Prompt: Can I request some wedding proposal headcanons?
Gender: fem!Reader
- You and Kei are heading to your vacation destination on his private jet. No matter how many times you ask, “where are we going”, Kei keeps saying it’s a surprise.
- As the jet flies over an ocean, you look out the window to see a cluster of small islands approaching. The islands are covered in something red, and the closer your get, the more define the words become. “I Love You”.
- Blinking rapidly, you look at Kei, but he is staring at his laptop. Your boyfriend is known for grand gestures, but considering he isn’t looking at you, you think the words are meant for someone else.
- As a larger island comes in sight, the pilot announces that the jet is about to land. Even after landing and heading to his mansion, you are thinking about the “I Love You”. Was Kei responsible for that message?
- Sighing, you enter the bathroom to take a shower, and when you come out, you see a black evening gown sitting on the bed with a note. “Come to the beach”.
- Quickly getting ready, you walk out of the main door to see a trail of roses. Beneath the first rose is a note that says, “For you, my love.”
- As you follow the trail and pick up each rose, you see messages from Kei – each message spelled out using small candles.
- “(Y/n), you mean the world to me.”
- “When you are by my side, I feel as though the heavens are smiling upon me.”
- “When you are away from me, my heart forgets how to beat.”
- “I want to treasure you for as long as we live.”
- “I promise to protect you and your happiness.”
- “Shower you with affection. Spoil you to no end.”
- “Make all your wishes and dreams come true.”
- You arrive at the beach to find Kei in a three-piece black suit, kneeling on one knee. He gives you the gentlest of smiles, “So, would you do the honor of becoming my wife?”
- Tears spill out of your eyes as you nod, “Y-Yes, Kei. Yes!”
- Kei slides on a platinum double band ring on your finger – the upper band is angled to touch the bottom band in the back. In the center of the both bands is a round cut intense blue diamond. On either side of the center gem are 3 smaller blue diamonds situated between the two bands. Above the center diamond is a crown with 5 points, each point housing a marquis-cut diamond.
- “K-Kei…this ring…”
- Before you can say anything more, he takes hold of your hand, presses a kiss on the ring, and pulls you into a warm embrace. “Anything for you, my dear princess. I love you very much.”

- The two of you are spending the day at his apartment playing billiards. This is not the first time you have played pool with him, and he has a very distinct style of playing, but today you notice that Sotetsu is being very choosy with the billiard ball.
- He even avoids the balls sitting at the edge of the pockets.
- Knowing him well, you assume he is planning or has planned something, and the teasing smirk on his face only adds to your suspicion. Not to mention, you keep seeing random alphabets painted on the balls.
- When it’s your turn, you set aside your cue stick and walk around to the pocket in which he hit the first ball.
- Taking out the red ball, you see the letter “M”, and as you continue around the pockets, you place all the billiard balls onto the table. When you set the last letter down, you notice the words “want to marry me”.
- Shocked, you look up at him and see Sotetsu holding up a ring and smiling. You grin at your boyfriend, run towards him, and embrace him, screaming a chain of yes.
- Sotetsu hugs you back, laughing, but quickly pulls away to slide the ring on your finger. The ring has a gold band with a yellow teardrop diamond in the center and a row of diamonds on both sides of the center gem.
- “It’s beautiful!”
- “Yeah, like you,” your now fiancé chuckles. “Hope you weren’t expecting me to say gushy words…in case you were, know that I love you and want to share my life with you.”
- A little part of you wished he would say mushy things, but you know Sotetsu well enough to know that adding any kind of sugar in his speech is not something he would do. If he did, he wouldn’t be Sotetsu – your Sotetsu.

