Reader Going Through a Tough Time

Prompt: How would the Starless guys try to help their S/O that’s really going through a tough time?

Gender: gn!Reader

Hugs, lots and lots of hugs: Sotetsu, Gui, Yakou, Sinju, Ran, Heath, Hinata

Lots of cuddles and kisses: Kei, Akira, Sin, Rindou, Qu, Mizuki, Kongou, Rico

Lots of playful teasing to distract your mind: Sotetsu, Kokuyou, Akira, Takami, Nekome, Zakuro, Mizuki, Ran, Rico

Lends you an ear: Kei, Ginsei, Yakou, Kokuyou, Sin, Takami, Rindou, Maica, Mokuren, Qu, Kasumi, Hari, Kongou, Heath, Unei, Aogiri

Helps you around the house to give you a break: Ginsei, Sin, Taiga, Rindou, Sinju, Qu, Kasumi, Kongou, Unei

Calls/messages you every hour to ask if you are okay: Ginsei, Yakou, Akira, Taiga, Rindou, Sinju, Hari, Kongou, Heath, Rico, Aogiri

Sends funny memes to cheer you up when he’s not next to you but tells jokes when he is around: Akira, Nekome, Zakuro, Mizuki, Ran

Says a lot of encouraging words: Kei, Yakou, Rindou, Sinju, Qu, Kasumi, Hari, Kongou

Calls you every morning and night to wish you good morning/evening: Sotetsu, Gui, Ginsei, Yakou, Akira, Sin, Takami, Nekome, Sinju, Mokuren, Kasumi, Hari, Kongou, Ran, Rico, Unei, Hinata

Brings meals for you and eats at least one meal with you daily: Kei, Sotetsu, Kokuyou, Sin, Takami, Taiga, Rindou, Maica, Sinju, Mokuren, Qu, Mizuki, Kongou, Unei, Aogiri

Organizes his work schedule around yours so that you two can spend more time together: Kei, Kokuyou, Rindou, Qu, Kasumi, Hari, Kongou, Heath

Doesn’t say much but is always there for you: Gui, Sin, Taiga, Maica, Menou, Mokuren, Heath

Prompt: Please give me random cast’s suggestions to lift reader’s vigor/zest/spirit up.

Gender: gn!Reader

Gives a motivational speech – Yakou, Hari, Unei

Talks to you casually but uses mind “tricks” to get you to understand the situation better and gives tips on how to tackle your issues as well as motivate you – Kei, Sotestu, Sin, Takami, Menou, Nekome, Ran, Kasumi, Zakuro

Gives a lecture but means well – Mokuren, Maica, Aogiri, Rico

Gives a hug and a reminder that he is there if/when you need him – Ginsei, Yoshino, Taiga, Akira, Rindou, Sinju, Kongou, Qu, Heath

Asks you, “Who do I need to beat up?” – Gui, Kokuyou, Mizuki, Hinata

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