Prompt: Could you do the Obey Me characters reacting to a happy go lucky and spunky MC who has a bad day. She goes from being a total pain in the ass to quiet as hell, seemingly thinking her usual self is annoying and so withdraws.
Gender: fem!Reader
- When you didn’t burst through Lucifer’s door after classes, he knew something wasn’t right. He set out in search of you and found you quietly staring out a window.
- He studied your posture and knew something was definitely wrong, but instead of asking, he decided to tease you a little.
- “The house feels quieter than usual. Ah, finally some peace and quiet,” Lucifer spoke in a taunting tone, “would be what I would say, but for an unknown reason, I dislike it.”
- “I know I’m annoying…sorry about that.”
- He raised an eyebrow at your unexpected apology and rested his hand on your head. “Annoying? Is that how you see yourself? Then, do let me say I disagree.”
- Lucifer paused and glanced at you, “Would you like to know what I deem as annoying? When Diavolo abandoning his work, and I’ve to complete it. When Mammon maxes out his cards, and I have to bail him each time. When Satan goes into rage mode, and I have to fix his mess. When Beel eats everything in Devildom, and I get angry letters from the other residents. When Asmo goes on a shopping spree, and the entire house is littered with shopping bags. When Levi locks himself in his room and refuses to interact with any of us.”
- “And…what about me?” You asked without looking at him.
- “What about you, my dear? Your presence alone is enough to make the people around you smile. Having you around is nothing less than a blessing.”
- Lucifer gently gripped your chin and turned your head towards him. He flashed his renowned smirk and whispered in a deep voice, “If you dare to refer to yourself as annoying again, I will be forced to punish you.”
- Mammon came running into your room and hid behind you, but he quickly turned you to face him when he didn’t see you reacting in the usual manner. “Why are ya not smilin’?”
- You told him you had a bad day and don’t feel like smiling. Mammon thought for a second and said, “I’ll be back.”
- Half an hour later, Mammon returned and led you to Lucifer’s office, asking you to wait at the door. He handed Lucifer a tray with coffee, sugar, and a small spoon before walking out.
- He leaned closer to your ear and whispered, “The sugar is actually salt.”
- Lucifer took a sip of his coffee and barely managed to swallow it. “MAMMOOOON!”
- He ran to Asmo’s room with you and told you to look inside. His younger brother was about to moisturize his face, and as soon as he opened the tube, the cream exploded on his face.
- Belphie was taking a nap, and Mammon squeezed shaving cream onto his youngest sibling’s hand before tickling his nose.
- The Avatar of Greed led you to the kitchen next, where he handed Beel a bowl of frozen cereal and watched his brother struggle to eat it.
- Levi grabbed his game controller to play but the device got glued to his hand, and he couldn’t get it off.
- Satan heard a meowing sound coming from his room and ran to find a tape recorder sitting on his bed with a “HAHAHAHA” note next to it.
- Mammon took you back to your room and started laughing, “Did ya see their expressions?”
- “Mammon, why did you pull those pranks? You will get into trouble.” You mumbled, shaking your head.
- “I wanted to make ya smile. You find my prank funny, right? And…I don’t care if I get into trouble as long as you are smiling.” He whispered before embracing you, “I will do anything to make ya happy.”
- When you didn’t reply to Levi’s message, he started panicking and thought something happened to you. He dropped his controller and rushed to find you.
- Levi saw your withdrawn state and felt a knot form in his chest. He wasn’t sure if you wanted to talk to him since you didn’t reply to his texts, so he took your hand and walked you back to his room.
- “Aside from playing games, do you know what helps me when I’m having a bad day?” He asked, fishing for a pair of headphones from his desk, “Music.”
- Levi sat on his large beanbag chair and sat you between his legs, sliding the headphones on your ears.
- He wrapped his arms around you from behind and pressed your back to his chest.
- While you were busy listening to music, Levi’s face was turning different shades of red. ‘Wow, her hair smells so good. She feels so warm…being close to her makes me happy.‘
- When Satan saw your unusual behavior, he immediately thought someone hurt you. He rushed to your side, took hold of your shoulder, and looked into your eyes. “Did someone hurt you? Which demon do I need to teach a lesson?”
