
Prompt: You dress up in a comfortable romper, but the brothers are not prepared for it.

Gender: fem!Reader

Prologue: The demon brothers had told you that they were all busy today. Since you had the entire house to yourself, you decided to change into something comfortable, something that you would not usually wear when the brothers were around – a light pink romper with long rabbit ears, a fluffy tail, V-neck, and short length. 


  • Lucifer finished his errands earlier than he anticipated. 
  • When he returned home, he heard loud music coming from your bedroom. Out of curiosity, he approached your room and quietly opened the door. 
  • The demon’s jaw dropped when he saw your outfit. 
  • He continued to watch you dance on your bed. Lucifer was at a loss when he saw you shaking your behind, causing your rabbit tail to shake with it. 
  • Part of him wanted to jump you and embrace you, but the other part of him found your outfit and dance steps to be adorable. 
  • For the time being, he decided to let you have your fun and closed the door.
  • ‘I will make you pay later, my love.’ 


  • Mammon turned the hall to head to his room but stopped when he heard loud music coming from your room. 
  • ‘What is she up to?’ 
  • He walked to your room and flung open the door, “What do you th-” 
  • As soon as his eyes landed on you, Mammon was not able to finish the sentence. He gawked at you, his cheeks slowly turning redder by the second. 
  • “Mammon, um…you’re back early.” 
  • He shifted his eyes to your face before slamming the door shut and walking away quickly. 
  • Later that night, you got a text saying, “Don’ ya dare to wear that kinda outfit in front of my bros.” 


  • Levi was in his room as usual, but he got some good news, so he decided to share it with you.  
  • He tried to call you and text you, but when you didn’t reply, he got worried. 
  • The otaku found was surprised when he heard the bass blaring in your room.
  • ‘Huh? What is she doing?’ 
  • He contemplated whether he should knock but decided against it since you wouldn’t be able to hear it anyways. 
  • Levi opened the door slowly, but as soon as he saw you, his eyes widened. 
  • His cheeks turned 50 shades of red. Before you could see his face though, he quickly shut the door and ran to his room. 
  • The next day, you saw a few packages in front of your room’s door. When you opened it, you found different types of bunny outfits from cute to sexy. 


  • Asmo returned home with a collection of shopping bags. He had picked a few outfits for you and wanted to have you try them out. 
  • When he approached your room, he was stunned to hear loud music.
  • He knocked a few times and even called your name out, but when you didn’t open the door, he let himself in. 
  • For a few seconds, Asmo was shocked to see you dancing on your bed, but when his eyes landed on your outfit, he smiled. 
  • The demon turned down the volume on your speakers and turned to you, “What a cute outfit! Where did you get it? I would love to get one.” 
  • “Of course you would, Asmo.”  
  • “You know that my beautiful looks can pull off any outfit.” The demon chuckled before helping you off the bed. 
  • “So, are you busy? I wanted you to try the outfits I got for you, but…,” he looked you up and down with a playful smile on his delicate lips, “I have a better idea.” 
  • With those words, Asmo pulled you into a tight embrace.
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