Please Cheer Up

Prompt: Can I request HCs where their s/o tries to cheer them up after a bad day?

Gender: gn!Reader

Kei Banner
  • Kei once again had to deal with harsh words from certain cast members even though he was not responsible for the mishap. People sometimes forgot that he too is a human with feelings, but despite that, he continued to hide his true feelings behind his ‘I could care less’ mask.
  • When you saw him though, you could tell right away that he was having a bad day. “Kei, what’s wrong? Tell me how I can help.” 
  • The corners of his lips tugged up into a soft smile, “Your presence is enough to turn enough the worst day into the best day.” 
  • You knew he wasn’t lying, but you still wanted to help him forget whatever happened, even if it was just for a moment. So, you pulled out all your cute moves to make him smile. 
  • “If none of those things worked on you, then,” you wrapped your arms around him and nuzzled your face in his chest, “let me hug all your worries away.” 
  • Your sweet words made his heart melt, but Kei got mad at himself for letting you see him upset. “Forgive me for showing you this weak side. My love, please don’t worry about me…I promise I will be alright as long as you are by my side.”  
Koku Banner
  • As soon as he woke up, Kokuyou knew his day was going to be bad – from getting caught in the rain to being splashed by a passing bus to running late for his floor shift to being yelled at by an angry customer even though he was not at fault to losing the reha room to Mokuren to his teammates skipping practice. He wished the day would end already.
  • His unhappy mood was evident on his face, but when you tried to cheer him up, Kokuyou got annoyed and asked you to leave him alone. 
  • “No, I will not leave you alone. You’ll have to put up with me whether you like it or not,” you grinned and tried to cheer him up in various ways.
  • It didn’t take him long to figure out you were not leaving him alone, so he took out a cigarette and watched you dance, sing, tell him jokes and funny stories, and act cute. 
  • “You’re trying too hard…”
  • “What?” You asked, surprised by his statement, but he didn’t repeat his words, leaving you even more curious.  
  • Kokuyou’s weakness was your smile – the innocent smile that had the power to melt his stress away and make him forget why he was stressed in the first place. 
  • When you finally showed him the smile though, Kokuyou wrapped his arms around you and pressed you close to his muscular chest. “Will you stop being so cute? It’s annoying…” 
Moku Banner
  • Mokuren couldn’t deal with their teammates wanting a break from practice. They took a break an hour ago, so why were they asking for another one? Were they not serious? They only had a short time to get ready for the next performance, so why? 
  • When you walked into the reha room, you saw them staring at their reflection with a frown. That was enough to tell you Moku was having a bad day. 
  • You wrapped your arms around them from behind and whispered, “Moku, you know you need to take a break as well, right? You like dancing, but your body needs to rest.” 
  • They remained silent, but you knew they were listening to you. Mokuren always paid attention to what you said to them; after all, they knew you only said those things because you cared deeply. 
  • “Moku, have I told you that you have a very nice smile. So, can I see it, please?” You asked, peeking your head from behind and looking into the mirror. 
  • Your words were more than enough to draw a smile on their lips.
  • “See that wasn’t so hard! Will you keep smiling for me?” 
  • “I would do anything for you,” they replied. “As long as you don’t ask for my food.” 
  • “Mokuren!”
  • Your playful frown made them chuckle. 
Mai Banner
  • Maica wanted to be left alone. He had enough drama to deal with at Starless and didn’t need the member of another team telling him how to handle Team P; rather, didn’t need that person making snide remarks on how Team P was falling apart. 
  • He stared at the reha mirror, tempted to smash the cracked area even more. As soon as you walked into the room, you knew something was wrong and immediately asked him, “Maica? Did something happen? I hope you’re not thinking about putting a hole in that mirror.” 
  • “Leave.” His reply was sharp, but you refused to budge from your spot. 
  • “No, I will not leave until you tell me what’s wrong. Maica, look…I know you have a lot on your plate, but I’m here for you. I hope you’re not forgetting that. Please, don’t take everything on by yourself…”
  • Instead of pacifying him, your words added to his fire and he snapped at you, “If you want to help me, then leave me-”
  • Team P’s singer abruptly stopped when he realized he was taking someone else’s anger out on you. He knew it wasn’t right of him, and you didn’t deserve this, considering you only wanted to help him. 
  • “S-Sorry…I didn’t mean to lash out at you. If you want to help me, then would you go on a date with me once my shift is over?” 
  • You shook your head in response and chuckled, “Don’t apologize. I know you’re having a bad day, but I wish I could go on a date with you right now.” 
  • Your lover chuckled as he pressed his lips on your forehead, “Your impatience is adorable.” 
Sinju Banner
  • Sinju was falsely accused of stealing something at one of his side jobs. He always worked hard and was honest…everyone knew that, so why were they blaming him for something he didn’t do? Then at his second side job, the other worker skipped, so he had to take on double the load. Now at Starless, some of the cast members were arguing and ended up dragging him into their fight. 
  • He sighed heavily, unaware that you were right behind him. 
  • “Sinju? What’s wrong? If it’s alright with you, I want to cheer you up.” 
  • Though he was startled by your sudden presence behind him, a gentle smile appeared on his lips. “Hearing that from you is enough to make me smile.” 
  • He told you about the ordeals he faced through the day one by one, making you remember that he works more than one job and how difficult it must be for him. 
  • You pecked his cheek and gave him a warm embrace. “You are a hardworking man, and I love that about you. I know you have to go to rehearsals soon, but I won’t release you until you forget about your bad day.” 
  • Sinju laughed softly and returned your hug, “People always call me sunshine, but have I ever told you that you’re my sunshine? No bad day of mine can stand up to your bright light.” 
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