- You shook your head and mumbled, “I am having a bad day.”
- The Avatar of Wrath sighed and began stroking your cheek with his thumb. Seeing your missing smile, he carried you to his room and asked you to wait for a bit.
- After a while, Satan walked out of his bathroom wearing a fluffy cat ears headband, a cat tail, and painted-on whiskers. “Will this make you smile?”
- You couldn’t help but giggle at his cute look. “Satan…do you find my usual self annoying?”
- He looked at you surprised and questioned, “Why would you ask such a question? No one in their right mind would find a woman who makes others happy annoying. Don’t ever think that…besides, your smile makes me happy like nothing else.”
- Asmo skipped into your room, excited to show you the new outfits he purchased, but his excitement vanished when he saw you.
- The Avatar of Lust dropped all his bag and ran to your side. “Sweetie, is something the matter?”
- You shook your head and stepped away from him, sending Asmo the message that you wanted to be left alone. He quietly gathered his bags and walked back to his room.
- Moments later, you heard a knock on your door, and when you opened it, you saw a letter with a rose on your doorstep. Picking up the letter, you read it to yourself:
I never thought I would find something just as beautiful as me, but that something is nowhere in sight today. I wonder what I should do to bring it back? Should I kiss you? Should I hug you? How about going shopping? What will it take to bring back your beautiful smile?
After coming to Devildom, I never thought I would be able to see the light. Everything was always shrouded in the darkness, that is until you came along. You reminded us what true happiness felt like, to love each other for who we are, and most of all, you brought light into our lives – you brought light into my life.
Sweetie, seeing you in this state upsets me. I am always here for you no matter what. Now, please tell me what I can do to help you return to your cheery self.
- When Belphie told his twin that you weren’t yourself and something was wrong, Beel dropped everything and ran to you. The Avatar of Gluttony got even more worried when you didn’t run up to him and bear-hugged him like usual.
- He quickly walked to your bed, sat down, and pulled you onto his lap. Beel pressed his index fingers to the corners of your mouth and tugged your lips up, trying to get you to smile.
- He pouted, “Why are you not smiling?”
- Wordlessly, you looked away from his face, prompting Beel to say, “I…will give you all of my food if you smile.”
- “Why do you want to see me smile?” You asked under your breath.
- “I like seeing you smile, it makes me happy,” Beel grinned, “and you look pretty when you smile. I don’t know why but my heart beats really fast when I see you happy.”
- His words were enough to make you forget your bad day and smile.
- Belphie was heading to the attic and saw you staring off into space in the living area. He made his way to you, stretched his body on the sofa, and rested his head on your lap. Then, he saw your expression. ”(Y/N)? What’s wrong?“
- When you mumbled nothing, he chuckled, “I know you’re lying. Would you like to take a nap with me? It will help you relax.”
- You shook your head. Belphie rested his palm on the back of your head and pulled your head down, capturing your lips in a kiss. “I miss seeing the sparkle in your eyes. What happened?”
- “I…had a bad day.”
- “Would you like to do something?” Belphie asked, “What if we go out for a bit? Will that help you?”
- You blinked and asked, “What about your nap?”
- “Your happiness is far more important to me than my nap.” Belphie sat up and ruffled your hair, “Now, where do you want to go?”
- Diavolo wasn’t sure how to react when he saw the sudden change in your personality. He thought Simeon was scary, but seeing you quiet as hell scared him far more.
- “(Y/N), what’s wrong?” He asked in a concerned voice, but you simply shook your head and didn’t utter a word.
- The Ruler of Devildom didn’t know what to do, so he went right to his usual solution to everything related to you; he wrapped his arms tightly around you and refused to release you until you told him why you weren’t yourself.
- “I want to give you a break from my generally annoying self.”
- Diavolo was shocked to hear your words and slowly released you. “Why would you say something like that? I love your cheerful and determined personality; if I didn’t, then I wouldn’t be with you.”