- The two of you are in his room, playing board games, but halfway through Monopoly, Yoshino suggests playing Scrabble.
- At first, he plays the game as usual, but out of nowhere, he says, “(Y/n), um, could you please open the first drawer of my nightstand and bring the pink box here?”
- Though you are confused, you nod and get up to retrieve the item. When you get back, you see the entire Scrabble board cleared out, and the only words on it are “Will you marry me?”
- Your lips part as Yoshino gets on one knee and smiles softly, “I used to be a mess when you first came to Starless, but thanks to you, I was able to gather enough courage to break out of my shell. I…wanted to get strong for you so that you would be proud of calling me your boyfriend. (Y/n), I don’t want to look back anymore…and I have no fears, except one…losing you. So, would you become mine forever?”
- You blink away the tears forming in the corner of your eyes, and despite being in shock, you manage to nod. To think, you and Yoshino are going to get married.
- He gently takes the box from your hand, opens it, and holds out a sterling silver ring with a small, pink opal embedded in the center. As he puts the ring on your finger, he adds, “This is only a temporary ring…one day, I will get you the ring of your dreams.”
- Smiling at him, you step over the board and wrap your arms around his neck. “All I need and want is you.”
- The singer ties his arms around your waist, his cheeks resembling the color of the gem on your engagement ring.

- Ginsei asks you to go on a vacation with him to a snow-covered region. The two of you spend a few days shopping, visiting tourist attractions, and tasting all the regional delicacies.
- One morning, you wake up to find your boyfriend missing. Thinking he must have gone to get food, you decide to take a shower and get ready. But when you come out of the bathroom, you notice a breakfast tray sitting on the table near the window.
- Feeling hungry, you hurry towards it, but instead of finding food, you see a rose, a gray velvet box, and a card. First, you pick up the rose and smell it, after which you open the box.
- “How beautiful! Did Ginsei make this?”
- Inside the case is a split band white gold ring with a fluid bypass style, and in the center sits a decent size marquis cut diamond. After spending a little time examining the ring, you pick up the card to find a short message. Come to the window.
- Curiously you draw back the curtains to see Ginsei waving at you, and in front of him, you some words etched into the snow. Will you marry me?
- Your gasp echoes through the room; instead of answering, you run outside so excitedly that you forget to put on your jacket.
- You don’t give your boyfriend a chance to speak as you tackle him into the snow. “YES! YES! YES!”
- He starts laughing and holds you closer to him. Just as he is about to share his feelings with you and make promises, you press your lips on his. For a while, the two of you kiss until the urge to sneeze forces you to pull away.
- Your fiancé removes his jacket and wraps it around you, whispering with confidence, “I love you, (y/n). I love you a lot.”

- You and Gui are at the skate park, you sitting on a bench, and Gui practicing his parkour moves on a large, cement wall. For a while, you watch him but then start to play games on your phone.
- Noticing your eyes on your device, Gui takes out pieces of paper from his backpack and uses his abilities to jump on the wall to stick the papers onto the cement.
- The moment you look up, you notice Gui standing in front of the wall with his gaze on you, and as your eyes travel further up, you see the papers arranged into the words, “I love you, marry me?”
- “G-Gui?”
- Your boyfriend walks close to the bench and kneels in front of you. “He said to…say the feeling in my heart, but…all I can think of is, I love you and want to stay with you. Is that enough for you to say yes?”
- You find his words adorable and instantly pinch his cheeks, giggling, “Yes, Gui. Yes, I will marry you.”
- He smiles sweetly and nods before handing you the ring -no, not putting the ring on your finger, but placing it in your palm. “For you.”
- A small laugh escapes your lips as you examine the ring. A simple silver twist ring with small diamonds all the way around, simple but still attractive…just like Gui.
- “Do you like it?” He asks to which you nod and slide the ring on your finger.
- “It’s beautiful! But Gui, what did you mean by “he said to say…”? Who is he?”
- Your fiancé shifts his eyes from you to the area behind you. When you turn around, you see Kei, Ginsei, Yakou, Yoshino, and Sotetsu standing in the distance. All of them smile at you before walking away, leaving you and Gui to continue your date.

