Sleeping Habits

Prompt: How do you think BSTS boys and Unei would react if their s/o give them flowers without a specific occasion and just because?

Gender: fem!Reader

Kei Banner

  • Kei doesn’t move or talk and is a very light sleeper. One little sound and his eyes are open, especially if the sound comes from you. 
  • Sleeps on his back when alone, but when you’re with him, he sleeps on his side while holding you close to his chest. Also, likes to be the big spoon and will sleep like that if you are comfortable with it. 
  • If he wakes up in the middle of the night, he never forgets to look over at you and make sure you are sleeping comfortably. Will adjust your neck, pillow, or blankets if needed.
So Banner
  • Heavy but a light sleeper. If Sotetsu knows he’s in a safe environment, he can sleep the entire night without waking up once, but if he hears an unfamiliar sound, he will wake up in a heartbeat. 
  • Sleeps on his back in a running position when you are not around. With you next to him, Sotetsu sleeps on his side with one arm around your waist or hips. 
  • Doesn’t snore or talk in his sleep, but if you do, he’s making videos to “blackmail” you. Not really, but he likes to keep them around to tease you. 
Gins Banner
  • Likes to sleep in a soldier position. He’s even tense when he sleeps, especially if you share the bed with him. 
  • Ginsei talks often in his sleep, and during the stressful days at Starless, he sometimes recites entire lines from his script. Even in his sleep, he is thinking about perfecting his performances. 
  • When he can’t sleep, though, Ginsei likes to stare at your face. It’s the one time where he can truly look at you lovingly without feeling nervous. 
Gui Banner
  • When he’s sleeping alone, he likes to sleep on his side. When sharing a bed, Gui has a habit of snuggling close to you, so you might just wake up and find his face a few millimeters away from your face. 
  • He is a light sleeper and will wake up whenever you move, toss around, or change sides. If you have a habit of tossing and turning, Gui will get worried. He thinks you are having a nightmare and is upset because he can’t help you.
  • Sometimes, you wake up with Gui’s head on your chest. If he has a hard time sleeping, he listens to your heartbeats to calm down. 
Yos Banner
  • Sleeps on his back with his hands resting on his stomach, when you are around and even when you aren’t. It’s the most comfortable position for him, but if you want to use his chest as a pillow, he will adjust his hand accordingly.
  • Sometimes mumbles apologies and even sings in his sleep. Well, more like mumble words from his songs. Other than that, he is a pretty quiet sleeper. 
  • Tends to have nightmares here and there. If you are with him, he won’t mind going back to sleep, but if he’s alone, Yoshino prefers not to go back to sleep. 
Yak Banner
  • Pretty heavy sleeper but not to the point where he can sleep through anything. 
  • Likes to sleep on his back when he’s relaxed, but during the days he’s stressed/overworked, Yakou sleeps on his side curled up. If you are with him, this is your chance to be the big spoon. 
  • He is a pretty quiet sleeper, but there are times when he has nightmares from his trainee days. Though, thanks to you and his new jobs, Yakou doesn’t have those nightmares that often.

Koku Banner

  • Falls asleep on his back with his hands behind his head and sometimes one knee up. If you like to rest your head on his chest, he will keep that position, but if you want, Kokuyou can either sleep on the side or let you use one of his arms as a pillow. 
  • Likes to sleep shirtless and without any or minimal blankets covering him. Will gladly let you hog all the blankets without caring. 
  • Silent sleeper, but if he goes to bed angry, you might hear him growl in his sleep. Has nightmares now and then but doesn’t wake up in a shock. Kokuyou doesn’t want you to know he has nightmares, and besides, he has been having these bad dreams for years now, so he’s used to it. 
Sin Banner
  • Sin is a light and quiet sleeper who sleeps on his back with one arm behind his pillow and the other arm parallel to his body…assuming that he actually sleeps.
  • Most nights, he has a hard time going to sleep and prefers to read or play chess alone. If you are with him, he tries to get some sleep or ends up staring at you or the ceiling for most of the night. 
  • Sometimes has nightmares but doesn’t pay much mind.
Aki Banner
  • The second heaviest sleeper on this list and can even sleep through a storm or an earthquake, especially when he’s tired or drunk.
  • Akira mostly sleeps on his side with one arm under the pillow and one knee bent at a 90-degree angle. If you sleep next to him, expect to be trapped under Akira’s leg. When you are with him, he doesn’t put a pillow between his legs, but when he’s alone, he rests his “running” leg on the pillow. 
  • Most of the time, Akira talks in his sleep but is not very loud. If you are awake, you will hear him flirting…yes, he even flirts in his sleep. Want to freak him out? Ask him first thing in the morning who he was flirting with in his dreams. 
Tai Banner
  • Sleeps with his head on the pillow but ends up with his face under the pillow. Heavily snores because he can’t breathe and sometimes talks about gameplay in his sleep.
  • Some nights, specifically when Kokuyou over-rehearses Team W, Taiga kicks in legs around, but his kicks are usually powerless. You might wake up to feeling his leg touch you, but that’s about it. 
  • Has moments when he sleepwalks, but in reality, he is half awake and wants to play games instead of going to sleep. Taiga gets out of the bed, finds his phone or handheld console, but ends up falling asleep before he can start playing. 
Taka Banner
  • Another light and quiet sleeper who prefers to stay awake and think about the day rather than sleep. 
  • Prefers to sleep on his back with one hand under his head, the other resting on his abdomen. If you share a bed with him, Takami will adjust his position to your liking but will still sleep on his back. 
  • There are times when he spends the entire night thinking whether it was a good idea to involve you in his life. Takami can’t share with you much he worries about you and can only hope you don’t end up getting involved in his matters. 

