Taking Care of Him

Prompt: MC taking care of them because they are sick with flu, anemia.

Gender: fem!Reader

Kei Banner

  • “No, princess, I cannot allow you to care for me. If you spend time with me, there is a chance you might get sick as well, and I am not willing to take that risk.” 
  • “Kei, if you won’t let me take care of you, I will sit outside your bedroom door until you say yes, and you know I will do it.” 
  • Kei chuckled to himself, and though he loved this stubborn side of yours, sometimes he wished you would listen to him. “I can never win against you, can I, love? Very well, but you must wear a mask at all times.  Also, princess, you cannot share a bed with me.” 
  • “But…but that means I have to sleep all alone,” you pouted at the thought of not being able to sleep in his arm. “Fine, this means I’ve to get you back on your feet and fast! I don’t want to go days without hugging and kissing you…” 
  • If he wasn’t sick, Kei would have pulled you into his arms and peppered your face with kisses. 
  • Much to his shock, you were joking when you said you would get him back on his feet and fast. Fresh fruits and vegetables, soup, medicines, hot tea, loads of water, humidifier, not allowing him to work, forcing him to sleep all day, and shouting at anyone who dares to call and disturb him. Kei was beyond amused, especially when you yelled and lectured the people who called him. 
  • He truly enjoyed being spoiled by you, but the night he woke up to find you sitting on a chair next to his bed with your head on the bed, holding one of his hands, Kei felt bad for keeping his distance from you and worrying you. 
  • This time around, he made the mistake of overworking and not taking proper care of himself, but from now on, he will be more careful – for your sake. 
Gins Banner
  • Though Ginsei was thankful for your offer, he refused, at first, as he didn’t want to bother you. 
  • “Princess, I can take care of myself, so don’t worry,” he forced a smile and tried to get out of bed, only to trip over his feet and fall onto his knees. 
  • “Nope, I am definitely not leaving your side now. You can’t even walk!” Helping him to his feet, you sat him back on the bed. “Let’s see…I will call Unei and let him know you are sick. Then, I need to go out and buy groceries…hm, maybe I will ask that nice grandma next door if she knows any good recipes that will help you recover faster.” 
  • Hearing your words made Ginsei happy, and he was thankful that you were willing to take care of him, but he wasn’t expecting you to run a recovery boot camp. If he tried to get up, you forced him back into bed; if he tried to read any scripts, you forced him to sleep; if he tried to check in with his teammates, you took his phone away. Though he knew you were trying to help him, Ginsei wished you weren’t so strict. 
  • There were times when he snuck a conversation or two while you were in the kitchen or quickly read an act of a script and hid the papers under his pillow when he heard you coming into the room. 
  • Then, out of curiosity, he peeked out of his room to see you leaning against the kitchen counter, looking absolutely exhausted. Ginsei realized he was responsible for your condition and felt guilty, after which he decided to follow everything you told him so he could recover faster. 
  • “Princess…I’m sorry for stressing you out. I promise to take better care of myself. I am also sorry for not listening to you…when you were cooking for me, I would check in with my team members and read scripts. If you want to punish me in any way for causing you trouble, I will gladly accept the punishments.” 
Sin Banner
  • “A single gust can spread even the smallest of fires.”
  • “Sin, please…you’re not feeling well, so don’t use Singo. You know you will have to explain the meaning to me, so why waste your energy? Talk without using Singo.” 
  • Sin chuckled, “Sorry, my dearest, but my condition is contiguous, and I don’t want you to get sick. I will be fine by myself.” 
  • “If you could take care of yourself, you wouldn’t get sick in the first place, would you?” You hmphed and crossed your arms, throwing a dash of sass in your voice. 
  • “You are not wrong, but I still refuse your offer as there is a high chance you will get sick.” 
  • “I won’t get sick, Sin.” 
  • He stayed silent for a minute before replying, “And if you do?” 
  • “Then I will do whatever you say. Happy? Now, to bed, mister. Team W has a show coming up in two weeks, right? That means you have to recover quickly.” 
  • Sin followed all your instructions without protest, ate everything you made to the last bite, and stayed in his bed all day. Thanks to you, he made a quick recovery, but unfortunately for you, his prediction came true. 
  • As you sneezed up a storm, Sin watched with a worried expression, yet he couldn’t stop himself from smirking. “A single gust can spread even the smallest of fires. Wouldn’t you agree, my dear?” 
  • “Huh? What are you talking about, Sin? I’m not sick…I just…smelled something weird…yeah, something really weird.” 
  • “I see. Would that unusual smell also be responsible for your flushed face, shivering body, and runny nose?” He raised an eyebrow as he handed you a box of facial tissue. 
  • “AH, you were right, okay? Happy? Can’t believe you’re throwing my own sass back at me,” you snatched the box from his hand and pouted. 
  • A laugh escaped his lips, “Then I assume you remember your promise? You will do as I say. (Y/n), you are to go to bed this instant. Now, it is my turn to care for you.” 
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