- He invites you out to a baseball game with his friends, but at the last moment, his friends cancel. Right then, you think something is off. That feeling only strengthens when you notice Yakou fidgeting and constantly checking his phone.
- “Yakou, is everything okay?”
- He nearly jumps off his seat at your question but quickly assures you that he is fine. Though you don’t believe him, you decide not to push the topic any further.
- As the seventh inning stretch approaches, his nervousness starts to skyrocket. Before you can question him again, one of the commentators asks all the fans to look at the field.
- Right on cue, you see Yakou’s friends standing in the middle of the baseball field holding up a large banner that reads “WILL YOU MARRY ME, (Y/N)?”
- At that moment, Yakou takes out a light blue velvet case and gets on one knee.
- “(Y/n), “I joined Starless as a means of getting back at Sinju but never thought I would find the woman of my dreams there. I know I have yet to prove myself, but I promise to work hard and become successful one day. I love you very much and will continue to love you to my last breath. So, will you marry me?”
- You cover your mouth with your shaking hands and nod vigorously, mumbling a yes. Yakou breathes a sigh of relief before sliding the silver ring with an oval aquamarine sitting in the center on your finger.
- Unbeknownst to the two of you, your proposal is on the big screen, and the moment you say yes, the entire stadium erupts into cheers.

- You walk out of Starless and sit next to your boyfriend as he takes a puff of his cigarette. “Kokuyou, when will you stop smoking?”
- There you go again, asking the same question for the umpteenth time. Usually, he avoids the question or glares at you, but today, Kokuyou says, “Marry me, and I will consider quitting.”
- “Yeah, yeah, sure you will. I’m going to go inside and help Unei.” You stand up, dust off the back of your jeans, and head towards the door. “I’ll be in the reha room when – wait…”
- Kokuyou’s words finally settle in your mind, and a squeal escapes your lips. “Did you just…propose to me?”
- Your boyfriend puts out his cigarette and turns to you without replying to your question. He reaches inside his jacket and holds out a single-band black gold ring with an emerald-cut ruby in the center.
- You scream a loud yes before charging towards Kokuyou and jumping on him. Chuckling, he slides the ring on your finger and watches you examine the ring with sparkling eyes.
- “Kokuyou, did you mean to propose to me right now?”
- “Does it matter? Besides, you saved me from having to say cheesy and romantic lines. Thanks.”
- He laughs and heads towards the door, leaving you speechless. If you hadn’t brought up that question, would he actually have said sappy things to you and confessed his true feelings for you?

- Akira invites you out on a date but doesn’t disclose the location. After driving along a winding road adjacent to the ocean, the two of you arrive at a beach.
- The water is crystal clear, the palm trees are standing tall, and the sun is hiding behind the clouds. While you explore the beach, your boyfriend sits on a large rock, tuning his guitar strings.
- You ask him why he brought along his guitar, to which Akira says he composed a new song. “Want to hear it?”
- His song is about the girl of his dreams, how beautiful her eyes are, how her smile makes his heart race, and how he wants to hold her forever and not let go. The song ends abruptly at, “so, I was wondering if you would marry me?”
- Your muscles tense up as you stare at him with round eyes and parted lips.
- Akira grins and takes out a simple gold ring with an oval aquamarine gem from his pocket. He clears his throat before getting down on one knee, “Will the girl of my dreams marry me?”
- A loud gasp escapes your lips as your right-hand scrambles to cover your mouth. Nodding frantically, you hold out your left hand and watch him slide the ring onto your finger.
- Akira doesn’t give you time to examine the ring; instead, he jumps on his feet, lifts you by the waist, and spins you around. “You have made me the happiest man alive right now!”

- Sin calls you to his apartment to spend some quality time with you. Usually, you two read the same book, but today he hands you a separate book.
- You are unsure what to think about this sudden change, but you quickly think of an excuse to calm your racing thoughts. ‘Maybe he has already read this book and doesn’t feel like rereading it.’
- Turning to the first page of the first chapter, you notice the word “I” highlighted and become confused. Sin is not the type to mark any of his books, so why? On the second page, you see the word “love” highlighted. Then, “you” on the third page.
- The corners of your lips tug up as you give up the idea of reading and start flipping through the book for more highlighted words. Unbeknownst to you, Sin is watching you out of the corners of his eyes.
- Soon, enough you are left with the message, “I love you. Thank you for accepting me as part of your life. I no longer can imagine a life with you. So, will you become mine forever? Will you…”
- Your heart is racing, and due to the excitement, you feel slightly dizzy. You turn the next page to find the final words, “marry me?” on the left side. On the right side of the book, you find a heart shape cut deep into the rest of the book. In the center of the heart is a platinum twist vine ring with a decent size diamond in the center with two emerald leaves on either side.
- While you admire the ring, Sin stands up and gets on one knee in front of the sofa, holding his hand out to you, a gentle smile on his lips. Placing your hand in his, you wait for him to slide the ring in before you throw your arms around his neck. “I love you too, Sin. I can’t and don’t want to imagine a life without you.”

