Reaction to Lucifer, Mammon, and Satan

Prompt: Crowley invites the demon brothers to NRC, and the reactions of the characters to hearing the brother’s name and meeting them. 

Idia TWST Ban


  • “His name is Lucifer? Like the devil?”
  • Idia is intimidated and doesn’t want to be around him, not to mention he finds Lucifer scary. There’s just something terrifying in the Avatar of Pride’s vermillion eyes that makes Idia want to run like the wind. 
  • What he dislikes the most about Lucifer is his soul-seeing gaze. Whenever Idia meets his gaze, he feels like the demon is looking into his soul, which freaks him out. 
  • Idia finds Lucifer the hardest to get along with. 


  • “Mammon…isn’t that also the name of the devil?”
  • Idia doesn’t like Mammon at first solely due to his energetic nature; the Avatar of Greed reminds him of the energizer bunny. On top of that, Idia notices Mammon taking things from other people – things that don’t belong to him – and thinks of his as a thief. 
  • The day the house warden sees Mammon protecting his young brothers, Idia starts to respect him. Mammon protecting his siblings reminds him of his relationship with Ortho. But this still doesn’t mean he trusts Mammon, especially not when expensive items are involved. 
  • Idia thinks Mammon is the easiest brother to get along with, and the best part is that he also likes to play video games. 


  • “You have to be joking. That is the name of the literal devil!”
  • Idia likes that Satan has manners and is intelligent, but he senses something dark lurking behind the demon’s personality. Initially, the house warden doesn’t mind having short conversations with Satan, but that all changes the day he sees Satan unleash his wrath. 
  • After seeing Satan’s anger, Idia is intimated by him and is afraid to talk to him. The last thing the gamer wants is to use his energy to go up against a powerful demon; he would much rather spend that energy playing video games. 
Leo Ban TWST


  • Leona chuckles at hearing Lucifer’s name and wonders if his personality matches his name. 
  • The first time he sees Lucifer, Leona knows they won’t get along. Just the way the demon is carrying himself shows how strict he is, and the lion doesn’t like people who are strict as they nag too much. Not to mention, Lucifer gives off a very prideful aura, and considering Leona himself is pride, they would only end up locking horns if they talked. 
  • Leona thinks Lucifer is the most regal of the brothers but has no plans to talk to him. If he runs into the Avatar of Pride, the lion plans to ignore him and walk away. 


  • “That’s an odd name, but it sounds familiar.” 
  • After seeing Mammon’s smile, Leona feels like he looked directly into the sun. How can someone be so energetic and talkative? Just looking at Mammon makes the lion feel tired. Leona doesn’t want to interact with the Avatar of Greed and dearly hopes the demon won’t disturb his naps. 
  • While preparing to take a nap, Leona sees Mammon standing up for his younger brothers and feels his chest tighten. So that’s what caring older brothers look like—Falena could learn a thing or two from Mammon. 
  • Leona believes he would get along with Mammon, but dealing with him would require a lot of energy, which he doesn’t have. The lion does respect him for being a protective older brother and thinks his younger brothers are lucky to have him as part of their family. 


  • “First Lucifer, now Satan? Is NRC inviting demons from hell?” 
  • At first glance, Leona sees Satan as a well-mannered and hard-working straight-A student. Then comes the day the lion sees the Avatar of Wrath unleash his anger and is surprised. Who knew this side was hiding behind the polite bookwork. 
  • Leona thinks Satan suddenly got a whole lot more interesting and admits that he judged the book by its cover. Honestly, the lion wants to fight Satan just to measure his strength, but that would require foregoing his naps which he refuses to. 
Idia TWST Ban


  • “His name is Lucifer? Like the devil?”
  • Idia is intimidated and doesn’t want to be around him, not to mention he finds Lucifer scary. There’s just something terrifying in the Avatar of Pride’s vermillion eyes that makes Idia want to run like the wind. 
  • What he dislikes the most about Lucifer is his soul-seeing gaze. Whenever Idia meets his gaze, he feels like the demon is looking into his soul, which freaks him out. 
  • Idia finds Lucifer the hardest to get along with. 


  • “Mammon…isn’t that also the name of the devil?”
  • Idia doesn’t like Mammon at first solely due to his energetic nature; the Avatar of Greed reminds him of the energizer bunny. On top of that, Idia notices Mammon taking things from other people – things that don’t belong to him – and thinks of him as a thief. 
  • The day the house warden sees Mammon protecting his young brothers, Idia starts to respect him. Mammon protecting his siblings reminds him of his relationship with Ortho. But this still doesn’t mean he trusts Mammon, especially not when expensive items are involved. 
  • Idia thinks Mammon is the easiest brother to get along with, and the best part is that he also likes to play video games. 


