Possible Fanclub Name

Prompt: Hey! wanna ask for your opinion on which bsts bois to you think will have a fanclub dedicated to them? what will be the name of the fanclub?

K HC Banner

Kei – Quintessentials

  • Kei wanted to give his fans a pleasant-sounding name that also held a deep meaning. To him, his fans are the essence of his career, so to show them how much he cherishes them, Kei gave them the title of “perfect examples of best fans”, aka quintessential fans .

Sotetsu – Drama Queens/Kings

  • He loves drama and his fans, so Sotetsu decided to give his supporters a powerful title, add drama in front of it, and tease them while he’s at it.

Gui – W.A.F

  • When Unei asked Gui what he wanted to call his fans, Gui asked ‘What’s a fanclub’. Management was confused but scribbled that as the title of his fanclub.
  • Gui’s fans shortened the title to W.A.F and associated the name with waft since Gui identifies people by their smell.

Ginsei – Jewels

  • Ginsei thought to name his fans Silver’s Star, but as he was making accessories, the word ‘Jewel’ caught his attention. His fans are his treasured jewels, after all.

Yoshino – Melodies

  • Yoshino wanted to give his supporters a sweet name that was also related to music. He liked the sound of melodies and considers his fans to be the individual notes that make up his song.

Yakou – Luminescence

  • His name means nocturnal luminescence, and luminescence has a beautiful ring to it. He can’t think of a better name for his fanclub.


W HC Banner

Kokuyou – Alphas

  • Kokuyou wanted to give his fans a powerful name that he could also associate with. He thought of calling them ‘Hunters’ but decided ‘Alphas’ suits them better. Mr. Starless’s fans are the most poweful, after all.

Akira – Crystallines

  • People thought that Akira would call his fans cuties, hotties, or something along that line, but he managed to shock everyone. Akira said his name means crystal, so his fans are his crystallines.

Sin – Sinners

  • Sin thought of having a serious name for fanclub but then decided to have a little fun with them and call them sinners. Sinners are attracted to Sin, after all.

Takami – Talons

  • Takami means Hawk’s eyes, hawks are predatory birds that use talons to hunt. He liked the sound of ‘Talons’ and chose that for his fanclub. His fans are his talons that allow him to stay at Starless to hunt his targets.

Taiga – Cookies

  • He wanted to give his fans a game-related name but couldn’t think of a term that would fit all his fans. Then one day he was cleaning out the office computer’s history, saw the word cookies, and had a lightbulb moment. His fans are sweet like cookies, and a cookie also means bites of data used to identify individual computers.

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Rindou – Angels

  • Rindou immediately knew what he was going to call his fans. He thought of his fans as angels; they are the reason he is still able to perform and support his hospitalized sister.

Sinju – Sunflowers

  • He wanted to give his fans a sweet name and remembered his fans calling him sunshine. The word sunflower came right to his mind; sunflowers are heliotropic and follow the movement of the sun, just like his fans follow him.

Maica – Marshmallows

  • Maica didn’t want to give a heavy name to his fans and thought the name of his favorite food suited them perfectly. He knows some of his fans will not be happy with such a sickeningly sweet name, but too bad because marshmallows are delicious.

Menou – Melodramatics

  • Menou wanted to give his fanclub a dramatic name related to acting. Drama…dramatic…melodramatic. Done, now he can go back to napping.

Nekome – Kittens

  • Due to his nickname being Neko, he wants his fans to be associated with him. So, he calls them kittens. For women he finds hot, he refers to them as kitty/kitties.


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Mokuren – Munchies

  • When Unei asked Mokuren what they wanted their fans to be called, he didn’t know that Team C’s leader was HANGRY. As a result, Moku growled ‘Munchies’. They meant give them food, but management took that as their fanclub name.
  • Mokuren had a good chuckle when they officially saw their fanclub name.

Qu – Quties

  • Qu wanted to give his fanclub an elegant name, but when he heard cutie, his mind immediately turned the word to ‘Qu-tie’. Now, his fans are known as Qu’s cuties or Quties, still pronounced cuties though.

Kasumi – Sweets

  • He wanted to call his fans Mobsters but thought the word wouldn’t suit his cute fans. So, he looked at the donut in his hand, smiled, and told Unei his fans will be his ‘Sweets’.

Hari – Silicas

  • Hari wanted to name his fanclub after him, so he thought of all the words associate with his name. Hari means green obsidian/glass, obsidian is rich in silica, and silica is a pretty name. His fans (silicas) make up Hari (obsidian).

Zakuro – Zanguines

  • Zakuro wanted to tease his fans and almost thought about calling them oya oya, ara ara, or my my. But then he remembered his name meant garnet, his color is red, and sanguine also means red/optimistic. He decided to add a little fun and change the s to z to match his name.

Aogiri – Fashionista

  • He takes a while to think his fanclub name as Aogiri wants it to be meaningful. His passion in fashion, so what better name for his fans than his passion? 


B HC Banner

Mizuki – Puppies

  • When Unei asked Mizuki his fanclub name, he was rapping wan wan in his head. His name has dog in it, he loves the dog theme, so his fans will be called Puppies.

Kongou – Unbreakable

  • Kongou knew what he wanted to call his fans right away. His name means diamonds, and diamonds are unbreakable. He also hopes that the name gives a boost to fans that may be going through tough times in their life – it’s his way of reminding them that they are strong.

Ran – RA(n)WR

  • Ran wanted to give his fans a fun name, and when he was goofing around with Mizuki, he RAWR-ed. At that moment, he knew what to call his fans, RA(n)WR! 
  • Unei asked him what it mean, Ran proudly said “Ran’s Awesome n Whacky Rooters”.

Heath – FLOWers

  • Heath thought to give his fans a cute name but didn’t want it to be something simple. His fans love him for many things, his rap being one of the biggest reasons. He likes plants and thinks flower is a cute name, and his rap is said to have a sick flow, hence FLOWers.

Rico – Lovelies

  • He wanted to call his fans fashionistas, then thought to call them lilies since Rico means spider lilies. But when one of his fans handed him a flower and called him lovely, Rico had a lightbulb moment.

Hinata – Gangstas

  • It takes him a while to figure out his name. He actually decides to have a little fun and troll his fans by calling them gangstas. 


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Unei – Admins

  • After seeing the official fanclub list, Unei’s fans demanded that he give them a name as well. Unei meant management, but the real admins of Starless were the fans – everything was catered to them and their liking. He thinks the name suits them perfectly. 

Haseyama – Monies

  • He doesn’t care about having fans. All this man cares about is money. He knows fans brings in money, so Haseyama sees them as walking, talking ATMs.

Iwami – I-Me

  • Iwami doesn’t care to give his fans a name because he didn’t even know he had fans. So, Unei decides to choose a name for them and takes the first letter from Iwami’s name and changes ‘mi’ to ‘me.’
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