Rin Banner

  • Very quiet sleeper, no talking, tossing or walking. But Rindou has nightmares frequently, so expect him to wake up multiple times during the night. For this reason, he prefers that you don’t share a bed with him as he doesn’t want to disturb you. 
  • During the less stressful days, he sleeps on his back with his hands next to his face and one knee slightly bent. When he’s stressed, he ends up in a fetus position. 
  • If you share a bed with him, Rindou likes to fall asleep with his face in your neck or chest. That usually helps him calm down and have fewer nightmares. 
Neko Banner
  • Very light sleeper and very flexible to sleeping in any position, especially if you share a bed with him. 
  • He is also a light sleeper and will wake up at the drop of a pin, so when you have nightmares, Nekome generally wakes you up before the dark dreams can take a twisted turn. 
  • Another quiet sleeper who doesn’t talk or move around much, but if you do either of those things, he will have a hard time getting to sleep. Though, he won’t complain to you. 
Mai Banner
  • Whether you share a bed with him or not, Maica sleeps on his side with his knees slightly bent and hands close to his face. 
  • Wears a silk sleep mask and prefers to keep his room dark and slightly cold. 
  • Maica likes to sleep with a source of white noise as he gets disturbed very easily. If you have a habit of snoring, talking, or tossing/turning, it’s going to take him a while to get used to it. 
Sinju Banner
  • Usually, sleep on his stomach, and if you are with him, he will wrap one arm around you. Doesn’t move around a lot in his sleep and generally wakes up in the same pose he fell asleep in.
  • Sometimes, you wake up and find Sinju holding on to your hand. He does this whenever he has nightmares – it’s the best way to stay close to you without waking you up. 
  • When he is stressed, he has a habit of mumbling random words or making incoherent sounds while sleeping. 
Menou Banner
  • Literally the heaviest sleeper on this list. Can and will sleep through anything, and the only thing that can wake him up is you saying his name. 
  • Menou can fall asleep in any position, so he doesn’t have a favorite sleeping position. Also, he goes to sleep in a few seconds, so once his head hits the pillow, he is out cold. 
  • 50% chance of him sleeping quietly, the other 50%, he recites his dialogues in his sleep. 

