Prompt: I know that the BSTS men likes to show off their bodies (yes, totally valid, I’d do it too) but who do you think amongst them has scars? Could either be from past events or something else. And who’d like to hide or flaunt them?
Has a scar: EVERYONE. I can’t imagine these men not getting injured and not having scars…esepcially since they performance a lot, carry heavy things, like violence, and so on.
Likes to flaunt scar: Sotetsu, Kokuyou (lol), Menou, Nekome, Mizuki, Ran, Iwami
Hides the scar: Kei, Ginsei, Yakou, Yoshino, Akira, Takami, Sin, Taiga, Rindou, Qu, Kasumi, Kongou, Rico, Aogiri
Scar is in a place which they usually have covered: Gui, Yoshino, Akira, Maica, Sinju, Mokuren, Hari, Zakuro, Heath, Unei, Hinata
👆 Get your mind out of the gutter. 🤣
Prompt: Tattoos. Who has them (covers them in concealer during shows), who’s wanted one, who doesn’t?
Doesn’t want any tattoos: Kei, Gui, Ginsei, Yoshino, Yakou, Sin, Takami, Maica, Mokuren, Qu, Zakuro, Kongou
Wants tattoos: Menou, Hari, Mizuki
Has them and feels the need to cover them up: Rindou, Kasumi, Ran, Rico, Aogiri
Wishes he didn’t have to cover them: Sotetsu, Kokuyou, Akira, Nekome, Hinata
Has them and doesn’t need to cover them up. Ha, take that cast members: Iwami, Haseyama
I HATE NEEDLES! : Taiga, Sinju, Unei, Heath