
Prompt: What will the members of Team P, Kokuyou, Takami, Sin, and Team K do or say if their fem SO is lazy and keep procrastinating (on something like study, work, assignment etc.)?

Gender: fem!Reader

Kei Banner

  • As someone who is punctual, a perfectionist, dedicated, and disciplined, Kei would be very annoyed.
  • He can’t understand why you keep procrastinating, especially if you get anxious while doing it.
  • He sits down with you and tries to provide guidance and a structured plan to help you overcome your laziness.
  • Though he tries to be understanding, it is hard for him not to be critical, as he is a leader who is known to keep his members in line but in a politely strict way.
  • If you continue to procrastinate, Kei will constantly get annoyed but eventually let you learn your lesson the hard way. And if you complain to him about the outcomes of your procrastination, he will not listen to you and walk away to keep himself for speaking harsh words.
So Banner
  • Sotetsu finds your procrastinating amusing, and even more amusing is watching you struggle to get your work done at the last minute.
  • He teases you a lot about it and doesn’t really say or do much to push you to stop your ways. If, by chance, you get any anxiety attacks or such, he will try to talk to you about mending your ways.
  • But ultimately, what you do with your time is in your hands, so he doesn’t interfere. He believes in learning the hard way, and even if you are dating him, Sotetsu won’t be any different with you.
Gui Banner
  • Gui doesn’t say much when you wait till the last minute to do everything. He quietly watches you struggle to get everything done.
  • There are no lectures, no motivational speeches, no help, no nothing.
  • However, if your health starts declining or you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, Gui will simply ask if you are okay. But that’s about it.
Yak Banner
  • Yakou gets anxious watching you do everything at the last minute. Considering that he is good at time management, he tries to help you maintain your time but doesn’t want to risk acting like a parental figure.
  • Eventually, he gets frustrated but doesn’t say anything to you out of fear of upsetting you.
  • Yakou does set up reminders on your phone and his to help make sure you don’t forget to get your work done.
  • That’s about all he does, but Yakou hopes that you will mend your ways for your sake and his.
Yos Banner
  • Yoshino somewhat understands that you are not motivated to do your work but doesn’t know how to address the issue. He doesn’t want it to turn into an argument.
  • Part of his just wants you to learn your lesson by yourself, while the other part wants to help you try to change your ways.
  • So, he takes a chance to help you by encouraging you and setting up reminders to get your work done early.
  • But if you continue your ways, Yoshino will eventually back off and let you learn your lesson the hard way. He may get irritated if you complain to him about failing or facing disciplinary actions due to procrastination.
Gins Banner
  • Ginsei’s reaction would be balanced. He would be upset with you for being lazy or pushing your work/assignments aside but would still be understanding.
  • He would try to make you understand the pros of responsibility and ask you to get your work done.
  • He would go out of his way to help you so you don’t have to face the consequences. But if you make a habit of this, he would be a bit frustrated. He has a lot on his plate, so if you push him to finish your work on your behalf, Ginsei will feel overwhelmed.
Koku Banner
  • He would not tolerate your procrastination at all. Since he is a leader, Kokuyou is used to being stern and strict. So, for you to push your responsibilities aside is something Kokuyou would not take well.
  • He would reprimand you and even be verbally harsh with you for your own good. However, he wouldn’t come off as a jerk or hurt your feelings.
  • Kokuyou will drill it in your head that you need to knock it off and finish your work/assignments. He won’t budge until you get them done.
Sin Banner
  • Sin will have a gentler approach and be more understanding. He knows that laziness and procrastination can sometimes stem from stress or tiredness.
  • He would be patient, empathetic, and supportive. In a sense, he would adopt the reward method; if you finish your tasks and work, he will reward you in some way.
  • At some point, he hopes you stop procrastinating as, in the long run, it will cause you many problems. But if you continue without caring, Sin can only do so much. He will let you be – your life, your decisions.
Taka Banner
  • Though Takami would be annoyed by you neglecting your assignment/work/duties, he won’t be harsh initially. He will try to use mental manipulation or reverse psychology to get you to finish your work.
  • If that still doesn’t work, he will be a little stern and verbally harsh, as he wants you to succeed and thrive.
  • Takami will try to push your limits, but he will stop if he sees you negatively react to it.
  • Like Sin, if you continue your ways despite his efforts and warnings, Takami will let you be. He believes that, at times, people learn best when they experience the consequences firsthand.

Rin Banner

  • Being a leader and hardworking man, Rindou would be frustrated with your lazy and irresponsible attitude.
  • He will encourage and persuade you to focus on the task.
  • He will even go out of his way to help you finish your tasks, but Rindou will be cautious. He doesn’t want you to constantly depend on him for help.
  • Overall, he will be understanding and compassionate but also firm with you. You have to finish the task whether you want to or not.
Mai Banner
  • Maica would be VERY annoyed with you. He feels like you are wasting your time by avoiding doing what you need to, even though you will have to finish it eventually. Why not finish it now and then do what you want later?
  • He will use straightforward and blunt words to get you to finish what you need to do. He is only doing this for your own good and hopes you realize that.
  • If you still keep pushing your tasks, Maica will raise his hands and walk away. You are a grown adult, so if you neglect your responsibilities and duties, you will have to pay the consequences.
Menou Banner
  • Menou has a lazy side, so he would be much more relaxed toward you than the others. He wouldn’t be bothered by your laziness at all.
  • Rather than encourage you to finish your tasks, he would distract you with other things. In Menou’s mind, why bother doing it if you are not passionate about something?
  • He wouldn’t even mind if you didn’t finish your work at all.
Neko Banner
  • Nekome would be chill about your procrastination. Do it if you want, don’t do it if you don’t want to – it’s as simple as that.
  • He would most likely join you in procrastinating because life is meant to have fun, so what’s a little harm in skipping some assignments or responsibilities?
  • Overall, he would be the calmest about your procrastination. But know that if you come to him to complain about the consequences of your laziness, Nekome will shrug it off.
  • “You made the decision, so why are you complaining now?”
Sinju Banner
  • Sinju would be gentle with you and encourage you to finish your work. His approach would be positive and friendly.
  • He would remind you of the long-term consequences of not doing or pushing your work aside. Even if you continue to push aside your assignments/work after his warning, Sinju will offer to help you with your tasks.
  • He is the only one on this list who would listen to your complaints about the consequences of your laziness and procrastination without being direct or blaming it on you.
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