Sweet Gestures
Prompt: What do they do to show how much they care?
Gender: gn!Reader
The week was just getting started, and the pile of work you had wouldn’t stop growing. Your coworkers kept bugging you, and your boss wouldn’t stop criticizing your work. You just wanted to take a break, but apparently, that was asking for too much. Thankfully, you had that special someone in your life who always knew what to do when you felt under the weather.

- You hadn’t slept a wink in 26 hours and could barely keep your eyes open, but you had only submitted half the project you were assigned. The sound of your phone going off nearly made you fall from your chair. Even before you could say hello, an unknown voice nervously started speaking, “H-Hello, (y/n), this is your new boss. I called to inform you that you no longer need to finish the project. Take care and goodbye.”
- You felt relieved yet confused, but when you turned your chair around, your confusion was cleared. Leona leaned against your doorframe, his arms crossed and a smirk on his lips. “Let’s get you to bed.”
- As he scooped you in his arms, you asked what happened to your old boss. The lion let out a deep chuckle, “Does it matter?”

- You heard strange noises coming from your kitchen and cautiously walked out of your room, ready to attack if needed. To your surprise, you found Riddle carefully decorating a plate. Upon seeing you, he smiled, “Did I disturb you? Forgive me. Would you like to take a break?”
- He paused momentarily before hesitantly saying, “I cooked a meal for you. It may not be on par with a professional chef, but I tried.”
- On the plate, next to the food, was a heart with the words “I love you” written inside. Looking up, you saw Riddle fidgeting with his sleeve, his cheeks red and his eyes averted.

- You finally finished a pending project but had no time to celebrate as there was a new project waiting. The project was due tomorrow, and if that wasn’t enough, you received an email a few hours ago with another project due next week. On the verge of tears, you called Lilia and told him everything. “(Y/n), everything will be alright. Leave this matter to me and rest.”
- Trusting Lilia’s words, you rested your head on your desk and dozed off. When you woke up, you saw another email from work and opened it to learn that the company had a new owner. At the bottom of the email, you saw the words Draconia Corporation, making your jaw drop.
- Malleus was unhappy to hear how your boss was treating you and decided to purchase the company entirely, then proceeded to fire your boss and distribute all your projects to other employees.

- Your mind was at a breaking point, and you couldn’t take it anymore. Just as tears began to cloud your vision, your phone’s screen turned on by itself. On the screen danced cute chibis of Idia and Ortho with a message, “Your boyfriend and his brother want to remind you to take a break. Unless you want to worry us.”
- Turns out Idia found out about your workload from Ortho, quickly wrote a program, and hacked into your phone only to upload the program. Now, every two hours, you will see a different chibi of Ortho and Idia dancing while reminding you to rest.

- You unwillingly took another sip of an energy drink, wondering how many cans you had drank so far. Out of nowhere, your boss came running into your office and fell a few feet away from your desk. Before you could ask if he was okay, he jumped to his feet and frantically apologized to you. “I am s-sorry for assigning you so much work! Please forgive me. You can go home and rest. The other office workers will take care of your work.”
- Why was he suddenly being nice to you? Your text notification went off, not giving you much time to ponder. “Now, please go home and sleep. We will talk after you wake up. Love, Azul”
- After learning about your ruthless boss from the twins, Azul asked Jade to dig up a little dirt on your boss. Turns out there was more than enough dirt, and Azul used every bit of it to blackmail him.

- Just as you rested your forehead on your desk from exhaustion, Kalim flung your door open. “Jamil told me you looked stressed and could use a little energy.”
- He stood you up from the chair, wrapped his arms around you, and started placing kisses all over your face, making you laugh. He placed one final kiss on your lips before grinning, “Was that enough energy, or do you need more?”

- Feeling a presence behind your chair, you turned around to see Vil towering over you. He frowned at the state of your face – dull skin, dark circles, and bloodshot eyes. When was the last time you took a break?
- Sighing loudly, he placed a basket of your favorite desserts on your lap. “I shall only approve of consuming sugar this once, so take a break and eat.” Before leaving, Vil pressed a gentle kiss on your forehead. He needed to have a word with your boss.