  • “You have to be joking. That is the name of the literal devil!”
  • Idia likes that Satan has manners and is intelligent, but he senses something dark lurking behind the demon’s personality. Initially, the house warden doesn’t mind having short conversations with Satan, but that all changes the day he sees Satan unleash his wrath. 
  • After seeing Satan’s anger, Idia is intimated by him and is afraid to talk to him. The last thing the gamer wants is to use his energy to go up against a powerful demon; he would much rather spend that energy playing video games. 
Azul TWST Banner1


  • “What a powerful name. I wonder if the owner is just as powerful.” 
  • Azul is fazed by Lucifer’s aura and feels a sense of fear, which of course, he doesn’t show openly. He thinks it must be nice to have such an overwhelming presence so strong that no one would dare to mess with or make fun of him. 
  • The octopus considers making a deal with Lucifer, but that would mean making a deal with the devil. Azul wonders what it would feel like to wield the Avatar of Pride’s powers and make everyone bend to his will. 
  • Azul finds Lucifer interesting and wants to talk to him, but for some reason, he can’t bring himself to approach the demon. 


  • “Ah, the demon of greed. I better hide my valuables.” 
  • Azul didn’t expect the demon of greed to be such a bright ray of light; in his mind, he imagined the Avatar of Greed to be a sneaky and suspicious-looking demon. However, the octopus feels bad for Mammon as NRC is filled with cunning and manipulative people. 
  • Somehow, Mammon ends up working for Azul at the Mostro Lounge, and much to the octopus’s surprise, the demon is a talented waiter who knows how to rake in profits. Even Jade and Floyd couldn’t get over the speed at which Mammon served the students. 
  • The Avatar of Greed is definitely Azul’s favorite brother, but he still won’t let Mammon enter his office. The last thing he needs is his valuables to go missing, especially his contracts. 


  • “Lucifer and Satan together? Does Crowley want to destroy NRC?”
  • Azul said that as a joke but didn’t actually think Lucifer and Satan would turn out to be demons from a hell-like place called Devildom. NRC and the headmage are always full of surprises. 
  • He thinks Satan is easy to get along with, especially since they both are knowledgeable and enjoy reading, but when Azul sees Satan’s wrath, he is speechless. A demon capable of destroying NRC within a few minutes – if only he had such power. Even after seeing Satan’s wrath, Azul isn’t afraid of him and doesn’t stop talking to him. If anything, the octopus is even more curious about his new friend. 
Riddle Banner Twisted


  • “Who would name their child Lucifer?”
  • Riddle is stunned to see Lucifer and immediately thinks of him as an authoritative figure who follows the rules and ensures others do the same. The house warden already starts respecting Lucifer and only ends up respecting him more after talking to him. 
  • Even though most of Heartslabyul fears Lucifer, Riddle personally finds himself drawn to the demon. Also, to his surprise, the Avatar of Pride is easy to talk to, but whenever he says this to the NRC students, they all look at him like he’s crazy. 
  • Lucifer is by far Riddle’s favorite, and he has gotten into a habit of closely studying the demon just to learn new things from him. Meanwhile, his dorm members pray that Riddle doesn’t learn too much from Lucifer and that he becomes even stricter than he already is. 


  • “The new students are brothers, correct? Why would the parents name them after the demons from hell?”
  • The moment he sees Mammon, Riddle feels the need to scream, “Off With Your Head,” as the demon looks like someone who loves breaking the rules. Are Lucifer and Mammon seriously from the same family? It’s almost like they balance each other’s personalities. 
  • When Riddle learns more about Mammon, he feels sorry for him and almost wants to get mad at his younger brothers. They should be thankful for having a kind older brother who protects them, but here they are, insulting him. If only he could tell them how he wished he had a kind sibling who could have helped him through his tough childhood. 


  • “Satan, Lucifer, and Mammon? These men wouldn’t actually happen to be demons from hell, would they?”
  • Much to Riddle’s surprise, they were all demons from hell – what exactly was Crowley thinking? Then again, he shouldn’t judge them before getting to know them better. Riddle thinks Satan seems calm and composed, not to mention his words are polite. 
  • The day the house warden sees Satan lose his temper, he doesn’t know how to react as his emotions are all over the place. Riddle first feels overwhelmed by the demon’s power, then a sense of embarrassment fills him – to think his own power is nothing compared to Satan’s, and finally, he feels fearful. 
  • Riddle can’t complain about the Avatar of Wrath’s outburst since he himself is short-tempered. The fear he feels right now is what his dorm members feel every time he gets mad at them?
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