- Takami calls you to his apartment for a dinner date, and everything seems like the usual at first, but the closer you look at the decoration, the more unusual it appears. Why does it look fancier?
- The two of you eat dinner in peace, but the feeling of something being out of place stirs your mind again. Candles, check. Roses and rose petals, check. Takami looking as composed as ever, check. Takami’s bird, wait, where is his bird?
- As if it read your mind, the lovebird landed on your shoulder, holding a folded piece of paper. “Is this for me? Aw, thank you.”
- You gently take the note and watch the bird returns to its cage. Takami watches as you curiously open the note see only two words inside. Living room.
- After giving your boyfriend a questioning look, you stand up and slowly make your way to the location. “Huh? There is nothing here…Takami-”
- The moment you turn around, you see him a few feet away on one knee. A rare, gentle smile tugs on his lips, “You, my dear, are one daring woman. Despite knowing that I am rather shady, you still trusted me and fell in love with me. (Y/n), I have secrets that I cannot share with you for your own safety. I cannot fully open every detail of my life with you, but I promise to protect and love you. (Y/n), will you continue trusting me and do the honors of marrying me?”
- The second Takami asks that question, his bird lands on your shoulder again with a ring in its mouth. The lovebird looks at you with its large round eyes as if waiting for your answer.
- Blinking away your tears, you let out a soft laugh, “Yes, I will marry you.”
- His bird lands on Takami’s hand and drops the ring on his palm before returning to your shoulder. He slides a white gold split shank ring with a blue oval tanzanite in the center, surrounded by diamonds on your finger.
- Your fiance stands up and kisses on your cheek, and to your surprise, his bird presses its beak on your other cheek and makes a kissing sound.

- Taiga asks you out on a date to your favorite café, but as the two of you are waiting for your order to arrive, you see his restlessness. Thinking it has something to do with Starless, you brush it aside. Maybe Kokuyou pushed him to the limits again.
- After a few minutes, Taiga sets a mug in front of you and takes a seat. You take a few sips and see the words “hey beautiful” written inside the mug. How cute, but kinda odd that a cafe would have cups with this design.
- The two of you talk for a while, but ever so often, Taiga keeps saying, “Finish the drink, or else, it’ll get cold”.
- “Fine. Fine.” Giving in, you chug the drink, and when you are almost through, you see the words “Will you marry me” at the bottom of the mug.
- Out of shock, you end up spraying the coffee out of your mouth and onto Taiga. Despite his face and hair being soaked with your latte, your boyfriend gets up with a nervous smile. He kneels next to your chair and holds up a silver ring with a ruby in the center.
- “Um…I’m not really good at these types of things, but…(y/n), I love you and can’t imagine a life without you. So, will you marry me and wake up beside me every morning?”
- Covering your mouth with your right hand, you nod and let him slide the ring onto your finger. On cue, all the baristas in the cafe start clapping and congratulating the two of you.
- Right as you are about to hug Taiga, he stops you, “Let me go wash my face first, and no need to say sorry. It was my fault for surprising you like that.”
- At that moment, you look at your ring and realize the band is actually a dragon curled around, and the ruby is the “fire” coming out of its mouth.
- “My fiance, the gamer,” you giggle to yourself and press the ring on your chest. Waking up every morning to see Taiga’s face first thing in the morning sounds like the best. You couldn’t wait to get married.

