Random HCs

Prompt: Random HCs for chuckles and giggles.

A/N: For all those who are exhausted, having a bad day, and struggling, I hope this makes you laugh.

Luci Banner

  • Lucifer has a secret stash of stress balls in his office, each one the color associated with a brother. So, whichever brother causes him stress, he takes his frustration out on that stress ball.
  • He once tried to join a yoga class to relax at Asmo’s request but turned it into a competition to be the most flexible.
  • Lucifer has a weekly “evil laugh” practice session to maintain his intimidating reputation. He has quite the evil laugh, and no one can beat its evilness.
  • He sometimes wears sunglasses indoors so no one can see him roll his eyes at his brothers’ antics.
  • Lucifer keeps a detailed diary of all the times Mammon has tried to borrow money and failed. He opens the diary whenever he has a bad day and needs a laugh.
  • He has a secret collection of cute puppy videos that he watches to de-stress after a long day. Sometimes, he watches them with Cerberus, and the hellhound’s three heads tilt side to side curiously, looking at the videos.

Mammon Banner

  • Mammon once tried to make a pyramid scheme business involving selling rare pebbles he found in the backyard.
  • He secretly practices his cool guy poses in front of the mirror every morning.
  • Mammon has a collection of sunglasses, each pair named after a famous celebrity from the human realm.
  • He’s convinced that adding “The Great” before his name on all his social media profiles will make him go viral. Asmo has told him many times it won’t work, but Mammon is determined.
  • The brothers catch Mammon often talking to inanimate objects, like convincing his wallet to magically refill itself. Asmo even has a few videos of these conversations on his phone. If you want to see it, Asmo is taking a payment of cheek kisses for each video.
  • Mammon once got stuck in a vending machine while trying to get a snack that got jammed. It turned out the vending machine was a mimic. His brothers still tease him about it.
  • Mammon thinks he’s a master chef because he can make instant noodles without burning them.
  • The second brother invented a new dance move called “The Mammon Shuffle,” but it looks suspiciously like him tripping over his own feet.

Levi Banner

  • He once spent a week trying to train Henry to play video games with him. Then, he spent the following week sulking because Henry couldn’t play with him.
  • Levi’s closet is 90% cosplay outfits and 10% regular clothes.
  • He has a secret shrine dedicated to Ruri Chan that even his brothers don’t know about. Levi refuses to tell you how much money he spent on the merch; he doesn’t want Lucifer to find out and toss him to Cerberus as an afternoon snack.
  • Whenever Levi is losing an argument, he uses gamer lingo to throw the other person into confusion. Then, he takes a chance and runs away.
  • He has a collection of every limited-edition gaming console ever released.
  • Levi once tried to program his own virtual assistant but ended up creating an AI that only responds in overly dramatic anime lines.

Satan Banner

  • Satan secretly watches cheesy soap operas but tells everyone it’s for “research purposes.”
  • Satan once tried to teach a cat hidden in his room to fetch his books, but the cat sat on them instead.
  • He has an extensive collection of cat memes saved on his phone, which he shares during family meetings to lighten the mood.
  • Satan keeps a journal of prank ideas specifically for pranking Lucifer, but most of the ideas are too elaborate to ever pull off.
  • He once tried to create a potion to understand cats, but the potion made him meow uncontrollably for a day.
  • Satan has a habit of correcting grammar and spelling mistakes in grimoires and books.
  • Satan attempted to join a book club but got kicked out for getting too competitive during discussions.
  • He has a secret stash of cat toys and treats in his room that he uses to lure stray cats into the House of Lamentation.

Asmo Banner

  • Asmo has a dedicated “selfie spot” in every room of the House of Lamentation. If you need a spot to take selfies, just ask him.
  • He once tried to make his own beauty product line, but most of the products ended up being glittery versions of everyday items. Demons complained that Asmo tried to make them look like fairies.
  • He keeps an emergency beauty kit under his pillow in case he needs a touch-up in the middle of the night. After all, he needs to wake up looking perfect every morning.
  • Asmo has a habit of leaving love notes for himself around the house. When the brothers find them, they get very confused.
  • He once tried to teach his brothers a synchronized dance routine for a RAD talent show, but it turned into a hilarious disaster. Diavolo secretly recorded the video and likes to watch it when he needs a good laugh.
  • Asmo is convinced that wearing different colored socks affects his mood, so he carefully plans which socks to wear every morning.