Moku Banner

  • Doesn’t have a fixed sleeping position but tends to either sleep on their side or starfish. Their sleeping poses change throughout the night. 
  • Practices dancing in their sleep, so if you are next to them, they will kick you. 90% chance that you will wake up on the floor and probably with a bruise the next day. 
  • Sometimes talks in their sleep, mostly ordering Team C to practice harder or getting mad at people for stealing their food. 
  • Every so often, Mokuren gets hungry at night and enjoys midnight snacks. You might wake up and not find them next to you, but if you get out of bed and go to the kitchen, you will see Moku asleep on the sofa or with their head on the island. 
Qu Banner
  • A very proper and quiet sleeper. Qu changes his sleeping positions to accommodate you, but when he’s alone, he sleeps on his side with one hand under the pillow, the slightly stretched out. 
  • Goes to bed with a cooling sleep mask, hot/cold humidifier depending on the weather, and calming white noise. 
  • He is not a heavier sleeper, but Qu had trained his mind to get proper sleep for health and beauty reasons. 
Kas Banner
  • Likes to sleep in either the side log or the side running position. If you are next to him, Kasumi likes to spoon or at least hold onto you in one way or another. 
  • Pretends to be a heavy sleeper but is actually a very light sleeper. Even the creaking of wood during the cold weather wakes him up. 
  • The most silent sleeper ever. Doesn’t move an inch and doesn’t snore or say a word – it’s almost like he isn’t sleep at all. 
Hari Banner
  • Likes to sleep in a cold and dark room and is a silent sleeper. There are times when he can’t sleep, and during those nights, he likes listening to the sound of rain.
  • Hari likes to sleep on his side but sometimes finds it more comfortable to sleep on his back, especially when Mokuren makes him rehearse to the point where his muscles are sore. 
  • Quiet sleeper but sometimes mumbles things in his sleep, mostly related to how Mokuren needs to go easy on him and Team C.
Zaku Banner
  • Start out sleeping under the blankets, but as the night progresses, he ends up rolling himself in the blanket and turns into a burrito. If you share a bed with him, he will snatch all the blankets and leave you in the cold. 
  • Sometimes snores due to the blankets covering his face. If you want him to stop snoring, just move the blankets out of his face. 
  • There are times when Zakuro randomly ara ara/oya oya-ing at night. Also, make sure not to watch any horror movies before going to bed with him. He has a habit of snickering in his sleep, so you might just wake up thinking the room is haunted. 

Mizu Banner

  • Sleepwalks for a midnight snack, takes the snack back to bed, and falls asleep while eating it. If you sleep over, be prepared to wake up to half-eaten food littering the bed.
  • Clingy sleeper. Will hold you close and NOT let go. When you are not around, he starfishes and takes covers the entire bed.
  • Has nightmares sometimes and wakes up crying.
  • May or may not kick you once in a while, depending on what type of a day he had. If Mizuki was angry for most of the day, you are better off sleeping on the couch.
Ran Banner
  • Tosses and turns a lot. If you share a bed with him, expect to get kicked or punched, and you may wake up on the floor. Even Sabu knows not to sleep on Ran’s bed at night.
  • Sleep talks a lot, especially when he is in a violent mood. His favorite phrases are: ‘Fire. Set it on fire’, ‘I wanna burn it’, and ‘Fight fight fight’.
  • Usually grins in his sleep, so you may wake up to Ran flashing his shark teeth.
  • Another starfish sleeper, but unlike Mizuki, Ran starfishes even when you share a bed with him.
Heat Banner
  • Side sleeper since it’s the most comfortable position for him due to his illness.
  • Silent and doesn’t move around much, but sometimes he has difficulty breathing and wakes up coughing. He also suffers from nightmares very often, so Heath usually doesn’t get proper sleep.
  • If you sleep over, he prefers you not share the same room as him. Heath is worried that his coughing/nightmares might wake you up. Whether you sleep in his room or not, whenever he has nightmares, he comes to you for comfort. If you are asleep, Heath won’t wake you up; instead, he will hold your hand and keep his eyes fixed on you.
Kong Banner
  • Kongou sleeps on his back with one hand behind his head. If you share a bed with him, he will wrap his free arm around your waist.
  • A peaceful sleeper and can sleep through the entire night unless he hears something odd or senses danger.
  • Very rarely, you can hear Kongou mumbling recipes in his sleep. Starless wants so many recipes from him that he is forced to prepare new recipes in his sleep.
Rico Banner
  • Sleep talk A LOT. 70% of the talk is compliments to himself or you, 20% is him talking poorly about other cast members.
  • Likes to sleep on his side with his arm stretched out, so when you are sharing a bed with him, expect him to wrap his arms around you and not let go until morning. 
  • Has quite a few nightmares about his past, so he may wake up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat and panting. A hug from you is enough to calm him down, but if you are not around, Rico stares at a photo of you smiling to help him relax. 

Unei Banner

  • When you are not around, he sleeps in a starfish position, but with you around, Unei sleeps on his side in a log position. He is just that tense and nervous. 
  • Mumbles cute things in his sleep but mostly random sounds. Those, there are times when he compliments you – things he wanted to say to your face but was too shy to do it. 
  • Unei sleepwalks from time to time, but only when he is extremely stressed out. He feels the need to work in his sleep.
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