
Prompt: Fem!S/O who punched a student because he was being creepy.

Gender: fem!Reader

Banner for HCs Malleus
  • Malleus was shocked when you punched the guy and quickly walked up to you. “Did something happen?”
  • “Yes! This guy was being creepy and was trying to flirt with me, even after I asked him to stop,” you spat, still glaring at the stranger, but the man failed to notice as he was too busy staring at Malleus with his mouth wide open. 
  • “L-Lady…h-how do you k-know him?” He stuttered while pointing his trembling index finger at Malleus.
  • “He is my boyfriend,” you replied, crossing your arms over your chest. 
  • The man squealed out of the blue, turned on his heels, and ran away as fast as he could. “Forgive me!” 
  • For a moment, you watched the man fleeing in confusion but soon shifted your gaze to see an amused look on Malleus’s face.
  • “I must say you’re stronger than I expected, my beloved Child of Man,” he chuckled and patted your head. “Would you consider taking proper self-defense training from Sebek?” 
Leo Ban TWST
  • Leona stared at you blankly for a bit with his eyebrows raised, but that expression was replaced with a smirk as he walked up behind you. 
  • As soon as the man saw the prince, he slowly started to back away. Taking advantage of the stranger’s frightened expression, the lion slung an arm around your shoulder. 
  • “Why did you punch him?” 
  • You shot Leona an irritated look and frowned, “This creep was stalking me!”
  • “Is that so?” The emerald-eyed lion glanced at the man in front of him, “What do you want with MY girl?” 
  • Hearing the words ‘my girl’, the stalker’s face drained of all color, and he dropped to the ground. 
  • “Did….he just pass out?” You covered your mouth and suppressed a giggle, “Wow, Leona, people are really scared of you.” 
  • “Yeah, well, they know what I’m capable of, especially if they mess with you.” 
Riddle Banner Twisted
  • Riddle was taken aback when he saw you deck the man, but he rushed over to get a better understanding of the situation. “What happened? Why did you punch him?” 
  • “He was being a creep and stalking me,” you huffed and looked at your boyfriend to see him staring at the man with a blank face. 
  • For a while, no one said or did anything until you broke the silence. “Riddle? Are…you okay?” 
  • His face started turning red, and he yelled, “Off with your head!” 
  • As the man retreated in fear, you turned to Riddle and chuckled, “You know you didn’t have to go that far, right? My punch would’ve been enough.” 
  • Heartslaybul’s leader sighed and shook his head, “Stalking a woman is unacceptable…especially if the woman is my g-girlfriend.” 
Idia TWST Ban
  • Idia panicked and hid when he saw you punch the man, but then he thought you might be in trouble, so he slowly approached you. “A-Are y-you o-okay?” 
  • “Yeah, this man was being a creep, so I had to teach him a lesson.” 
  • Idia didn’t say anything and stared at the man expressionless. The stranger waited for the fire-haired man to say something but started to get nervous when Idia remained silent. 
  • As seconds turn into minutes, the atmosphere kept getting uncomfortable; Idia blankly looked at the man, the man blankly looked at Idia, and you looked back and forth between them. After a while, your stalker slowly backed away, apologized to you, and powerwalked out of there. 
  • For a while, you and Idia stared at each other. 
  • “So…want to get something to eat?” You asked, breaking the awkward silence. 
Azul TWST Banner1
  • “Are you alright?” Azul asked as he rushed to your side, “Did this man do something to hurt you?” 
  • “He was trying to flirt with me,” you mumbled and stepped closer to your boyfriend. 
  • “Is that so?” Azul smirked, “Would you be kind enough to tell me what you were saying to my dear girlfriend?” 
  • The octopus’s glare and aura frightened the man. He turned around to escape but ran into the twins instead. 
  • “My, my, aren’t you going to apologize?” Jade taunted. 
  • “Floyd, do as you please with this man,” Azul ordered before taking you away from there. 
  • Your boyfriend took hold of your hand and linked his fingers with yours. “I am proud of you for standing up for yourself.” 
Vil Banner TWST
  • When Vil saw you punch the stranger, he shook his head in disapproval. 
  • “How ungraceful,” your boyfriend said as he made his way to you. “Why did you strike him?” 
  • You frowned at his harsh words, “Vil, forget about acting proper for a second! This man was being a creep and trying to hit on me.” 
  • “He…what?” 
  • Pomfiore’s leader stepped closer to the guy, towering over him, and glared down at the guy, “Stay away from my girlfriend.” 
  • The creep started to tremble and stuttered an apology before staggering away. 
  • “Are you alright?” Vil gently took your hand in his and examined it for injuries. “If you punch others, then you may injure your hand. Also, it’s rather graceless to resort to violence.”
  • He looked away and stared in the distance, almost as though he was looking at someone, and mumbled, “I should ask Rook to watch over you.” 
  • As soon as Kalim saw you slam your fist into the man’s face, he ran to you in a panic. “Are you okay?” 
  • When you nodded, Kalim asked the stranger the same question, much to your surprise. 
  • “Kalim! You’re not supposed to ask if he’s okay. He was being a creep and stalking me.”
  • “Stalking you? Well, you can’t blame him, can you? You’re just that pretty,” Scarabia’s leader smiled widely, making you blush. 
  • “Hey,” your boyfriend turned his attention to the man and beamed, “I know she’s pretty, but don’t scare her, okay?” 
  • Seeing Kalim’s kind behavior, the stalker felt guilt and bowed, “I am sorry. You are lucky to have such a pretty lady in your life.” 
  • The silver-haired man nodded in agreement, “I am very lucky!” 
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