- The prince pressed his lips to your forehead and gently touched your cheek, “Just be yourself, alright? I love you just the way you are. Now, please show me the bright smile that I simply cannot get enough of.”
- Barbatos saw your face and knew right away that something was wrong. He headed to the kitchen before visiting your room with a tray filled with your favorite snacks and beverage.
- “What happened?” He asked, prepared for you not to reply. When you ignored his question and continued staring at the ground, Barb kneeled in front of you.
- He lightly placed his hand atop yours and said, “Being silent doesn’t suit you.”
- His words surprised you, and the butler was quick to notice. “Tell me, are you not fond of your usual self, or do you consider yourself to be…annoying?”
- Though you didn’t say anything, the tears in your eyes gave him his answer. He softly wiped the corners of your eyes and smiled, “Your radiant personality drew me towards you. Your presence has the power to illuminate even the most lackluster of atmospheres. I see no reason for you to deem your personality as annoying; my dear, you are perfect as you are.”
- Simeon got an unsettling feeling when he saw your blank expression. He sat beside you and wrapped his arms around you, drawing you closer, “What’s wrong, my angel? Please, don’t say nothing.”
- You explained to him that you were having a bad day.
- “I see, but why are you so quiet? It’s odd to see you so…withdrawn.” He said, resting his chin atop your head.
- “I thought I would give you a break from my annoying self.”
- “A-Annoying self?” Your words nearly made Simeon jump as he quickly released you from his embrace, “Why would you think you’re annoying? Did something say something to you?”
- You shook your head, and for a moment, he studied your face. The angel cupped your cheeks and pressed his lips to your forehead, “If you think you’re annoying, then you are wrong. Your personality is a breath of fresh air…you shine just as bright as the heavens. Do you know why I refer to you as an angel? You can bring a smile to anyone’s face, and I truly love that about you. Please don’t ever change or speak so harshly about yourself.”
- Simeon pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “Now shall we do something about the bad day? I heard eating sweets can help reduce stress, so what do you say we try the sweets Luke baked?”
- As soon as Luke saw your expressionless face, his smile fell. He wasn’t sure why you seemed distant, but he was determined to make you smile.
- First Luke came to you with a plate of assorted cookies and sat them on the table in front of you. When you didn’t smile and stared at him, he returned to the kitchen for a few moments.
- He soon came back with a tray of cake slices. When you still didn’t smile, he headed to the kitchen once again and returned with a tray of cupcakes.
- Then came the pastries, the pies, the eclairs, and ice creams.
- The young angel pouted seeing the smile still missing from your lips. He walked closer to you and wrapped his arms around you. Even though you didn’t return his hug, he continued hugging you.
- “Luke?”
- “I won’t let you go until you smile,” he replied innocently.
- You placed a hand on the back of his head and giggled at his cute action. “Um…am I supposed to finish all these desserts?”
- Luke pulled away from the hug and nodded, “I heard the more sugar you eat, the happier you get, so eat up!”
- “What’s wrong?” Solomon asked while taking a seat next to you. You shook your head, and he knew you were lying. “You better tell me, or else, I will be forced to use another method.”
- Even though he playfully threatened you, you refused to budge. The sorcerer crossed his arms and turned his head towards you, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. (Y/N), what concert costs just 45 cents?”
- You looked at him confused, “What?”
- Solomon repeated his question, but when you didn’t reply, he said, “50 Cent featuring Nickleback.”
- You stared at him with a blank face, but he continued talking, “Did you hear about the cheese factory exploding in France? Da brie is everywhere.”
- “Solomon, stop,” you mumbled.
- “Not until you smile and tell me what’s wrong,” he chuckled, “when I was a kid, my mother told me I could be anyone I want. Turns out, identity theft is a crime.”
- You bit your lower lip to suppress the urge to laugh.
- “Did you hear the rumor about butter? Well, I’m not going to spread it.”
- Your laughter filled the room, “Those were horrible dad jokes.”
- “Hm? Dad jokes, but I am not a dad…unless you want to make me one,” Solomon teased and enjoyed the various shades of red dancing across your face.