My Secret HCs
Prompt: Do you have any BSTS HCs that either no one has asked for or you’ve been keeping close to your chest? If so, care to share?
Warning: All of these are purely HCs with no evidence to back them up.

- Rindou was an extremely famous idol in the past, and his downfall came about when he was framed for something he didn’t do or something he accidentally did.
- He wasn’t always this sweet and calm- in the past, Rindou was arrogant, looked down on others, and took his fame for granted.
- His sisters were his biggest fans when he was an idol. They always attended all his shows and events, and they were just as popular as him.
- Rindou’s liking for museums and exhibitions comes from his older sister – she would take child Rindou with her to galleries and museums. Sometimes Rindou goes to a museum or gallery just to relive memories with his sister.
- Rindou’s controlling side (in Team P’s matters) comes from not being able to control the other aspects of his, specifically his past and not being able to help his hospitalized sister.
- The reason he’s so hard on himself is due to his sister’s comatose state being his fault.

- Everyone in Sinju’s neighborhood knows him as the “to go to for everything” boy. He always helps everyone and can never say no. His older brother is the one who usually bails him out of situations and lectures him to stop being so nice to everyone. Meanwhile, his grandmother is proud of him for being such a kind-hearted boy.
- As part of the odd jobs he does here and there for the money, he dog sits and takes dogs for walks.
- On the days Sinju has to work until closing, he takes the leftovers from the restaurant to his family. Sometimes Kongou makes extra food just so that Sinju can take it home.
- When Rindou was an idol, Sinju looked up to him. He was the one who inspired Sinju to apply to an idol agency.

- Menou’s urge to fall asleep anywhere is due to a sickness he has. That’s also the reason why he likes going to hot springs and taking hot baths. Hot water helps his illness, maybe something related to the muscles.
- At one point in his life, Menou used to be a cheerful man, but something traumatizing happened, and as a result, he can no longer openly express himself or doesn’t trust people with his emotions.
- Like Mokuren, Menou got into acting so that he could divert his mind from maybe his trauma or illness and focus on something he loves.
- There are times when Menou is not asleep but pretends just to overhear a conversation. He knows a lot about everyone and everything on Starless but plans to only reveal his cards when needed.
- The owners of the hot spring Menou usually visits think of him as a relative more than a customer because he’s always there.

- When Maica was a child, his parents and Qu would dress him up, especially in dresses. That’s where his hatred for being called a female comes from.
- He would secretly practice singing, and Qu would support him and cheer him on, even when Maica didn’t sing well.
- Maica knows self-defense and can take on anyone, including people twice his size.
- He is a celebrity on social media, possibly even a good influencer, and his parents also use that to keep track of him and how he’s doing.
- Maica dislikes picking up his parent’s calls because he knows they will ask him to come back, but he always makes sure to message them, especially to tell them that he is well, to wish them a happy birthday, and send gifts to them.

- Nekome and Taiga were close as kids, and whenever he would get gifts, he would give them to his little brother.
- When Nekome started working, he used the money he made to get Taiga whatever he wanted.
- Even though they’re only one year apart, Neko still thinks of Taiga as a baby brother and treats him as such.
- He was the type of teen who would smoothly hit on everyone girl who crossed his path, and he had a dedicated fan club.
- A few years back, he disappeared to go on a secret mission of some sort or even hide from a certain organization. He didn’t tell Taiga anything and would erase all his traces just to keep Taiga safe.
- Nekome is not the type of brother who openly tells Taiga he loves him; rather, he enjoys teasing or scaring him. That’s just his unique way of saying he cares.

- Kasumi, by profession, is a secret agent of some sort. His training as a spy taught him to keep a low profile and can move around/appear out of nowhere without getting detected.
- He also keeps track of the movements of all the members in Starless, where they go, what they do, who they call, and so on. He has a room in his home that looks like an obsession wall straight out of a movie – papers, newspaper clippings, stick notes on the wall with red threads connecting everything. That’s how he keeps track of everyone in Starless.
- He has a photographic memory and good memory in general. That’s why he can learn the dance moves and scripts of all teams in Starless.
- The reason he helps Unei is to see the “inside” details of Starless, including accounts, profits, where the money goes, if there are any suspicious transactions, and so on. Getting information out of Unei is also a lot easier than getting Haseyama or Takami to talk.
- Kasumi is the type of office worker who brings donuts from his co-workers. He wants to stay in everyone’s good books, but at the same time, he doesn’t get buddy-buddy with anyone to maintain his low profile.
- He has a second job not to make money, but to make people see him as a normal salaryman type of guy. This makes it easier for him to get away with suspicious/spy-related things.

- Mokuren experienced a traumatic event in their childhood, and their only source of happiness was seeing people dance. That’s why they are obsessed with dancing and use it as a coping mechanism. This is the reason why Mokuren got mad at Kokuyou for trying to control their dancing abilities – for Mokuren, dancing means freedom.
- Mokuren’s kitchen is filled to the brim with food, including their kitchen cabinets and drawers. 80% of their monthly budget is dedicated to food.
- They don’t have any friends outside of Starless because they don’t trust anyone and would much rather stay alone than get betrayed.

- When Qu and Maica were growing up, Qu used Maica’s face as a canvas to perfect his makeup skills. He would also dress Maica up all the time, and Maica couldn’t bring himself to say no.
- As kids, Qu and Maica would dress like twins all the time.
- Qu was always soft-spoken and got picked on in school, but Maica would always protect him. That’s how Maica learned to throw punches.
- He would take Maica’s mom’s heels and wear them all the time around the house.
- It takes A LOT for Qu to get mad, but when he loses his temper, all hell breaks loose.

- Hari’s father has kept him away from the public eye/media since he was a child so that his enemies can’t hurt him. That’s why he can work at Starless without anyone recognizing him.
- Hari’s father has always been a controlling man, and that’s why Hari wants to do things his father wouldn’t approve of – get a motorcycle, join an underground theater restaurant, learn how to dance, and give more preference to his dreams.
- Hari secretly looks up to Kokuyou because he wants to be a badass rebel like Team W’s leader.
- His family has hired bodyguards for him, but he always finds a way to keep them busy when he needs to come to Starless. His team members know about this and help him out when needed by covering his shifts.
- He is more and more intrigued by everything going on in Starless with MC, the organization, death of the investigator but also knows the more he crawls down the rabbit hole, the more difficult it will be for him to climb back out. He wants to use his father’s connections to figure out what exactly is going on and is waiting for the right time.

- Zakuro hasn’t fully lost his memories and is playing his cards carefully. For some reason, I get a feeling that Zakuro is on Kei’s side (from Kei’s words when Zakuro entered Starless) but he’s putting on an act.
- He and Kei learned to sing in the same school/academy, and that’s how they met. Zakuro took a liking to Kei, but Kei wanted nothing to do with him. At first, Kei would ignore him but eventually gave up and tuned Zakuro out.
- Zakuro really likes people who are serious/grumpy/easily annoyed types and gets a huge kick out of bothering them – Sin, Kei, Kokuyou, Mokuren, Maica, Rico, and Mizuki. On to flip side, Zakuro hates dealing with people who are too innocent or clueless because they make his head spin – Gui, Sinju, Taiga, Ginsei, and Akira.
- Behind his playful/cunning mask, Zakuro is desperately searching for his memories and has moments when he wonders if he’s forgetting something or someone important.