Expressing Sadness Through Eyes
- A hollow, empty gaze that is filled with sadness and emptiness
- A stare that is distant and disconnected
- A vacant stare out the window, not present in the moment
- Clouded, watery eyes
- Dark circles under their eyes from lack of sleep
- Drained eyes that refuse to focus
- Eyes downcast, avoiding eye contact as if to hide the tears in their eyes
- Eyes dull and hollow
- Eyes glazed over, not focusing on anything in particular, lost in their own thoughts of sorrow
- Eyes red and puffy from crying
- Eyes that are dull and lifeless, filled with misery and hopelessness
- Heavy eyelids that blink away tears
- Sad eyes look like they have aged years in a matter of days
- Staring absentmindedly as if they are not present
- Visible tears