New Year Resolution

Prompt: What are their new year resolutions?

Gender: fem!Reader

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  • Kei doesn’t feel the need to make a New Year’s resolution, but Unei informs him that he needs to pick one for Starless’s New Year’s interview. 
  • Kei immediately answers:
  • “Protect her, and her smile at any cost.” 


  • Knowing that his response is going to get printed, Sotetsu wants to give an entertaining answer:
  • “To tease her more.”
  • He can’t wait for you to read his answer. Sotetsu knows he’s going to get some great reactions from you. 


  • Ginsei has one and only one resolution. 
  • He knows it’ll take everything he has, but he’s determined to make it come true. 
  • “To win her heart and make her mine.”


  • Gui had no idea what a New Year’s resolution was, so he asked Ginsei. 
  • Once Gui understood, Ginsei asked what Gui would pick as his resolution, and he answered: 
  • Find master. 


  • Yoshino didn’t even need to think for a second. He already knew what his resolution was going to be:
  • Become a better singer. 
  • This time around, he was going to take as many chances as he got to sing. 


  • Yakou still hasn’t had free time, and he fears that his relationship with you may suffer. 
  • When Unei calls him, Yakou answers: 
  • “Make time for her.” 
  • He hopes his message reaches you. 

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  • Kokuyou doesn’t want to waste his time answering a worthless question. 
  • When Unie tells him it is for a Starless New Year’s interview, Kokuyou says the first resolution that comes to mind:
  • “Team W is going to reign as champions with me as their top.”


  • Akira decides to skip the traditional resolutions and picks a unique one:
  • “Learn Singo.”
  • Though Akira wishes that Sin would speak like a normal person, he is determined to understand his teammate. 
  • One can never be too cautious, especially when they’re in a team with suspicious people. 


  • Sin finds the resolution question to be interesting. He hasn’t thought about resolutions, but he comes up with an answer on the spot:
  • Darkness brings about a sense of peace, but within that tranquility lurks danger. 
  • Unei never looked so confused in his life. 


  • The cast members were getting on his back about his video game addiction. 
  • Just for a second, Taiga considers a “what-if” scenario. What if his New Year resolution is to stop playing video games?
  • Even thinking that is enough to make his heart fail. 
  • He knows that is not going to happen this year or anytime soon, so he chooses a safe resolution: 
  • “Work harder to find his brother.” 


  • Takami doesn’t believe in making resolutions, but he takes this as another opportunity to agitate his opponents. 
  • “Get answers to all my questions using any means necessary.” 
  • He knows his enemies are going to be on edge after reading his reply.

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  • Rindou has one resolution, but he doesn’t want his fans or teammates to think poorly of him. 
  • Instead of picking his top resolution, “Take less stress”, he chooses:
  • “Work harder for my sisters.” 


  • Sinju has many resolutions he wants to make for the new year. 
  • In light of the recent event, Sinju chooses: 
  • “Win a versus event for his team with him in the center.” 
  • Sinju hopes that his fans will support him and make his resolution a reality. 


  • Maica’s life revolves around singing, as does his resolution:
  • “Be the best singer I can be.” 
  • He also wants to help bring Team P together, but he doesn’t want his teammates to know that resolution. 


  • Menou doesn’t care for the resolution, especially since Unei disturbed his nap. 
  • As a joke, Menou says: 
  • “Sleep less.”

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  • Mokuren had one resolution, has one resolution, and will always have one resolution:
  • “To improve their dancing.” 
  • They know they are a dancing god, but Mokuren knows they can become better. 


  • Out of all the cast members, Qu takes the longest to pick his resolution. 
  • After thinking for a while, Qu says:
  • “Improve my makeup skills and get recognized internationally.” 


  • Hari doesn’t need to make any resolutions, but for the sake of the interview, he attempts to think of one. 
  • As he files through the events in his life, he remembers one moment the most. 
  • “Get praised by Mokuren for my dancing skills.” 


  • Before Unei came to interview Kasumi, you were talking to him about your resolution.
  • Kasumi wasn’t sure what to pick for his resolution, and you jokingly said he should eat as many donuts as he possibly can.
  • Unei is shocked when he hears Kasumi say: 
  • “Eat as many donuts as I possibly can.” 


  • Zakuro’s entire life revolves around two things: Starless and finding his memories. 
  • He wants his resolution to be “find a blackcard,” but he knows he can’t say that without consequences. 
  • So Zakuro settles for:
  • “Get my memories back.”

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  • Like a few other members, Mizuki doesn’t care for making resolutions, so he ignores Unei. 
  • Even after Unei chases him around, Mizuki doesn’t answer; instead, he nearly roundhouse kicks Unei. 
  • As a last resort, management asks Kokuyou, irritating him even more. 
  • Kokuyou’s resolution for Mizuki is:
  • “Ask Kokuyou Nii-chan before taking his wallet.” 


  • Lately, Kongou has had one thought on his mind, but he’s too nervous to tell you. 
  • He doesn’t want you to push you away or scare you, so Kongou uses this opportunity to share his thought with you:
  • “Get married.” 
  • The ex-wrestler hopes that you get the hint. 


  • Ran chooses: 
  • “Spend more time with Sabu.”
  • As Unei takes notes, Ran stops him and says he changes his mind:
  • “Become an arson king.”
  • After 30 minutes of listing out various resolutions, he finally picks: 
  • “Become an idol!”


  • Heath is happy to know that his resolution is going to be printed in the interview. 
  • He has a message for you but is too shy to tell you in person:
  • “Continue fighting no matter what…for her.”
  • After hearing that, Heath’s fans can’t stop wondering who “her” is referring to, and what Heath means by “fighting”. 


  • Rico’s resolution is simple and straight: 
  • “Clear his debt.” 
  • He has another resolution that has to do with teaching certain cast members a lesson or two, but he keeps that to himself. 

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  • Though he started working at Starless for experience, Unei considers the cast members as his family. 
  • To his surprise, Kei tells Unei to add his resolution in the interview.
  • Unei can hardly contain his excitement and adds: 
  • “Work harder for Starless and stand by the cast.” 
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