Prompt: Could I request platonic/friendship HCs with Rindou and reader who’s just as righteous? While they don’t love conflicts, they’re prone to stubbornly proving their point until proven wrong or until the other side agrees. It would probably be the same with Rindou but their worldview is similar hence they could become friends.
Gender: gn!Reader

- “I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal out of this.”
- Rindou heard a male’s voice a few feet away and stopped walking. He turned his head to see a familiar face. ‘I’ve seen that person at Starless a few times before.’
- Curious about what is going on, he quietly watched them talking to a taller man.
- “What do you mean I’m making a big deal out of it? It is a big deal.” You spoke with a deep frown.
- “Yeah, sure it is. I won’t apologize because I didn’t do anything wrong.”
- “Excuse me?” His words made you angrier. “So, you think passing inappropriate comments on this poor girl is okay?”
- A frightened petite girl stood behind you, holding onto the back of your t-shirt. She was clearly shaken and on the verge of crying.
- “I didn’t say anything inappropriate.” The older male tried to defend himself from the accusations.
- “Tell me something, do you have a female in your family?”
- “Yeah, a mother and a sister. Why do you care?”
- You gave him a smile, “Then let me ask you something. What would you do if you hear a guy say to her, ‘hey sexy, wanna go back to my place’?”
- The male balled his fists and gritted his teeth, “I would kill that man.”
- “Oh, so if someone makes that type of comment on your sister, it’s not okay, but if you make that kind of comment, it’s okay?”
- Shocked, he stared at you wordlessly.
- A smile formed on Rindou’s lips.
- The man averted his eyes, realizing his mistake. “Miss, I am sorry for what I said to you.” He bowed to the girl behind you before bowing to you and quickly leaving.
- The young girl thanked you for your help and handed you a bag of chocolates to show her appreciation.
- As you watched her leave, your eyes landed on a familiar face. “Rindou? Hi!”
- “Hello.” He walked closer to you still smiling, “That was quite nice of you. Most people would not intervene in such matters. ”
- “Oh, you saw that?” You chuckled and rubbed your arm, “It was nothing. I can’t stand injustice. It seriously gets on my nervous.”
- Rindou was surprised by your statement but managed to smile. “I can relate.”
- “You too? Yeah, I generally don’t like conflicts, but I speak up when I see injustice.”
- “Really? Who knew that one of my favorite members in Starless is just like me!”
- Your words turned Rindou’s cheeks bright red. He spoke in a shy voice, “Thank you for your kind words.”
- Giggling, you untied the red satin ribbon holding the plastic bag of chocolates together. “Want one?”
- He gladly picked out a piece of milk chocolate and thanked you. “My apologizes for such a sudden question, but are you free right now? I am on my way to a sweet shop that opened a few days back. Would you like to join me?”
- “Yes! I would love to join you.” You couldn’t hold back your excitement and flashed a toothy grin.
- By the end of day, both you and Rindou had become good friends. Who knew that both of you saw the world in a similar manner.
- You couldn’t wait to tell all your friend that you were friends with THE Rindou; moreover, you couldn’t wait to spend more time with him.