Beel Banner

  • Beel once tried to eat a bottomless bag of chips, only to realize it was an illusion created by Satan to keep him busy.
  • He once tried to enter a competitive eating contest but got disqualified for eating the other contestants’ food before the competition started.
  • Beel has an uncanny ability to identify each ingredient in a dish just by smelling it once. He can even tell the measurement amount, like 1.5 cups of butter.
  • He once attempted to cook a seven-course meal but ended up eating each course before starting the next.
  • Beel is banned from most all-you-can-eat restaurants in the human realm. He has even caused some restaurants to go bankrupt.
  • He sometimes accidentally eats the props in his brothers’ pranks, leading to confusing and hilarious outcomes.

Belphie Banner

  • He has a secret talent for falling asleep in the most uncomfortable-looking positions, much to the amazement of his brothers. Satan has a log of the different positions Belphie slept in for science purposes.
  • Belphie likes to prank his brothers by pretending to be asleep and then startling them with sudden movements or comments.
  • He keeps a list of the best napping spots around the House of Lamentation, constantly updating it based on comfort and noise levels.
  • Belphie sometimes sleepwalks into his brother’s rooms in the middle of the night and steals their blanket. When they wake up feeling cold, they see Belphie sleeping on the floor, curled up under their blanket.
  • He once tried to convince everyone that sleeping with a specific pillow would give them prophetic dreams. Mammon tried to turn this into a money-making scheme but failed.
  • Belphie can identify each brother by the sound of their footsteps. This way, he doesn’t need to wake up if one of the brothers he doesn’t want to deal with is around.

Diav Banner

  • Someone once told Diavolo he looks too cute to be a prince. Diavolo tried to grow a mustache to look more intimidating, but it was too itchy, and he gave up.
  • He secretly practices villainous monologues in front of a mirror, complete with dramatic gestures, just for fun.
  • Diavolo has a secret room in the castle filled with all the human realm souvenirs he’s collected, including a giant plushie collection. Only Barbatos is allowed in the room to clean it when needed.
  • The prince once tried to understand human slang by binge-watching teen dramas. This resulted in him using slang phrases in his formal speech and confusing everyone.
  • Diavolo has a habit of challenging demons in the castle to friendly competitions, like who can build the tallest pancake stack…much to Barbatos’ dismay.
  • He secretly practices human dance trends in front of a mirror, hoping to impress you and Solomon.
  • The prince has a habit of giving overly enthusiastic high-fives, sometimes sending the other person stumbling backward. Diavolo forgets how strong he is.
  • Diavolo loves dad jokes and often tries them out on the brothers but gets collective groans and facepalms in response.

Barb Banner

  • He has a hidden talent for stand-up comedy but only practices in front of his mirror when he’s sure no one’s watching.
  • Barbatos has a secret collection of novelty aprons with quirky phrases, which he wears while cooking when no one is around.
  • Barbatos keeps a detailed journal of all the times he’s had to clean up after Diavolo’s “enthusiastic” projects, complete with the commentaries from the peanut gallery.
  • He also keeps a list of all the times he had to intervene in the brothers’ schemes. That too by rank of how ridiculous they were.
  • The butler has a secret talent for juggling, which he practices with kitchen utensils while he waits for dishes to finish cooking.
  • Barbatos has a habit of organizing the pantry alphabetically, and he gets annoyed when someone messes it up.
  • He once tried to teach a cooking class to the brothers, but it turned into a comedy show with flying ingredients and accidental fires. Then, Solomon showed up the next day asking for cooking lessons, and Barbatos disappeared into thin air. Now, Solomon is permanently banned from entering the royal kitchen.
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