Prompt: Can I request a dancer/singer s/o? Maybe for the dance preference is like Matt Steffanina (The Box) and for the singing Chandelier (Sia).
Gender: gn!Reader

- Kei was surprised to hear music coming from the rehearsal room. He had checked the schedule a few minutes back, and none of the teams had booked the room. Quietly, he approached the room.
- You were too focused on your dance steps to notice your boyfriend leaning against the doorframe, watching you with a smirk.
- Kei’s eyes carefully analyzed your body movements, transitions, and grace. Unbeknownst to you, your moves had left a great impression on Kei.
- After you finished performing, the sound of clapping echoed in the rehearsal room.
- “K-Kei?” Your cheeks turned red when you saw his expressions.
- “Impressive.” He spoke with a smile on his face, “How would you like to help me train some of the members of Starless?”
- “Huh? M-Me?”
- “You have quite the talent, and considering that those members dislike me, they would be more inclined to listen to you.”

- As you sang your heart you, Sotetsu quietly listened to you, making sure that you couldn’t see him.
- But when he heard you stop, he peeked into the room in time to hear the music start. You effortlessly swayed your body to the music, catching every beat the song offered.
- A smile formed on your boyfriend’s lips as his heart raced furiously.
- After you finished, Sotetsu walked up behind you and wrapped his muscular arms firmly around you.
- “Sotetsu! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?” You squealed, glaring playfully at him.
- “I should be asking you that question.” He whispered and smirked, “Your energy…your moves…flawless.”
- He watched your face turn several shades of red, “Babe, do me a favor. Don’t let the other guys see you dancing like that.”
- “Hm? Why not?”
- “I don’t want them trying to steal you away from me.”

- Kokuyou made his way to the rehearsal room after finishing a cigarette. He stopped at the door and raised an eyebrow after seeing you stretching.
- The music started, and to Kokuyou’s shock, you showed off some smooth moves. Almost in a trance, your boyfriend walked to you and joined you.
- You almost stopped but seeing his expressions, you smiled and danced alongside him. The entire time he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
- “Why didn’t you tell me that you knew how to dance?” He asked after the song finished.
- “I didn’t really think you would care.”
- “Hm…well, you were wrong to think that.” He said in his usual cold tone, but this time around there was a hint of softness in his voice.
- Though he didn’t say it out loud, it was clear from Kokuyou’s expressions that he was proud to have a talented girlfriend.

- Akira’s shift had ended, and he was on his way to the locker room to get changed. Just as he was about to walk by the locker room, he heard a familiar voice.
- Peeking into the room, he saw you singing your heart out. Akira was nothing less than blown away by your flawless vocals.
- After singing for a bit, he watched you stretch and suddenly break into smooth yet powerful moves. His jaw dropped as his eyes stayed glued to your body.
- When you finished rehearsing, you turned around and almost lost your balance. “A-Akira? How long have you been standing here?”
- “Baby, you never told me you could dance and sing this well.” He strolled into the room, flashing his signature grin.
- “Uh w-well…”
- “I want to collaborate with you sometimes.” Akira smiled but sighed right after, “Too bad we can’t perform on the Starless stage together. With our voices combined, we could blow away the audience.”