Road Trip

Prompt: Can I get some written roadtrip HCs for Reader x any of the BSTS teams?

Gender: gn!Reader

K HC Banner

  • Kei, Yakou, Ginsei, and Sotetsu take turns driving. Kei usually drives after the sunsets as he doesn’t trust anyone else to maintain focus at night. He also warns Sotetsu not to do anything reckless while driving.
  • Yoshino is responsible for all the snacks/beverages and handing them. Yakou also brings snacks to make sure everyone is well fed. 
  • Gui mindlessly stares out of the window and only talks when someone asks him questions, or you talk to him. He doesn’t know what to say, so he just listens in on conversations. 
  • Sotetsu suggests playing truth or dare and tries to dig out all your secrets as well as the others. Kei isn’t happy about that and warns him to stop, otherwise, he’ll kick Sotetsu out of the car. 
  • Ginsei suggests stopping at unusual roadside attractions. Sotetsu seconds the idea, much to Kei’s dismay. However, since it’s a vacation, Kei tries to go along with the flow. But for the most part, what you says goes.
  • During the day, Kei ends up falling asleep using your shoulder as a pillow while Gui uses the other shoulder. Meanwhile, Ginsei is jealous that they get to use your shoulders while he has to use the window as a pillow. 
  • Sotetsu takes this chance to tease the living life out of Ginsei. Yoshino is also glaring at Kei and Ginsei while Yakou is patting the singer’s back to calm him down.
  • But the oddest part is that Unei finds himself on this trip with Team K and you on your request. You asked Kei if Unei could come along because you felt bad that he had to work so much without a single vacation. Kei agrees, and Unei is beyond happy. The intern takes hundreds of photos so he can make a scrapbook later. 
  • Unei also bring a ton of snacks. Half the trunk is filled with nothing but snacks, but no one is complaining.  

W HC Banner

  • Kokuyou, Sin, and Takami take turns driving, and no matter how much Akira says he wants to drive, they don’t trust him to stay focused.
  • Taiga mostly keeps his headphones on and face buried in his handheld consoles. Sometimes Kokuyou snatches the consoles from him and asks him to take a break. Kokuyou also bans playing video games after the sunsets.
  • Takami, Akira, and Kokuyou resist the urge to smoke, especially if you don’t smoke, but if they can’t resist the urge, they will roll down the window and stick their heads out.
  • Takami is responsible for bringing snacks and will make sure everyone eats.
  • Sin and Kokuyou take turns driving after the sunsets.
  • Akira randomly sings but no one minds since they like the songs he picks. If he sits next to Taiga, Akira will constantly ask questions about the games he is playing. 
  • Sin brings a book with him, so when he’s not driving or talking to you, he is reading.
  • Akira packs blankets for everyone, and Sin brings the pillows.
  • None of the members of Team W let you pay for anything. They invited you to join them, so it’s their treat. 
  • Through the trip, you see many odd places and try out unusual foods, but most of all, you get to see members of Team W being friendly with each other. 

P HC Banner

  • Nekome and Rindou take turns driving, and Menou is not allowed to touch the steering wheel due to his sleeping habits.
  • Menou mostly sleeps when the car is in motion, and he likes to use your shoulder as a pillow. 
  • Sinju tries his best to sit next to you. He wants to spend more time with you and learn new things about you. 
  • Maica takes a lot of pictures and posts them on his social media account. He also puts a lot of pics of you and him, accidentally making some of the guys at Starless jealous. 
  • Sinju brings snacks made by his grandmother, Rindou brings snacks he made, and Maica and Nekome bring store-bought snacks. Half of the car’s trunk is filled with food – Mokuren and Mizuki are upset Team P didn’t invite them. 
  • Maica brings a blanket and two neck pillows, one for him and one for you. The blanket is large enough to share with you. Meanwhile, Menou gets upset that Maica didn’t bring a blanket for him. 
  • Nekome flirts a lot with you, upsetting Maica and Sinju, especially if you respond to his flirty words. 
  • Since there are three singers in the car, no one bothers to turn on the radio. If you have requests for them, they will happily sing for you. The only time Rindou will not sing is when he is driving. 
  • Maica, Rindou, Menou, and Nekome don’t let you or Sinju pay for anything. The entire trip is their treat. When Sinju asks if he can do anything for them in return, Rindou says, “We would love to try more of your grandmother’s cooking.” 
  • Not once during the trip do you see any members stressed out. They are all happy and work well together as a team.