- Rindou invites you out on a date to the botanical gardens, saying there’s a special event ongoing that he wants you to see.
- For a while, the two of you walk around and look at the beautiful flowers, but then, you notice Rindou falling behind. “Rin, what’s wrong?”
- He holds out a bouquet of red roses and says they are for you. Pushing aside the questions arising in your mind – namely, where he got the roses from and why he looks so nervous – you accept his gift.
- As you examine the flowers, you notice an odd-looking rose and pull it out of the bouquet. Seeing a cut in the center, you lift the lid of the rose to reveal a silver ring with a princess-cut emerald in the center. “W-What is…?”
- Rindou, on cue, kneels in front of you and takes a firm hold of your hand, leaving you speechless.
- “I am a little nervous, so forgive me if I make mistakes,” he chuckles. “There was a time in my life where I had success, fans, family, and happiness, but life slowly took a turn. I lost hope and never thought I would be happy again. Then, I met you.”
- The corners of his lips tugged higher as he pressed a gentle kiss on the back of your hand, “You once again filled my life with happiness. So, will you continue to stay by my side and act as my light? (Y/n), will you marry me?”
- Blinking away the tears collecting in the corner of your eyes, you nod. “Y-Yes!”
- He takes the ring, slides it onto your finger, and pulls you into a warm embrace. “I promise to always protect you and your smile. I love you, (y/n).”
- As you whisper an I love you too back and bury your face in his chest, a few tears of joy roll down Rindou’s cheek.

- You think something is off when Maica invites you to a dinner date but doesn’t personally come to pick you up; instead, he sends his chauffeur to your home. This feeling only gets stronger when you step into your favorite restaurant.
- There are no customers in sight, but there is a trail of roses petals leading to a private table towards the back of the restaurant. You cautiously follow the petal path and find Maica in a black suit, waiting for you at an overly decorated table. He greets you, takes your hand, and sits you down in one of the chairs.
- The two of you have dinner, and nothing out of the ordinary happens, so you start thinking that maybe Maica wanted to do something different for this date. Then comes dessert, and you can’t wait to eat your favorite cake. You notice the singer smiling at you, but you are too excited to ask him what’s with the smile.
- When the waiter sets the plate down in front of you, you are surprised; instead of dessert, you see a black velvet box in the center. Without looking at Maica, you open the case to find a rose-gold ring with a cluster of diamonds in the center shaped like a flower.
- On cue, you hear soft music playing in the background as your boyfriend gets up from his chair and kneels on one knee, “Recently, I have seen a lot of men eyeing you, and the thought of losing you has been attacking my mind. I will keep this short as you already know how I feel about you. (Y/n), would you be mine forever? Would you accept me as your life partner and marry me?”
- You are at a loss of words – this was only supposed to be a dinner date, but here is Maica, kneeling in front of you and proposing to you. He patiently waits for your answer, watching the expression changing on your face in real-time. When you finally manage to get a “yes” out, Maica chuckles and kisses the back of your hand.
- He takes the ring and carefully slides it on your finger. “Thank you. I…am very happy…”
- Even though Maica only says those words, seeing his emotional side is enough for you to understand how he really feels. After all, it’s not every day the singer shows his soft side.

- The two of you are lounging around in Menou’s apartment, you sitting on a beanie bag while he is sleeping on the sofa. You are so focused on your phone screen that you don’t notice your boyfriend staring at you.
- “What are you smiling about?”
- His coarse, sleepy voice nearly makes you jump, but you control your racing heart and tell him about an event in your favorite game. “It’s a wedding event! The gatcha cards are so pretty! My heart skips a few beats every time I look at them.”
- “Those cards hold some power to make you smile like that,” Menou chuckles, “but I can make you happier.”
- His words pique your curiosity as you playfully ask him how. Your boyfriend tells you to go to the TV stand and look inside the second drawer. There, you find an orange box with a rust-colored ribbon around it. Thinking it’s a gift from him, you open it and gasp at the sight of a silver ring with a ruby in the center and diamonds surrounding the gemstone. “How beautiful, but Menou, this ring…looks expensive.”
- “Yes, most real engagement rings are expensive.”
- His reply catches you completely off guard, but before you can ask him what he means by “engagement ring”, Menou pops the question. “So, what do you say? Will you marry me?”
- “Yes. I will.” You roll your eyes, thinking his proposal is a joke, and turn your attention back to the ring.
- “Great, then let’s go pick out your wedding dress this weekend.”
- “Wait…what?” All you can do is stare at your boyfriend in confusion as you watch him drift off to sleep. Did he seriously propose? Did you just say yes to him? You are going to get married to Menou? WHAT?

