Princess Reader
Prompt: All team reaction to a fem S/O who’s always surrounded by nature? Like animals naturally gravitate towards her and she’s always smelling flowers like a Disney princess?
Gender: fem!Reader
Always makes him smile when he sees you surrounded by nature – Kei, Takami, Maica, Qu, Kongou
Sings Disney Princess songs whenever he sees you surrounded by nature – Yoshino, Akira, Nekome, Zakuro
Isn’t fond of most animals but will try to get along with them for your sake – Taiga, Rico
Brings food with him for the animals so that they accept him as your prince – Gui, Sinju, Kokuyou, Mokuren, Kasumi, Ran, Unei
He hopes he is fitted to be your prince – Ginsei, Yakou, Rindou, Hari, Aogiri
Does that make him a Disney Princess too? Because animals flock around him for no reason – Heath, Sin
Enjoys teases you for being a living version of a cartoon – Sotetsu, Mizuki, Menou, Hinata
Prompt: Cast reaction to a Magical Princess! MC from Lolirock Universe.
Gender: fem!Reader
Reaction to Your Transformation:
His mind short circuits: Ginsei, Sinju, Zakuro, Rico
He thinks it’s a cool stage effect and wonders how you did it. Can you teach him, so he can use it on stage: Akira, Menou, Ran, Hinata
How did you do that? Who are you? What do you want: Kokuyou, Mizuki
He’s going to pretend he didn’t see that: Yoshino, Takami, Mokuren, Kasumi, Aogiri
He might have had a little too much to drink the previous evening: Sotetsu, Nekome, Hari, Kongou
So, this is what Sailor Moon would like if she transformed IRL: Taiga, Unei
He knew there was something different about you, and now, he knows what it is: Kei, Sin, Rindou, Maica, Qu
He promises to guard your secret with his life: Gui, Yakou