Soft & Shy Reader

Prompt: So how do you think they’d react and/or say when they found s/o gets soft over little things?

Gender: gn!Reader

Can’t stop quietly aww-ing – Yoshino, Yakou, Takami, Menou, Hari, Kasumi, Heath

Finds himself blushing and hates the fact that he is blushing but can’t stop – Kokuyou, Maica, Mizuki

Finds himself blushing and giddy – Ginsei, Taiga, Sinju, Unei

Has the sudden urge to hug you but can’t bring himself to break your soft moment – Kei, Gui, Sin, Rindou, Qu, Aogiri, Kongou

Has the sudden urge to hug you and hugs you – Sotetsu, Akira, Zakuro, Ran, Rico

Jealous of whatever you are getting soft over and wished you would get soft over him – Nekome, Mokuren, Hinata

Prompt: Teams react to a shy y/n who love horses and have a very special and deep connection with them.

Gender: gn!Reader

Thinks that’s adorable: Sotetsu, Yakou, Ginsei, Kokuyou, Kongou, Rindou, Sinju, Mokuren, Qu, Kasumi, Rico, Heath, Iwami, Aogiri

Wants to be friends with your horse friends: Gui, Akira, Takami, Rindou, Sinju, Qu, Kasumi, Kongou, Ran, Mizuki, Hinata

Also has a connection to animals, so can relate to you on a deeper level: Kei, Sin, Heath, Ran

Buy a stable for you with all your favorite horses: Kei, Hari, Maica

Wishes they were a horse so you would stop being shy around them: Yoshino, Sotetsu, Taiga, Sinju, Zakuro, Unei

Wears a horse mask just to get your attention: Akira, Nekome, Mizuki, Ran, Hinata

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