- Nekome brings you out with him on a motorcycle ride around the city. To your surprise, he goes out of the city boundaries towards a more scenic route, but there is no reason for you to complain – the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and if elves existed, they would be frolicking through the flower fields.
- As you are enjoying the sight of passing flower fields, you notice a large board in the distance with the word “Will”, followed by another board with the word “You”, then the letter “M”, “A”, “R”, “R”.
- Your body tenses as each letter pass by, but much to your dismay, you don’t see any more boards. ‘What was that about?’
- A cloud of disappointment forms over your head as you rest your helmet-covered forehead against Nekome’s shoulder. Unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend is chuckling to himself, satisfied with your reaction.
- Once the two of you reach a hill overlooking a lake, Nekome comments about the weather being hot and removes his jacket. On the back of his plain white t-shirt, you see the letter “Y”. When he turns around, the front of his shirt has the words “Me”.
- For a while, you stare at the two-letter word until it finally clicks. “Will…you marry me?” You absentmindedly say the words out loud.
- “Oh, were you planning to propose to me?” Nekome teases as he gets on one knee and opens a baby-pink velvet case. Inside, you see a silver ring with a marquis cut sapphire with one diamond on either side of the gem.
- For a good moment, you remain silent, unsure of exactly how to react to this. The love of your life is on his knee, proposing, and your heart is jumping with joy, but at the same time, he made you suffer for no reason.
- “Yes! I will marry you,” you manage a smile and nod, letting Nekome place the ring on your finger, but as soon as he gets up to give a hug, you lightly punch his stomach. He playfully winces and asks why you punched him, despite knowing the reason.
- “Nekome, don’t think I am going to let you get away with this! Once we get married, I have plans of getting you back.” The corners of your lips twist up as various torturous ideas run through your mind; meanwhile, your boyfriend-turned-fiancé watches you with an amused smirk.

- Sinju calls you out to a picnic date at the park. He finds a private spot with a view of a small but clean pond and trees all around.
- As he begins to place all the food onto the blanket, he adds that his grandmother made the food for you.
- For a while, the two of you talk about your work and his upcoming performances, all while watching a family of ducks swimming in the pond.
- Out of nowhere, your boyfriend changes the topic and starts talking about his family and how they are always happy.
- “We have our ups and downs, but even during the downs, all of us keep smiling. But recently, grandma said that she is tired of being the only female in the house,” Sinju laughs. “We can’t really blame her, though. My brother and I can be a handful sometimes. I…know I don’t have a lot right now, but I plan to work hard…”
- You find it odd for him to bring up this topic – it’s very unlike him. “Sinju, is everything…okay?”
- “I don’t really know, but I will find out soon,” he smiles nervously before taking a deep breath and kneeling in front of you on one knee. “I promise to always protect your smile. I promise to work hard to become someone you will be proud of. I promise to make all your dreams come true.”
- Sinju takes out a simple gold ring with a small pearl in the center. “So, even in my current state, will you please marry me?”
- For a while, you stare at him with your eyes widened and mouth open. As each minute ticks by, Sinju gets nervous and thinks you are planning to reject him. Just as he is about to lower his gaze and apologize, you throw your arms around his neck. “Yes! Yes! YES!”
- Sinju’s smile widens as he pulls you into a tight hug and buries his face in your shoulder. “I…have never felt this happy before.”
- You feel his tears seep in through the thin fabric of your t-shirt, forcing a few of your own tears to spring from your stinging eyes. “I love you…I love you very much, Sinju.”