developers’ attempts to make the game realistic.
- He only plays the game as it is trending on social media, but horror games are not his thing.
- Asmo thinks the game environment is beautiful until he comes across the convenience store and sees the bodies hanging from the ceiling. EW to the max.
- But when he enters the bathroom, he quits the game immediately. To un-taint his eyes from the gore, he stares at himself in the mirror.
- Asmo never finished the game.
- Beel finds it hard to stay quiet during the game; he doesn’t scream but gasps and makes enough noises to trigger the game over screen.
- But the Avatar of Gluttony is determined to make it through to the end.
- During the convenience store section, he takes his time to explore all the food items on the shelves. Once focused on the food, Beel starts to get hungry, and his determination to get food helps him get through the game.
- There are still moments where he gets startled but doesn’t make sounds.
- Belphie struggles to stay alert as he is too sleepy and wants to nap. As a result, he is startled at times but stays quiet through most of the game.
- He dozes off during some of the quiet moments, but the loud sounds are enough to wake him up.
- If Belphie was fully awake, he wouldn’t find the game scary, and the jump scare would not affect him.
- The second he finishes the game, the Avatar of Sloth dozes off without a second thought.
- Diavolo is hyped to play the game and plays it even before you ask him to.
- The prince finds it difficult to stay silent and makes sounds considered to be screams. But whenever he fails, Diavolo laughs it off and tries again.
- He takes his time exploring and admiring the environment; after all, the developers put a lot of effort into the game.
- It takes him a few tries to complete the 18 minutes, but Diavolo has fun doing it.
- He hopes the game gets a full release, and if it does, he will definitely play it.
- Luke – wants to play the game because everyone else is, but no one allows him.
- Barbatos – doesn’t have time to play the game and gives a chilling smile as he asks you, “Would you like to experience true fear?”
- Raphael – poker-faced through the entire game. “Was that supposed to be scary?”
- Solomon – passes on playing the game as he knows it won’t scare him. He has pacts with 72 demons, so you can’t expect pixels to scare him.
- Mephistopheles – “Do not involve a sophisticated demon such as myself in your childish endeavors.”
- Thirteen – “You expect the Grim Reaper to be scared of a horror game?” She laughs.