You Lose a Precious Item

Prompt: How would the BSTS characters react if their lover would lose a ring/earring, etc., which was gifted to them?

Gender: gn!Reader

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  • Kei is very understanding – things like that happen, so it’s not a big deal.  
  • He immediately gifts you a replacement, a piece of jewelry that is even more beautiful and precious than the one before.
  • Team K’s leader finds you being upset about losing the earring really cute.


  • He pretends to be upset with you but is just joking. 
  • Shit happens, and people lose things all the time. Even if you are upset about it, he tells you it’s not a big deal and not to waste your energy worrying over the lost item. 
  • Sotetsu jokes that next time he will be careful getting you an expensive gift as you may lose that too.


  • Ginsei is a little sad that you didn’t take care of the ring but says it’s his fault – he accidentally made the ring larger than the size of your finger.  
  • He promises to make you a new one the next time he has free time. But Ginsei hopes you take better care of this ring…he makes two just in case you lose the ring again. 


  • Yakou is surprised to hear that you would lose something that valuable but assures you that he’s not angry or upset. 
  • He asks if you can retrace your steps or remember what happened or where you could lose it. Maybe there is still a chance at finding it, assuming you can remember.
  • He apologizes and says he can’t buy you a new one right now, but he’ll get you one when he can.


  • Gui doesn’t see why you are so upset. It’s just a piece of jewelry…
  • He tells you that he is not upset about it, and you shouldn’t be either. 
  • Gui says he can help you look for it if you like. If not, then what’s done is done. 


  • Yoshino is upset but doesn’t tell you this, especially when he sees you teary-eyed. He saved up a lot to get you that item, and it hurts that you didn’t take proper care of it. 
  • He says it’s okay, but asks you to take better care of your belongings next time. He doesn’t want you to lose something even more important…

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  • Kokuyou is annoyed. Why did you take better care of the ring? Then again, it’s really not that a big enough deal for you to cry over. 
  • He asks you to stop crying and says he will buy you a new one. Just for God’s sake, stop crying.


  • Akira laughs and says he loses things all the time so it’s okay. He wonders how you were able to lose a bracelet, though. Did you not feel it falling off your wrist? 
  • The singer jokes that now he will have to think of gifts you can’t lose easily.


  • Sin doesn’t mind that you lost the earring and asks you not to stress over it. 
  • If he sees you crying, he will kiss your tears away and remind you that your smile is more important than an item. An item can always be replaced, but nothing can replace your sweet smile. 


  • Takami immediately starts to play detective and asks various questions to see if he can help you remember the location of the lost item. 
  • He tells you it’s okay but reminds you to be more careful with expensive items. 


  • Eh!? You lost a rare item? He ends up saying this in a loud voice but ends up regretting it as soon as he sees tears in your eyes. 
  • Taiga panics and asks you not to cry and tells you it’s okay. On the inside, though, he still feels like crying. It was such a precious item…

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  • Rindou is upset because the ring meant a lot to him but plays it off as it’s not a big deal. He doesn’t want to make you sad. 
  • He asks you to keep your eye out for it and hopes you can find it again. 


  • You lost something I gifted you? And here I thought you cared deeply about my gifts. He teases you but backs off when he sees that you are genuinely upset. 
  • Nekome chuckles and says he had a feeling you would lose it, so he purchased a spare one. Yes, he is carrying the replacement ring around with him – he just knows you that well.  


  • Sinju is very shocked but forces a smile and says it’s okay. He worked his behind off to buy the ring for you. All he can do is pray that you can find it. 
  • He apologizes to you and says he can’t buy you another one, but he can get you something else if you like. 


  • Maica is not happy. How could you lose such an expensive piece of jewelry? Doesn’t say it out loud but thinks it. 
  • He sighs and says you shouldn’t be this careless. The singer makes a mental note to never gift you anything that expensive and to keep an eye out for your belonging. He doesn’t want you losing more things.


  • Menou could care less, but when he sees you sad, he asks what he can do to make you happy. 
  • He says he doesn’t like seeing you sad, and tears are not worth spilling on a piece of metal. 

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  • Mokuren is a bit upset but didn’t fuss over it much. They tell you it’s not a big deal and not waste your time lamenting over the item. 
  • They would be far more upset if they found out you wasted good food.


  • He says we are humans and make mistakes. Besides, everyone loses items here and there. 
  • Qu says he brought a matching one for himself and asks if you want that one. If not, he will be more than happy to find a replacement for you. 


  • oh? You mean this ring? Kasumi hands you the ring and chuckles, “I was wondering how long it would take you to notice your ring fell”
  • When you apologize, he says has you back and not to worry about it.


  • Ara? You’re joking, right? You couldn’t have lost something so precious, right? RIGHT?
  • Zakuro sighs and says he will forgive you, but you have to promise not to be so careless. 


  • Hari has a jaw-drop moment because the gems on the bracelet were very real and very expensive. 
  • He doesn’t care too much about the monetary amount but is sad that you didn’t take better care of his gift. Tells you it’s fine but holds back on giving you gifts you can lose easily.

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  • You lost something he gave you? Mizuki is really really sad. That was the first gift he had given you, and you lost it? 
  • But when he sees you nearly in tears, he starts laughing. Says he loses things all the time and that he will work hard to buy you another one.


  • Kongou chuckles and tells you to cheer up. Says no item is worth crying over, and your tears are too precious to waste. 
  • He asks if you want a replacement or want help finding it.


  • Why are you crying? You just lost an item…so what if it was a gift from him? It was still just an item. 
  • He can always get you more! So stop frowning and smile for him. 


  • Heath is upset that you would lose something he gave you. He realizes that mistakes happen, but that ring was very special to him…
  • Forgives you regardless. Silently prays that you find the ring. 


  • You lost that necklace? It was worth a lot of money, how could you be so careless? 
  • Rico realizes he is adding salt to your wounds and apologizes for getting mad at you. He asks you to keep your eye out for it. Maybe you will get lucky and find it somewhere…

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  • Oh…
  • He looks really sad but panics when you look like you are about to cry. 
  • Unei assures you that he is not mad…and says he can’t get a replacement right now but  can help you look for it.
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