C HC Banner

  • Mokuren is a bit stunned when you suggest going on a road trip, but they decide to give it a try and invite all the members as it is your wish.
  • When they pack for the trip, they bring a lot of snacks…an ENTIRE suitcase of snacks that no one else is allowed to touch except you at times.
  • Being the foody they are, Mokuren makes a stop at every restaurant they see, be it a local or a known tourist spot, much to the team members’ annoyance, but they can’t and won’t say anything against their leader. Kasumi is the only one who doesn’t mind much, especially when donut shops are nearby the areas Mokuren wants to stop in. Be prepared to put on a few pounds. 
  • He finds all the trending locations to visit and takes a LOT of photos. Qu turns into the team’s personal photographer for the entire road trip. Aogiri also draws a lot of inspiration from the location and brings his sketchbook along to sketch the outfit ideas he gets.
  • Though they don’t mind driving at night, Mokuren prefers that you two spend the night at a hotel. After all, Team C needs to get into their daily dance practice. The members thought they were spared from the practice as it was vacation time, but they were dead wrong.
  • If night driving is required, Mokuren, Qu, Kasumi, and Aogiri take turns. Mokuren bans Zakuro from getting behind the wheel as they are worried that the singer might do something reckless.
  • Hari manages to convince Mokuren to allow all of you to go to nearby clubs, bars, and restaurants when all of you stay in a hotel overnight to avoid night driving.
  • One time, when Qu is behind the wheel and everyone else is asleep, he drives the car to a hidden, beautiful location without telling anyone. He wakes everyone up early, much to their dismay, but when all of you see the sun rising over the horizon, you are speechless. It is one of the most beautiful views any of you have ever seen.
  • The car ride is never boring, as Kasumi suggests playing games like iSpy and truth or dare. He even tells stories, and when he doesn’t, Aogiri and Zakuro sing to entertain everyone.

B HC Banner

  • Ran, Hinata, and Mizuki will make a huge fuss about who gets to sit beside you. Eventually, Kongou steps in and tells them to take turns. Heath wants to sit next to you as well but doesn’t have the energy to argue with the younger members.
  • Rico doesn’t think it’s fair they get to sit next to you but decides to handle the matter maturely. Besides, he honestly doesn’t want to sit in the back area of the car with all the hyper members. So, Rico sits in the front passenger seat. 
  • Kongou is driving the whole time as he doesn’t trust anyone else behind the wheel. Mizuki doesn’t have a license, Hinata and Ran are hyper, Heath doesn’t have enough energy, and Rico might lose his temper and cause an accident. 
  • There are a lot of stops, especially with Mizuki getting hungry all the time. Kongou went out of his way to prepare all the meals while Rico prepared the snacks, but Mizuki downed them in a few hours with Ran’s help. 
  • Heath is listening to music most of the time as he doesn’t like the loudness. Rico is trying his best to keep his mind occupied and taking painkillers to deal with the sound. Kongou is so focused on keeping everyone safe while driving that he doesn’t even register the sounds. However, if any arguments break out, Kongou will park the car on the side and won’t start driving until everyone is calm. 
  • Ran and Hinata want to see all the odd side attractions, but everyone votes on which ones are worth visiting.
  • Kongou prefers not to drive in the night, but it’s the most peaceful time, so he allows Rico to drive at times. The nighttime is the only time Heath, Rico, you, and Kongou are able to have a proper conversation. 
  • Sometimes, when Mizuki and Ran get too hyper, Kongou likes to find a rest area and let the two run around until they are out of energy, much like puppies. 
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